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首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺)-第7部分

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day morals; they lied; misbehaved and cheated routinely; and yet their fury when wrongly accused was limitless and genuine。 Tessa thought she recognized this as authentic outrage; as opposed to the synthetic kind that Krystal was adept at producing。 In any case; the squawk Tessa had heard during assembly had struck her at the time as one of shock and dismay rather than amusement; Tessa had been filled with dread when Colin had publicly identified it as laughter。

‘I seen Cubby—’


‘I tole your fuckin’ ’usband—’

‘Krystal; for the last time; please do not swear at me—’

‘I told ’im I never laughed; I told ’im! An’ he’s still gave me fucking detention!’

Tears of fury gleamed in the girl’s heavily pencilled eyes。 Blood had flowed into her face; peony pink; she glared at Tessa; poised to run; to swear; to give Tessa the finger too。 Nearly two years of gossamer…fine trust; laboriously spun between them; was stretching; on the point of tearing。

‘I believe you; Krystal。 I believe you didn’t laugh; but please do not swear at me。’

Suddenly; stubby fingers were rubbing the smeary eyes。 Tessa pulled a wad of tissues from out of her desk drawer and handed them across to Krystal; who grabbed them without thanks; pressed them to each eye and blew her nose。 Krystal’s hands were the most touching part of her: the fingernails were short and broad; untidily painted; and all her hand movements were as naive and direct as a small child’s。

Tessa waited until Krystal’s snorting breaths had slowed down。 Then she said; ‘I can tell you’re upset that Mr Fairbrother has died—’

‘Yer; I am;’ said Krystal; with considerable aggression。 ‘So?’

Tessa had a sudden mental image of Barry listening in to this conversation。 She could see his rueful smile; she heard him; quite clearly; saying ‘bless her heart’。 Tessa closed her stinging eyes; unable to speak。 She heard Krystal fidget; counted slowly to ten; and opened her eyes again。 Krystal was staring at her; arms still folded; flushed and defiant…looking。

‘I’m very sorry about Mr Fairbrother too;’ said Tessa。 ‘He was an old friend of ours; actually。 That’s the reason Mr Wall is a bit—’

‘I told ’im I never—’

‘Krystal; please let me finish。 Mr Wall is very upset today; and that’s probably why he … why he misinterpreted what you did。 I’ll speak to him。’

‘He won’t change his fuck—’


‘Well; he won’。’

Krystal banged the leg of Tessa’s desk with her foot; beating out a rapid rhythm。 Tessa removed her elbows from the desk; so as not to feel the vibration; and said; ‘I’ll speak to Mr Wall。’

She adopted what she believed was a neutral expression and waited patiently for Krystal to e to her。 Krystal sat in truculent silence; kicking the table leg; swallowing regularly。

‘What was wrong with Mr Fairbrother?’ she said at last。

‘They think an artery burst in his brain;’ said Tessa。

‘Why did it?’

‘He was born with a weakness he didn’t know about;’ said Tessa。

Tessa knew that Krystal’s familiarity with sudden death was greater than her own。 People in Krystal’s mother’s circle died prematurely with such frequency that they might have been involved in some secret war of which the rest of the world knew nothing。 Krystal had told Tessa how; when she was six years old; she had found the corpse of an unknown young man in her mother’s bathroom。 It had been the catalyst for one of her many removals into the care of her Nana Cath。 Nana Cath loomed large in many of Krystal’s stories about her childhood; a strange mixture of saviour and scourge。

‘Our crew’ll be fucked now;’ said Krystal。

‘No; it won’t;’ said Tessa。 ‘And don’t swear; Krystal; please。’

‘It will;’ said Krystal。

Tessa wanted to contradict her; but the impulse was squashed by exhaustion。 Krystal was right; anyway; said a disconnected; rational part of Tessa’s brain。 The rowing eight would be finished。 Nobody except Barry could have brought Krystal Weedon into any group and kept her there。 She would leave; Tessa knew it; probably Krystal knew it herself。 They sat for a while without speaking; and Tessa was too tired to find words that might have changed the atmosphere between them。 She felt shivery; exposed; skinned to the bone。 She had been awake for over twenty…four hours。

(Samantha Mollison had telephoned from the hospital at ten o’clock; just as Tessa was emerging from a long soak in the bath to watch the BBC news。 She had scrambled back into her clothes while Colin made inarticulate noises and blundered into the furniture。 They had called upstairs to tell their son where they were going; then run out to the car。 Colin had driven far too fast into Yarvil; as though he might bring Barry back if he could do the journey in record time; outstrip reality and trick it into rearranging itself。)

‘If you ain’ gonna talk to me; I’ll go;’ said Krystal。

‘Don’t be rude; please; Krystal;’ said Tessa。 ‘I’m very tired this morning。 Mr Wall and I were at the hospital last night with Mr Fairbrother’s wife。 They’re good friends of ours。’

(Mary had unravelled pletely when she had seen Tessa; flinging her arms around her; burying her face in Tessa’s neck with a dreadful wailing shriek。 Even as Tessa’s own tears began to splatter down Mary’s narrow back; she thought quite distinctly that the noise Mary was making was called keening。 The body that Tessa had so often envied; slim and petite; had quaked in her arms; barely able to contain the grief it was being asked to bear。

Krystal was chewing on the tips of her fingers。

‘He were gonna get me talkin’ to the paper;’ she said abruptly。

‘What’s that?’ asked Tessa; confused。

‘Mr Fairbrother wuz。 He wuz gonna get me interviewed。 On me own。’

There had once been a piece in the local paper about the Winterdown rowing eight ing first in the regional finals。 Krystal; whose reading was poor; had brought a copy of the paper in to show Tessa; and Tessa had read the article aloud; inserting exclamations of delight and admiration。 It had been the happiest guidance session she had ever known。

‘Were they going to interview you because of rowing?’ asked Tessa。 ‘The crew again?’

‘No;’ said Krystal。 ‘Other stuff。’ Then; ‘When’s his funeral?’

‘We don’t know yet;’ said Tessa。

Krystal gnawed at her nails; and Tessa could not summon the energy to break the silence that solidified around them。

The announcement of Barry’s death on the Parish Council website sank with barely a ripple; a tiny pebble into the teeming ocean。 All the same; the telephone lines in Pagford were busier than usual this Monday; and little knots of pedestrians kept congregating on the narrow pavements to check; in shocked tones; the exactness of their information。

As the news travelled; an odd transmutation took place。 It happened to the signature dotting the files in Barry’s office and to the emails littering inboxes of his enormous acquaintance; which began to take on the pathos of the crumb trail of a lost boy in a forest。 These rapid scribbles; the pixels arranged by fingers henceforth forever still; acquired the macabre aspect of husks。 Gavin was already a little repelled by the sight of his dead friend’s texts on his phone; and one of the girls from the rowing eight; still crying as she walked back from assembly; found a form that Barry had signed in her school bag; and became almost hysterical。

The twenty…three…year…old journalist at the Yarvil and District Gazette had no idea that Barry’s once busy brain was now a heavy handful of spongy tissue on a metal tray in South West General。 She read through what he had emailed her an hour before his death; then called his mobile number; but nobody answered。 Barry’s phone; which he had turned off at Mary’s request before they left for the golf club; was sitting silently beside the microwave in the kitchen; along with the rest of his personal effects that the hospital had given her to take home。 Nobody had touched them。 These familiar objects – his key fob; his phone; his worn old wallet – seemed like pieces of the dead man himself; they might have been his fingers; his lungs。

Onwards and outwards the news of Barry’s death spread; radiating; halo…like; from those who had been at the hospital。 Onwards and outwards as far as Yarvil; reaching those who knew Barry only by sight or reputation or by name。 Gradually the facts lost form and focus; in some cases they became distorted。 In places; Barry himself was lost behind the nature of his ending; and he became no more than an eruption of vomit and piss; a twitching pile of catastrophe; and it seemed incongruous; even grotesquely ical; that a man should have died so messily at the smug little golf club。

So it was that Simon Price; who had been one of the first to hear about Barry’s death; in his house on top of the hill overlooking Pagford; met a rebounding version at the Harcourt…Walsh printworks in Yarvil where he had worked ever since leaving school。 It was borne to him on the lips of a young; gum…chewing forklift driver; whom Simon found skulking beside his office door; after a late…afternoon return from the bathroom。

The boy had not e; in the first place; to discuss Barry at all。

The boy chewed vigorously; Simon could hear his saliva working。 Gum…chewing was one of Simon’s many pet hates。

‘It’s the proper thing; though; is it?’ Simon demanded。 ‘Not some knock…off piece of crap?’

‘e straight from the warehouse;’ said the boy; shifting his feet and his shoulders。 ‘Real thing; still boxed up。’

‘All right; then;’ said Simon。 ‘Bring it in Wednesday。’

‘What; here?’ The boy rolled his eyes。 ‘Nah; not to work; mate … Where d’you live?’

‘Pagford;’ said Simon。

‘Where’bouts in Pagford?’

Simon’s aversion to naming his home bordered on the superstitious。 He not only disliked visitors – invaders of his privacy and possible despoilers of his property – but he saw Hilltop House as inviolate; immaculate; a world apart from Yarvil and the crashing; grinding printworks。

‘I’ll e and pick it up after work;’ said Simon; ignoring the question。 ‘Where are you keeping it?’

The boy did not look happy。 Simon glared at him。

‘Well; I’d need the cash upfront;’ the forklift driver temporized。

‘You get the money when I’ve got the goods。’

‘Dun’ work like that; mate。’

Simon thought he might be developing a headache。 He could not dislodge the horrible idea; implanted by his careless wife that morning; that a tiny bomb might tick undetected for ages inside a man’s brain。 The steady clatter and rumble of the printing press beyond the door was surely not good for him; its relentless battery might have been thinning his artery walls for years。

‘All right;’ he grunted; and rolled over in his chair to extract his wallet from his back pocket。 The boy stepped up to the desk; his hand out。

‘D’yeh live anywhere near Pagford golf course?’ he asked; as Simon counted out tenners into his palm。 ‘Mate o’ mine was up there las’ night; an’ saw a bloke drop dead。 Jus’ fuckin’ puked an’ keeled over an’ died in the car park。’

‘Yeah; I heard;’ said Simon; massaging the last n
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