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首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺)-第5部分

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d yelps。 It was easy to forget; sometimes; that her daughter was in the house。

He jogged down the carpetless stairs。 Kay had told him of her plans to sand and polish them; but he doubted that she would ever do it; her flat in London had been shabby and in poor repair。 In any case; he was convinced that she was expecting to move in with him quite soon; but he would not allow it; that was the final bastion; and there; if forced; he would make his stand。

‘What have you done to yourself?’ Kay squealed; catching sight of the blood on his shirt。 She was wearing the cheap scarlet kimono that he did not like; but which suited her so well。

‘Gaia banged on the door and made me jump。 I’m going to have to go home and change。’

‘Oh; but I’ve made you breakfast!’ she said quickly。

He realized that the smell of burning rubber was actually scrambled eggs。 They looked anaemic and overcooked。

‘I can’t; Kay; I’ve got to change this shirt; I’ve got an early—’

She was already spooning the congealed mass onto plates。

‘Five minutes; surely you can stay five—?’

The mobile phone in his jacket pocket buzzed loudly and he pulled it out; wondering whether he would have the nerve to pretend that it was an urgent summons。

‘Jesus Christ;’ he said; in unfeigned horror。

‘What’s the matter?’

‘Barry。 Barry Fairbrother! He’s … fuck; he’s … he’s dead! It’s from Miles。 Jesus Christ。 Jesus fucking Christ!’

She laid down the wooden spoon。

‘Who’s Barry Fairbrother?’

‘I play squash with him。 He’s only forty…four! Jesus Christ!’

He read the text message again。 Kay watched him; confused。 She knew that Miles was Gavin’s partner at the solicitor’s; but had never been introduced to him。 Barry Fairbrother was no more than a name to her。

There came a thunderous banging from the stairs: Gaia was stamping as she ran。

‘Eggs;’ she stated; at the kitchen door。 ‘Like you make me every morning。 Not。 And thanks to him;’ with a venomous look at the back of Gavin’s head; ‘I’ve probably missed the bloody bus。’

‘Well; if you hadn’t spent so long doing your hair;’ Kay shouted at the figure of her retreating daughter; who did not respond; but stormed down the hall; her bag bouncing off the walls; and slammed the front door behind her。

‘Kay; I’ve got to go;’ said Gavin。

‘But look; I’ve got it all ready; you could have it before—’

‘I’ve got to change my shirt。 And; shit; I did Barry’s will for him; I’ll need to look it out。 No; I’m sorry; I’ve got to go。 I can’t believe it;’ he added; rereading Miles’ text。 ‘I can’t believe it。 We only played squash on Thursday。 I can’t – Jesus。’

A man had died; there was nothing she could say; not without putting herself in the wrong。 He kissed her briefly on her unresponsive mouth; and then walked away; up the dark narrow hall。

‘Will I see you—?’

‘I’ll call you later;’ he shouted over her; pretending not to hear。

Gavin hurried across the road to his car; gulping the crisp; cold air; holding the fact of Barry’s death in his mind like a phial of volatile liquid that he dare not agitate。 As he turned the key in the ignition; he imagined Barry’s twin daughters crying; face down in their bunk beds。 He had seen them lying like that; one above the other; each playing on a Nintendo DS; when he passed the door of their bedroom the very last time he had gone round for dinner。

The Fairbrothers had been the most devoted couple he knew。 He would never eat at their house again。 He used to tell Barry how lucky he was。 Not so lucky after all。

Someone was ing down the pavement towards him; in a panic that it was Gaia; ing to shout at him or to demand a lift; he reversed too hard and hit the car behind him: Kay’s old Vauxhall Corsa。 The passer…by drew level with his window; and was revealed to be an emaciated; hobbling old woman in carpet slippers。 Sweating; Gavin swung his steering wheel around and squeezed out of the space。 As he accelerated; he glanced in the rear…view mirror and saw Gaia letting herself back into Kay’s house。

He was having difficulty getting enough air into his lungs。 There was a tight knot in his chest。 Only now did he realize that Barry Fairbrother had been his best friend。

Though Pagford’s delicatessen would not open until nine thirty; Howard Mollison had arrived early。 He was an extravagantly obese man of sixty…four。 A great apron of stomach fell so far down in front of his thighs that most people thought instantly of his penis when they first clapped eyes on him; wondering when he had last seen it; how he washed it; how he managed to perform any of the acts for which a penis is designed。 Partly because his physique set off these trains of thought; and partly because of his fine line in banter; Howard managed to disfort and disarm in almost equal measure; so that customers almost always bought more than they meant to on a first visit to the shop。 He kept up the patter while he worked; one short…fingered hand sliding the meat…slicer smoothly backwards and forwards; silky…fine slices of ham rippling onto the cellophane held below; a wink ever ready in his round blue eyes; his chins wobbling with easy laughter。

Howard had devised a costume to wear to work: white shirt…sleeves; a stiff dark…green canvas apron; corduroy trousers and a deerstalker into which he had inserted a number of fisherman’s flies。 If the deerstalker had ever been a joke; it had long since ceased to be。 Every workday morning he positioned it; with unsmiling exactitude; on his dense grey curls; aided by a small mirror in the staff lavatory。

It was Howard’s constant pleasure to open up in the mornings。 He loved moving around the shop while the only sound was that of the softly humming chill cabis; relished bringing it all back to life – flicking on the lights; pulling up the blinds; lifting lids to uncover the treasures of the chilled counter: the pale grey…green artichokes; the onyx…black olives; the dried tomatoes curled like ruby seahorses in their herb…flecked oil。

This morning; however; his enjoyment was laced with impatience。 His business partner Maureen was already late; and; like Miles earlier; Howard was afraid that somebody might beat him to the telling of the sensational news; because she did not have a mobile phone。

He paused beside the newly hewn archway in the wall between the delicatessen and the old shoe shop; soon to bee Pagford’s newest café; and checked the industrial…strength clear plastic that prevented dust from settling in the delicatessen。 They were planning to have the café open before Easter; in time to pull in the tourists to the West Country for whom Howard filled the windows annually with local cider; cheese and corn dollies。

The bell tinkled behind him; and he turned; his patched and reinforced heart pumping fast from excitement。

Maureen was a slight; round…shouldered woman of sixty…two; and the widow of Howard’s original partner。‘Heard the news?’

She frowned at him interrogatively。

‘Barry Fairbrother’s dead。’

Her mouth fell open。

‘No! How?’

Howard tapped the side of his head。

‘Something went。 Up here。 Miles was there; saw it all happen。 Golf club car park。’

‘No!’ she said again。

‘Stone dead;’ said Howard; as though there were degrees of deadness; and the kind that Barry Fairbrother had contracted was particularly sordid。

Maureen’s brightly lipsticked mouth hung slackly as she crossed herself。 Her Catholicism always added a picturesque touch to such moments。

‘Miles was there?’ she croaked。 He heard the yearning for every detail in her deep; ex…smoker’s voice。

‘D’you want to put on the kettle; Mo?’

He could at least prolong her agony for a few minutes。 She slopped boiling tea over her hand in her haste to return to him。 They sat together behind the counter; on the high wooden stools Howard had placed there for slack periods; and Maureen cooled her burnt hand on a fistful of ice scraped from around the olives。 Together they rattled through the conventional aspects of the tragedy: the widow (‘she’ll be lost; she lived for Barry’); the children (‘four teenagers; what a burden without a father’); the relative youth of the dead man (‘he wasn’t much older than Miles; was he?’); and then; at last; they reached the real point of departure; beside which all else was aimless meandering。

‘What’ll happen?’ Maureen asked Howard greedily。

‘Ah;’ said Howard。 ‘Well; now。 That’s the question; isn’t it? We’ve got ourselves a casual vacancy; Mo; and it could make all the difference。’

‘We’ve got a …?’ asked Maureen; frightened that she might have missed something crucial。

‘Casual vacancy;’ repeated Howard。 ‘What you call it when a council seat bees vacant through a death。 Proper term;’ he said pedagogically。

Howard was the Chair of the Parish Council; and First Citizen of Pagford。 The position came with a gilt and enamel chain of office; now reposing in the tiny safe that he and Shirley had had installed at the bottom of their fitted wardrobes。 If only Pagford District had been granted borough status; he would have been able to call himself Mayor; but even so; to all intents and purposes; that was what he was。 Shirley had made this perfectly clear on the homepage of the council website; where; beneath a beaming and florid photograph of Howard in his First Citizen’s chain; it was stated that he weled invitations to attend local civic and business functions。 Just a few weeks previously; he had handed out the cycling proficiency certificates at the local primary school。

Howard sipped his tea and said with a smile to take off the sting; ‘Fairbrother was a bugger; mind; Mo。 He could be a real bugger。’

‘Oh; I know;’ she said。 ‘I know。’

‘I’d have had to have it out with him; if he’d lived。 Ask Shirley。 He could be an underhand bugger。’

‘Oh; I know。’

‘Well; we’ll see。 We’ll see。 This should be the end of it。 Mind; I certainly didn’t want to win like this;’ he added; with a deep sigh; ‘but speaking for the sake of Pagford … for the munity … it’s not all bad …’

Howard checked his watch。

‘That’s nearly half…past; Mo。’

They were never late opening up; never early closing; the business was run with the ritual and regularity of a temple。

Maureen teetered over to unlock the door and pull up the blinds。 The Square was revealed in jerky increments as the blinds went up: picturesque and well kept; due in large part to the co…ordinated efforts of those proprietors whose properties faced onto it。 Window…boxes; hanging baskets and flower tubs were dotted about; planted in mutually agreed colours each year。 The Black Canon (one of the oldest pubs in England) faced Mollison and Lowe across the Square。

Howard strode in and out of the back room; fetching long rectangular dishes containing fresh patés; and laying them; with their jewel…bright adornments of glistening citrus segments and berries; neatly beneath the glass counter。 Puffing a little from exertion ing on top of so much early morning conversation; Howard set the last of the patés down and stood for a little while; looking out at the war memorial in the middle of the Square。

Pagford was as lovely as ever thi
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