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首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺)-第30部分

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river; made streams in the gutters and turned the steep roads into Pagford glossy and treacherous。 The windows of the school bus were opaque with condensation; the hanging baskets in the Square became bedraggled; and Samantha Mollison; windscreen wipers on full tilt; suffered a minor collision in the car on the way home from work in the city。

A copy of the Yarvil and District Gazette stuck out of Mrs Catherine Weedon’s door in Hope Street for three days; until it became sodden and illegible。 Finally; social worker Kay Bawden tugged it out of the letterbox; peered in through the rusty flap and spotted the old lady spread…eagled at the foot of the stairs。 A policeman helped break down the front door; and Mrs Weedon was taken away in an ambulance to South West General。

Still the rain fell; forcing the sign…painter who had been hired to rename the old shoe shop to postpone the job。 It poured for days and into the nights; and the Square was full of hunchbacks in waterproofs; and umbrellas collided on the narrow pavements。

Howard Mollison found the gentle patter against the dark window soothing。 He sat in the study that had once been his daughter Patricia’s bedroom; and contemplated the email that he had received from the local newspaper。 They had decided to run Councillor Fairbrother’s article arguing that the Fields ought to remain with Pagford; but in the interests of balance; they hoped that another councillor might make the case for reassignment in the following issue。

Backfired on you; hasn’t it; Fairbrother? thought Howard happily。 There you were; thinking you’d have it all your own way …

He closed the email and turned instead to the small pile of papers beside him。 These were the letters that had e trickling in; requesting an election to fill Barry’s vacant seat。 The constitution stated that it required nine applications to enforce a public vote; and he had received ten。 He read them over; while his wife’s and his business partner’s voices rose and fell in the kitchen; stripping bare between them the meaty scandal of old Mrs Weedon’s collapse and belated discovery。

‘… don’t walk out on your doctor for nothing; do you? Screaming at the top of her voice; Karen said—’

‘—saying she’d been given the wrong drugs; yes; I know;’ said Shirley; who considered that she had a monopoly on medical speculation; given that she was a hospital volunteer。 ‘They’ll run tests up at the General; I expect。’

‘I’d be feeling very worried if I were Dr Jawanda。’

‘She’s probably hoping the Weedons are too ignorant to sue; but that won’t matter if the General finds out it was the wrong medication。’

‘She’ll be struck off;’ said Maureen with relish。

‘That’s right;’ said Shirley; ‘and I’m afraid a lot of people will feel good riddance。 Good riddance。’

Methodically Howard sorted letters into piles。 Miles’ pleted application forms he set aside on their own。 The remaining munications were from fellow Parish Councillors。 There were no surprises here; as soon as Parminder had emailed him to tell him that she knew of somebody who was interested in standing for Barry’s seat; he had expected these six to rally round her; demanding an election。 Together with Bends…Your…Ear herself; they were the ones he dubbed ‘the Obstreperous Faction’; whose leader had recently fallen。 Onto this pile he placed the pleted forms of Colin Wall; their chosen candidate。

Into a third pile he placed four more letters; which were; likewise; from expected sources: professional plainers of Pagford; known to Howard as perennially dissatisfied and suspicious; all prolific correspondents to the Yarvil and District Gazette。 Each had their own obsessive interest in some esoteric local issue; and considered themselves ‘independent minded’; they would be the ones most likely to scream ‘nepotism’ if Miles had been co…opted; but they were among the most anti…Fields people in town。

Howard took the last two letters in each hand; weighing them up。 One of them was from a woman whom he had never met; who claimed (Howard took nothing for granted) to work at the Bellchapel Addiction Clinic (the fact that she styled herself ‘Ms’ inclined him to believe her)。 After some hesitation; he placed this on top of Cubby Wall’s application forms。

The last letter; unsigned and typed on a word processor; demanded an election in intemperate terms。 It had an air of haste and carelessness and was littered with typos。 The letter extolled the virtues of Barry Fairbrother and named Miles specifically as ‘unfit to fill his sheos’。 Howard wondered whether Miles had a disgruntled client out there who might prove to be an embarrassment。 It was good to be forewarned of such potential hazards。 However; Howard doubted whether the letter; being anonymous; counted as a vote for an election。 He therefore fed it into the little desktop shredder that Shirley had given him for Christmas。

Edward Collins & Co。; the Pagford solicitors; occupied the upper floor of a terraced brick house; with an optician’s on the ground floor。 Edward Collins was deceased and his firm prised two men: Gavin Hughes who was the salaried partner; with one window in his office; and Miles Mollison; who was the equity partner; with two windows。 They shared a secretary who was twenty…eight; single; plain but with a good figure。 Shona laughed too long at all Miles’ jokes; and treated Gavin with a patronage that was almost offensive。

‘Mary’s called。 There’s a bit of a glitch with Barry’s life insurance。 She wants me to help her sort it。’

‘Right; well; you can handle that; can’t you? I’ll be back at two; anyway。’

Miles slipped on his overcoat; jogged down the steep stairs and walked briskly up the rain…swept little street that led to the Square。 A momentary break in the clouds caused sunlight to flood the glistening war memorial and the hanging baskets。 Miles experienced a rush of atavistic pride as he hurried across the Square towards Mollison and Lowe; that Pagford institution; that classiest of emporia; a pride that familiarity had never blighted; but rather deepened and ripened。

The bell tinkled at the door as Miles pushed it open。 There was something of a lunchtime rush on: a queue of eight waited at the counter and Howard; in his mercantile regalia; fisherman’s flies glinting in his deerstalker; was in full tongue。

‘… and a quarter of black olives; Rosemary; to you。 Nothing else; now? Nothing else for Rosemary … that’ll be eight pounds; sixty…two pence; we’ll call it eight; my love; in light of our long and fruitful association …’

Giggles and gratitude; the rattle and crash of the till。

‘And here’s my lawyer; e to check up on me;’ boomed Howard; winking and chuckling over the heads of the queue at Miles。 ‘If you’ll wait for me in the back; sir; I’ll try not to say anything incriminating to Mrs Howson …’

Miles smiled at the middle…aged ladies; who beamed back。 Tall; with thick; close…cropped greying hair; big round blue eyes; his paunch disguised by his dark overcoat; Miles was a reasonably attractive addition to the hand…baked biscuits and local cheeses。 He navigated his way carefully between the little tables piled high with delicacies and paused at the big arch hewn between delicatessen and the old shoe shop; which was denuded of its protective plastic curtain for the first time。 Maureen (Miles recognized the handwriting) had put up a sign on a sandwich board in the middle of the arch: No Entry。 ing Soon … The Copper Kettle。 Miles peered through into the clean; spare space that would soon be Pagford’s newest and best café; it was plastered and painted; with freshly varnished black boards underfoot。
He sidled around the corner of the counter and edged past Maureen; who was operating the meat slicer; affording her the opportunity for a gruff and ribald laugh; then ducked through the door that led into the dingy little back room。 Here was a Formica table; on which Maureen’s Daily Mail lay folded; Howard and Maureen’s coats hanging on hooks; and a door leading to the lavatory; which exuded a scent of artificial lavender。 Miles hung up his overcoat and drew up an old chair to the table。

Howard appeared a minute or two later; bearing two heaped plates of delicatessen fare。

‘Definitely decided on the “Copper Kettle” then?’ asked Miles。

‘Well; Mo likes it;’ said Howard; setting down a plate in front of his son。

He lumbered out; returned with two bottles of ale; and closed the door with his foot so that the room was enveloped in a windowless gloom relieved only by the dim pendant light。 Howard sat down with a deep grunt。 He had been conspiratorial on the telephone mid…morning; and kept Miles waiting a few moments longer while he flipped off the lid of one bottle。

‘Wall’s sent his forms in;’ he said at last; handing over the beer。

‘Ah;’ said Miles。

‘I’m going to set a deadline。 Two weeks from today for everyone to declare。’

‘Fair enough;’ said Miles。

‘Mum reckons this Price bloke is still interested。 Have you asked Sam if she knows who he is yet?’

‘No;’ said Miles。

Howard scratched an underfold of the belly that rested close to his knees as he sat on the creaking chair。

‘Everything all right with you and Sam?’

Miles admired; as always; his father’s almost psychic intuition。

‘Not great。’

He would not have confessed it to his mother; because he tried not to fuel the constant cold war between Shirley and Samantha; in which he was both hostage and prize。

‘She doesn’t like the idea of me standing;’ Miles elaborated。 Howard raised his fair eyebrows; his jowls wobbling as he chewed。 ‘I don’t bloody know what’s got into her。 She’s on one of her anti…Pagford kicks。’

Howard took his time swallowing。 He dabbed at his mouth with a paper napkin and burped。

‘She’ll e round quickly enough once you’re in;’ he said。 ‘The social side of it。 Plenty for the wives。 Functions at Sweetlove House。 She’ll be in her element。’ He took another swig of ale and scratched his belly again。

‘I can’t picture this Price;’ said Miles; returning to the essential point; ‘but I’ve got a feeling he had a kid in Lexie’s class at St Thomas’s。’

‘Fields…born; though; that’s the thing;’ said Howard。 ‘Fields…born; which could work to our advantage。 Split the pro…Fields vote between him and Wall。’

‘Yeah;’ said Miles。 ‘Makes sense。’

‘I haven’t heard of anyone else。 It’s possible; once details hit the website; someone else’ll e forward。 But I’m confident about our chances。 I’m confident。 Aubrey called;’ Howard added。 There was always a touch of additional portentousness in Howard’s tone when he used Aubrey Fawley’s Christian name。 ‘Right behind you; goes without saying。 He’s back this evening。 He’s been in town。’

Usually; when a Pagfordian said ‘in town’; they meant ‘in Yarvil’。 Howard and Shirley used the phrase; in imitation of Aubrey Fawley; to mean ‘in London’。

‘He mentioned something about us all getting together for a chat。 Maybe tomorrow。 Might even invite us over to the house。 Sam’d like that。’

Miles had just taken a large bite of soda bread and liver paté; but he conveyed his agreement with an emphatic nod。 He 
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