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The Rainbow-虹(英文版)-第57部分

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She spoke with some contempt。

〃Yes; I do。 He is half a Pole; and a Baron too。 In England he
is equivalent to a Lord。 My grandmother was his father's

But the two friends were hostile。 It was as if Ursula
wanted to divide herself from her acquaintances; in
asserting her connection with Anton; as she now called him。

He came a good deal to Cossethay; because her mother was fond
of him。 Anna Brangwen became something of a grande dame
with Skrebensky; very calm; taking things for granted。

〃Aren't the children in bed?〃 cried Ursula petulantly; as she
came in with the young man。

〃They will be in bed in half an hour;〃 said the mother。

〃There is no peace;〃 cried Ursula。

〃The children must live; Ursula;〃 said her mother。

And Skrebensky was against Ursula in this。 Why should she be
so insistent?

But then; as Ursula knew; he did not have the perpetual
tyranny of young children about him。 He treated her mother with
great courtliness; to which Mrs。 Brangwen returned an easy;
friendly hospitality。 Something pleased the girl in her mother's
calm assumption of state。 It seemed impossible to abate Mrs。
Brangwen's position。 She could never be beneath anyone in public
relation。 Between Brangwen and Skrebensky there was an
unbridgeable silence。 Sometimes the two men made a slight
conversation; but there was no interchange。 Ursula rejoiced to
see her father retreating into himself against the young

She was proud of Skrebensky in the house。 His lounging;
languorous indifference irritated her and yet cast a spell over
her。 She knew it was the oute of a spirit of
laissez…aller bined with profound young vitality。 Yet
it irritated her deeply。

Notwithstanding; she was proud of him as he lounged in his
lambent fashion in her home; he was so attentive and courteous
to her mother and to herself all the time。 It was wonderful to
have his awareness in the room。 She felt rich and augmented by
it; as if she were the positive attraction and he the flow
towards her。 And his courtesy and his agreement might be all her
mother's; but the lambent flicker of his body was for herself。
She held it。

She must ever prove her power。

〃I meant to show you my little wood…carving;〃 she said。

〃I'm sure it's not worth showing; that;〃 said her father。

〃Would you like to see it?〃 she asked; leaning towards the

And his body had risen from the chair; though his face seemed
to want to agree with her parents。

〃It is in the shed;〃 she said。

And he followed her out of the door; whatever his feelings
might be。

In the shed they played at kisses; really played at kisses。
It was a delicious; exciting game。 She turned to him; her face
all laughing; like a challenge。 And he accepted the challenge at
once。 He twined his hand full of her hair; and gently; with his
hand wrapped round with hair behind her head; gradually brought
her face nearer to his; whilst she laughed breathless with
challenge; and his eyes gleamed with answer; with enjoyment of
the game。 And he kissed her; asserting his will over her; and
she kissed him back; asserting her deliberate enjoyment of him。
Daring and reckless and dangerous they knew it was; their game;
each playing with fire; not with love。 A sort of defiance of all
the world possessed her in it……she would kiss him just
because she wanted to。 And a dare…devilry in him; like a
cynicism; a cut at everything he pretended to serve; retaliated
in him。

She was very beautiful then; so wide opened; so radiant; so
palpitating; exquisitely vulnerable and poignantly; wrongly;
throwing herself to risk。 It roused a sort of madness in him。
Like a flower shaking and wide…opened in the sun; she tempted
him and challenged him; and he accepted the challenge; something
went fixed in him。 And under all her laughing; poignant
recklessness was the quiver of tears。 That almost sent him mad;
mad with desire; with pain; whose only issue was through
possession of her body。

So; shaken; afraid; they went back to her parents in the
kitchen; and dissimulated。 But something was roused in both of
them that they could not now allay。 It intensified and
heightened their senses; they were more vivid; and powerful in
their being。 But under it all was a poignant sense of
transience。 It was a magnificent self…assertion on the part of
both of them; he asserted himself before her; he felt himself
infinitely male and infinitely irresistible; she asserted
herself before him; she knew herself infinitely desirable; and
hence infinitely strong。 And after all; what could either of
them get from such a passion but a sense of his or of her own
maximum self; in contradistinction to all the rest of life?
Wherein was something finite and sad; for the human soul at its
maximum wants a sense of the infinite。

Nevertheless; it was begun now; this passion; and must go on;
the passion of Ursula to know her own maximum self; limited and
so defined against him。 She could limit and define herself
against him; the male; she could be her maximum self; female; oh
female; triumphant for one moment in exquisite assertion against
the male; in supreme contradistinction to the male。

The next afternoon; when he came; prowling; she went with him
across to the church。 Her father was gradually gathering in
anger against him; her mother was hardening in anger against
her。 But the parents were naturally tolerant in action。

They went together across the churchyard; Ursula and
Skrebensky; and ran to hiding in the church。 It was dimmer in
there than the sunny afternoon outside; but the mellow glow
among the bowed stone was very sweet。 The windows burned in ruby
and in blue; they made magnificent arras to their bower of
secret stone。

〃What a perfect place for a rendezvous;〃 he said; in a
hushed voice; glancing round。

She too glanced round the familiar interior。 The dimness and
stillness chilled her。 But her eyes lit up with daring。 Here;
here she would assert her indomitable gorgeous female self;
here。 Here she would open her female flower like a flame; in
this dimness that was more passionate than light。

They hung apart a moment; then wilfully turned to each other
for the desired contact。 She put her arms round him; she cleaved
her body to his; and with her hands pressed upon his shoulders;
on his back; she seemed to feel right through him; to know his
young; tense body right through。 And it was so fine; so hard;
yet so exquisitely subject and under her control。 She reached
him her mouth and drank his full kiss; drank it fuller and

And it was so good; it was very; very good。 She seemed to be
filled with his kiss; filled as if she had drunk strong; glowing
sunshine。 She glowed all inside; the sunshine seemed to beat
upon her heart underneath; she had drunk so beautifully。

She drew away; and looked at him radiant; exquisitely;
glowingly beautiful; and satisfied; but radiant as an illumined

To him this was bitter; that she was so radiant and
satisfied。 She laughed upon him; blind to him; so full of her
own bliss; never doubting but that he was the same as she was。
And radiant as an angel she went with him out of the church; as
if her feet were beams of light that walked on flowers for

He went beside her; his soul clenched; his body unsatisfied。
Was she going to make this easy triumph over him? For him; there
was now no self…bliss; only pain and confused anger。

It was high summer; and the hay…harvest was almost over。 It
would be finished on Saturday。 On Saturday; however; Skrebensky
was going away。 He could not stay any longer。

Having decided to go he became very tender and loving to her;
kissing her gently; with such soft; sweet; insidious closeness
that they were both of them intoxicated。

The very last Friday of his stay he met her ing out of
school; and took her to tea in the town。 Then he had a motor…car
to drive her home。

Her excitement at riding in a motor…car was greatest of all。
He too was very proud of this last coup。 He saw Ursula kindle
and flare up to the romance of the situation。 She raised her
head like a young horse snuffing with wild delight。

The car swerved round a corner; and Ursula was swung against
Skrebensky。 The contact made her aware of him。 With a swift;
foraging impulse she sought for his hand and clasped it in her
own; so close; so bined; as if they were two children。

The wind blew in on Ursula's face; the mud flew in a soft;
wild rush from the wheels; the country was blackish green; with
the silver of new hay here and there; and masses of trees under
a silver…gleaming sky。

Her hand tightened on his with a new consciousness; troubled。
They did not speak for some time; but sat; hand…fast; with
averted; shining faces。

And every now and then the car swung her against him。 And
they waited for the motion to bring them together。 Yet they
stared out of the windows; mute。

She saw the familiar country racing by。 But now; it was no
familiar country; it was wonderland。 There was the Hemlock Stone
standing on its grassy hill。 Strange it looked on this wet;
early summer evening; remote; in a magic land。 Some rooks were
flying out of the trees。

Ah; if only she and Skrebensky could get out; dismount into
this enchanted land where nobody had ever been before! Then they
would be enchanted people; they would put off the dull;
customary self。 If she were wandering there; on that hill…slope
under a silvery; changing sky; in which many rooks melted like
hurrying showers of blots! If they could walk past the wetted
hay…swaths; smelling the early evening; and pass in to the wood
where the honeysuckle scent was sweet on the cold tang in the
air; and showers of drops fell when one brushed a bough; cold
and lovely on the face!

But she was here with him in the car; close to him; and the
wind was rushing on her lifted; eager face; blowing back the
hair。 He turned and looked at her; at her face clean as a
chiselled thing; her hair chiselled back by the wind; her fine
nose keen and lifted。

It was agony to him; seeing her swift and clean…cut and
virgin。 He wanted to kill himself; and throw his detested
carcase at her feet。 His desire to turn round on himself and
rend himself was an agony to him。

Suddenly she glanced at him。 He seemed to be crouching
towards her; reaching; he seemed to wince between the brows。 But
instantly; seeing her lighted eyes and radiant face; his
expression changed; his old reckless laugh shone to her。 She
pressed his hand in utter delight; and he abided。 And suddenly
she stooped and kissed his hand; bent her head and caught it to
her mouth; in generous homage。 And the blood burned in him。 Yet
he remained still; he made no move。

She started。 They were swinging into Cossethay。 Skrebensky
was going to leave her。 But it was all so magic; her cup was so
full of bright wine; her eyes could only shine。

He tapped and spoke to the man。 The car swung up by the yew
trees。 She gave him her hand and said good…bye; naive and brief
as a schoolgirl。 And she stood watching him go; her face
shining。 The fact of his driving on meant nothing to her; she
was so filled by her own bright ecstacy。 She did not see him go;
for she was f
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