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首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺)-第42部分

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She was happy; which always made her cocky。 Setting aside her worry about Nana Cath (who was; after all; still alive; so might yet recover); it had been a good couple of weeks。 Terri was adhering to the Bellchapel regime again; and Krystal was making sure that Robbie went to nursery。 His bottom had mostly healed over。 The social worker seemed as pleased as her sort ever did。 Krystal had been to school every day too; though she had not attended either her Monday or her Wednesday morning guidance sessions with Tessa。 She did not know why。 Sometimes you got out of the habit。

She glanced sideways at Fats again。 She had never once thought of fancying him; not until he had targeted her at the disco in the drama hall。 Everyone knew Fats; some of his jokes were passed around like funny stuff that happened on the telly。 (Krystal pretended to everyone that they had a television at home。 She watched enough at friends’ houses; and at Nana Cath’s; to be able to bluff her way through。 ‘Yeah; it were shit; weren’t it?’ ‘I know; I nearly pissed meself;’ she would say; when the others talked about programmes they had seen。)

Fats was imagining how it would feel to be glassed; how the jagged shard would slice through the tender flesh on his face; he could feel the searing nerves and the sting of the air against his ripped skin; the warm wetness as blood gushed。 He felt a tickly over…sensitivity in the skin around his mouth; as if it was already scarred。

‘Is he still carrying a blade; Dane?’ he asked。

‘’Ow d’you know ’e’s gotta blade?’ demanded Krystal。

‘He threatened Kevin Cooper with it。’

‘Oh; yeah;’ Krystal conceded。 ‘Cooper’s a twat; innee?’

‘Yeah; he is;’ said Fats。

‘Dane’s on’y carryin’ ’cos o’ the Riordon brothers;’ said Krystal。

Fats liked the matter…of…factness of Krystal’s tone; her acceptance of the need for a knife; because there was a grudge and a likelihood of violence。 This was the raw reality of life; these were things that actually mattered … before Arf had arrived at the house that day; Cubby had been importuning Tessa to give him an opinion on whether his campaign leaflet should be printed on yellow or white paper …

‘What about in there?’ suggested Fats; after a while。

To their right was a long stone wall; its gates open to reveal a glimpse of green and stone。

‘Yeah; all righ’;’ said Krystal。 She had been in the cemetery once before; with Nikki and Leanne; they had sat on a grave and split a couple of cans; a little self…conscious about what they were doing; until a woman had shouted at them and called them names。 Leanne had lobbed an empty can back at the woman as they left。

But it was too exposed; Fats thought; as he and Krystal walked up the broad concreted walkway between the graves: green and flat; the headstones offering virtually no cover。 Then he saw barberry hedges along the wall on the far side。 He cut a path right across the cemetery; and Krystal followed; hands in her pockets; as they picked their way between rectangular gravel beds; headstones cracked and illegible。 It was a large cemetery; wide and well tended。 Gradually they reached the newer graves of highly polished black marble with gold lettering; places where fresh flowers had been laid for the recently dead。

To Lyndsey Kyle; September 15 1960–March 26 2008; 
Sleep Tight Mum。

‘Yeah; we’ll be all right in there;’ said Fats; eyeing the dark gap between the prickly; yellow…flowered bushes and the cemetery wall。

They crawled into the damp shadows; onto the earth; their backs against the cold wall。 The headstones marched away from them between the bushes’ trunks; but there were no human forms among them。 Fats skinned up expertly; hoping that Krystal was watching; and was impressed。

But she was gazing out under the canopy of glossy dark leaves; thinking about Anne…Marie; who (Aunt Cheryl had told her) had e to visit Nana Cath on Thursday。 If only she had skipped school and gone at the same time; they could have met at last。 She had fantasized; many times; about how she would meet Anne…Marie; and say to her; ‘I’m yer sister。’ Anne…Marie; in these fantasies; was always delighted; and they saw each other all the time after that; and eventually Anne…Marie suggested that Krystal move in。 The imaginary Anne…Marie had a house like Nana Cath’s; neat and clean; except that it was much more modern。 Lately; in her fantasies; Krystal had added a sweet little pink baby in a frilly crib。

‘There you go;’ said Fats; handing Krystal the joint。 She inhaled; held the smoke in her lungs for a few seconds; and her expression softened into dreaminess as the cannabis worked its magic。

‘You ain’ got brothers an’ sisters;’ she asked; ‘’ave yeh?’

‘No;’ said Fats; checking his pocket for the condoms he had brought。

Krystal handed back the joint; her head swimming pleasantly。 Fats took an enormous drag and blew smoke rings。

‘I’m adopted;’ he said; after a while。

Krystal goggled at Fats。

‘Are yeh adopted; are yeh?’

With the senses a little muffled and cushioned; confidences peeled easily away; everything became easy。

‘My sister wuz adopted;’ said Krystal; marvelling at the coincidence; delighted to talk about Anne…Marie。

‘Yeah; I probably e from a family like yours;’ said Fats。

But Krystal was not listening; she wanted to talk。

‘I gottan older sister an’ an older brother; Liam; but they wuz taken away before I wuz born。’

‘Why?’ asked Fats。

He was suddenly paying close attention。

‘Me mum was with Ritchie Adams then;’ said Krystal。 She took a deep drag on the joint and blew out the smoke in a long thin jet。 ‘He’s a proper psycho。 He’s doin’ life。 He killed a bloke。 Proper violent to Mum an’ the kids; an’ then John an’ Sue came an’ took ’em; and the social got involved an’ it ended up John an’ Sue kept ’em。’

She drew on the joint again; considering this period of her pre…life; which was doused in blood; fury and darkness。 She had heard things about Ritchie Adams; mainly from her aunt Cheryl。 He had stubbed out cigarettes on one…year…old Anne…Marie’s arms; and kicked her until her ribs cracked。 He had broken Terri’s face; her left cheekbone was still receded; pared to the right。 Terri’s addiction had spiralled catastrophically。 Aunt Cheryl was matter of fact about the decision to remove the two brutalized; neglected children from their parents。

‘It ’ad to ’appen;’ said Cheryl。

John and Sue were distant; childless relatives。 Krystal had never known where or how they fitted in her plex family tree; or how they had effected what; to hear Terri tell it; sounded like kidnap。 After much wrangling with the authorities; they had been allowed to adopt the children。 Terri; who had remained with Ritchie until his arrest; never saw Anne…Marie or Liam; for reasons Krystal did not entirely understand; the whole story was clotted and festering with hatred and unforgivable things said and threatened; restraining orders; lots more social workers。

‘Who’s your dad; then?’ asked Fats。

‘Banger;’ said Krystal。 She struggled to recall his real name。 ‘Barry;’ she muttered; though she had a suspicion that was not right。 ‘Barry Coates。 O’ny I uses me mum’s name; Weedon。’

The memory of the dead young man who had overdosed in Terri’s bathroom floated back to her through the sweet; heavy smoke。 She passed the joint back to Fats and leaned her head against the stone wall; looking up at the sliver of sky; mottled with dark leaves。

Fats was thinking about Ritchie Adams; who had killed a man; and considering the possibility that his own biological father was in prison somewhere too; tattooed; like Pikey; spare and muscled。 He mentally pared Cubby with this strong; hard authentic man。 Fats knew that he had been parted from his biological mother as a very small baby; because there were pictures of Tessa holding him; frail and bird…like; with a woolly white cap on his head。 He had been premature。 Tessa had told him a few things; though he had never asked。 His real mother had been very young when she had him; he knew that。 Perhaps she had been like Krystal; the school bike …

He was properly stoned now。 He put his hand behind Krystal’s neck and pulled her towards him; kissing her; sticking his tongue into her mouth。 With his other hand; he groped for her breast。 His brain was fuzzy and his limbs were heavy; even his sense of touch seemed affected。 He fumbled a little to get his hand inside her T…shirt; to force it under her bra。 Her mouth was hot and tasted of tobacco and dope; her lips were dry and chapped。 His excitement was slightly blunted; he seemed to be receiving all sensory information through an invisible blanket。 It took longer than the last time to prise her clothes loose from her body; and the condom was difficult; because his fingers had bee stiff and slow; then he accidentally placed his elbow; with all his weight behind it; on her soft fleshy underarm and she shrieked in pain。

She was drier than before; he forced his way inside her; determined to acplish what he had e for。 Time was glue…like and slow; but he could hear his own rapid breathing; and it made him edgy; because he imagined someone else; crouching in the dark space with them; watching; panting in his ear。 Krystal moaned a little。 With her head thrown back; her nose became broad and snout…like。 He pushed up her T…shirt to look at the smooth white breasts; jiggling a little; beneath the loose constraint of the undone bra。 He came without expecting it; and his own grunt of satisfaction seemed to belong to the crouching eavesdropper。

He rolled off her; peeled off the condom and threw it aside; then zipped himself up; feeling jittery; looking around to check that they were definitely alone。 Krystal was dragging her pants up with one hand; pulling down her T…shirt with the other; reaching behind herself to do up her bra。

It had bee cloudy and darker while they had sat behind the bushes。 There was a distant buzzing in Fats’ ears; he was very hungry; his brain was working slowly; while his ears were hypersensitive。 The fear that they had been watched; perhaps over the top of the wall behind them; would not leave him。 He wanted to go。

‘Let’s …’ he muttered; and without waiting for her; he crawled out between the bushes and got to his feet; brushing himself down。 There was an elderly couple a hundred yards away; crouching at a graveside。 He wanted to get right away from phantom eyes that might; or might not; have watched him screw Krystal Weedon; but at the same time; the process of finding the right bus stop and getting on the bus to Pagford seemed almost unbearably onerous。 He wished he could simply be transported; this instant; to his attic bedroom。

Krystal had staggered out behind him。 She was pulling down the bottom of her T…shirt and staring down at the grassy ground at her feet。

‘Fuck;’ she mumbled。

‘What?’ said Fats。 ‘C’mon; let’s go。’

‘’S Mr Fairbrother;’ she said; without moving。


She pointed at the mound in front of them。 There was no headstone yet; but fresh flowers lay all along it。

‘See?’ she said; crouching over and indicating cards stapled to the cellophane。 ‘Tha’ sez Fairbrother。’ 
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