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首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺)-第9部分

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d into Texas。 Their beautiful St Thomas’s – a mag for professional muters to Yarvil; who were attracted by the tiny classes; the rolltop desks; the aged stone building and the lush green playing field – would be overrun and swamped by the offspring of scroungers; addicts and mothers whose children had all been fathered by different men。

This nightmarish scenario had never been fully realized; because while there were undoubtedly advantages to St Thomas’s there were also drawbacks: the need to buy the uniform; or else to fill in all the forms required to qualify for assistance for the same; the necessity of attaining bus passes; and of getting up earlier to ensure that the children arrived at school on time。 Some households in the Fields found these onerous obstacles; and their children were absorbed instead by the large plain…clothes primary school that had been built to serve the Cantermill Estate。 Most of the Fields pupils who came to St Thomas’s blended in well with their peers in Pagford; some; indeed; were admitted to be perfectly nice children。 Thus Barry Fairbrother had moved up through the school; a popular and clever class clown; only occasionally noticing that the smile of a Pagford parent stiffened when he mentioned the place where he lived。

Nevertheless; St Thomas’s was sometimes forced to take in a Fields pupil of undeniably disruptive nature。 Krystal Weedon had been living with her great…grandmother in Hope Street when the time came for her to start school; so that there was really no way of stopping her ing; even though; when she moved back to the Fields with her mother at the age of eight; there were high hopes locally that she would leave St Thomas’s for good。

Krystal’s slow passage up the school had resembled the passage of a goat through the body of a boa constrictor; being highly visible and unfortable for both parties concerned。 Not that Krystal was always in class: for much of her career at St Thomas’s she had been taught one…on…one by a special teacher。

By a malign stroke of fate; Krystal had been in the same class as Howard and Shirley’s eldest granddaughter; Lexie。 Krystal had once hit Lexie Mollison so hard in the face that she had knocked out two of her teeth。 That they had already been wobbly was not felt; by Lexie’s parents and grandparents; to be much of an extenuation。

It was the conviction that whole classes of Krystals would be waiting for their daughters at Winterdown prehensive that finally decided Miles and Samantha Mollison on removing both their daughters to St Anne’s; the private girls’ school in Yarvil; where they had bee weekly boarders。 The fact that his granddaughters had been driven out of their rightful places by Krystal Weedon; swiftly became one of Howard’s favourite conversational examples of the estate’s nefarious influence on Pagford life。

The first effusion of Pagford’s outrage had annealed into a quieter; but no less powerful; sense of grievance。 The Fields polluted and corrupted a place of peace and beauty; and the smouldering townsfolk remained determined to cut the estate adrift。 Yet boundary reviews had e and gone; and reforms in local government had swept the area without effecting any change: the Fields remained part of Pagford。 Newers to the town learned quickly that abhorrence of the estate was a necessary passport to the goodwill of that hard core of Pagfordians who ran everything。

But now; at long last – over sixty years after Old Aubrey Fawley had handed Yarvil that fatal parcel of land – after decades of patient work; of strategizing and petitioning; of collating information and haranguing sub…mittees – the anti…Fielders of Pagford found themselves; at last; on the trembling threshold of victory。

The recession was forcing local authorities to streamline; cut and reorganize。 There were those on the higher body of Yarvil District Council who foresaw an advantage to their electoral fortunes if the crumbling little estate; likely to fare poorly under the austerity measures imposed by the national government; were to be scooped up; and its disgruntled inhabitants joined to their own voters。

Pagford had its own representative in Yarvil: District Councillor Aubrey Fawley。 This was not the man who had enabled the construction of the Fields; but his son; ‘Young Aubrey’; who had inherited Sweetlove House and who worked through the week as a merchant banker in London。 There was a whiff of penance in Aubrey’s involvement in local affairs; a sense that he ought to make right the wrong that his father had so carelessly done to the little town。 He and his wife Julia donated and gave out prizes at the agricultural show; sat on any number of local mittees; and threw an annual Christmas party to which invitations were much coveted。

It was Howard’s pride and delight to think that he and Aubrey were such close allies in the continuing quest to reassign the Fields to Yarvil; because Aubrey moved in a higher sphere of merce that manded Howard’s fascinated respect。 Every evening; after the delicatessen closed; Howard removed the tray of his old…fashioned till; and counted up coins and dirty notes before placing them in a safe。 Aubrey; on the other hand; never touched money during his office hours; and yet he caused it to move in unimaginable quantities across continents。 He managed it and multiplied it and; when the portents were less propitious; he watched magisterially as it vanished。 To Howard; Aubrey had a mystique that not even a worldwide financial crash could dent; the delicatessen…owner was impatient of anyone who blamed the likes of Aubrey for the mess in which the country found itself。 Nobody had plained when things were going well; was Howard’s oft…repeated view; and he accorded Aubrey the respect due to a general injured in an unpopular war。

Meanwhile; as a district councillor; Aubrey was privy to all kinds of interesting statistics; and in a position to share a good deal of information with Howard about Pagford’s troublesome satellite。 The two men knew exactly how much of the district’s resources were poured; without return or apparent improvement; into the Fields’ dilapidated streets; that nobody owned their own house in the Fields (whereas the red…brick houses of the Cantermill Estate were almost all in private hands these days; they had been prettified almost beyond recognition; with window…boxes and porches and neat front lawns); that nearly two…thirds of Fields…dwellers lived entirely off the state; and that a sizeable proportion passed through the doors of the Bellchapel Addiction Clinic。

Howard carried the mental image of the Fields with him always; like a memory of a nightmare: boarded windows daubed with obscenities; smoking teenagers loitering in the perennially defaced bus shelters; satellite dishes everywhere; turned to the skies like the denuded ovules of grim metal flowers。 He often asked rhetorically why they could not have organized and made the place over – what was stopping the residents from pooling their meagre resources and buying a lawnmower between the lot of them? But it never happened: the Fields waited for the councils; District and Parish; to clean; to repair; to maintain; to give and give and give again。

Howard would then recall the Hope Street of his boyhood; with its tiny back gardens; each hardly more than tablecloth…sized squares of earth; but most; including his mother’s; bristling with runner beans and potatoes。 There was nothing; as far as Howard could see; to stop the Fielders growing fresh vegetables; nothing to stop them disciplining their sinister; hooded; spray…painting offspring; nothing to stop them pulling themselves together as a munity and tackling the dirt and the shabbiness; nothing to stop them cleaning themselves up and taking jobs; nothing at all。 So Howard was forced to draw the conclusion that they were choosing; of their own free will; to live the way they lived; and that the estate’s air of slightly threatening degradation was nothing more than a physical manifestation of ignorance and indolence。

Pagford; by contrast; shone with a kind of moral radiance in Howard’s mind; as though the collective soul of the munity was made manifest in its cobbled streets; its hills; its picturesque houses。 To Howard; his birthplace was much more than a collection of old buildings; and a fast…flowing; tree…fringed river; the majestic silhouette of the abbey above or the hanging baskets in the Square。 For him; the town was an ideal; a way of being; a micro…civilization that stood firmly against a national decline。

‘I’m a Pagford man;’ he would tell summertime tourists; ‘born and bred。’ In so saying; he was giving himself a profound pliment disguised as a monplace。 He had been born in Pagford and he would die there; and he had never dreamed of leaving; nor itched for more change of scene than could be had from watching the seasons transform the surrounding woods and river; from watching the Square blossom in spring or sparkle at Christmas。

Barry Fairbrother had known all this; indeed; he had said it。 He had laughed right across the table in the church hall; laughed right in Howard’s face。 ‘You know; Howard; you are Pagford to me。’ And Howard; not disposed in the slightest (for he had always met Barry joke for joke); had said; ‘I’ll take that as a great pliment; Barry; however it was intended。’

He could afford to laugh。 The one remaining ambition of Howard’s life was within touching distance: the return of the Fields to Yarvil seemed imminent and certain。

Then; two days before Barry Fairbrother had dropped dead in a car park; Howard had learned from an unimpeachable source that his opponent had broken all known rules of engagement; and had gone to the local paper with a story about the blessing it had been for Krystal Weedon to be educated at St Thomas’s。

The idea of Krystal Weedon being paraded in front of the reading public as an example of the successful integration of the Fields and Pagford might (so Howard said) have been funny; had it not been so serious。 Doubtless Fairbrother would have coached the girl; and the truth about her foul mouth; the endlessly interrupted classes; the other children in tears; the constant removals and reintegrations; would be lost in lies。

Howard trusted the good sense of his fellow townsfolk; but he feared journalistic spin and the interference of ignorant do…gooders。 His objection was both principled and personal: he had not yet forgotten how his granddaughter had sobbed in his arms; with bloody sockets where her teeth had been; while he tried to soothe her with a promise of triple prizes from the tooth fairy。

Two mornings after her husband’s death; Mary Fairbrother woke at five o’clock。 She had slept in the marital bed with her twelve…year…old; Declan; who had crawled in; sobbing; shortly after midnight。 He was sound asleep now; so Mary crept out of the room and went down into the kitchen to cry more freely。 Every hour that passed added to her grief; because it bore her further away from the living man; and because it was a tiny foretaste of the eternity she would have to spend without him。 Again and again she found herself forgetting; for the space of a heartbeat; that he was gone for ever and tha
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