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首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺)-第13部分

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board for five days by his psychotic stepfather。 That one had made the national news。 The most immediate danger to Robbie Weedon’s safety had been the pile of heavy boxes in his mother’s sitting room; which he had attempted to climb when he realized that it attracted Kay’s full attention。 Kay had carefully restacked them into two lower piles before leaving。 Terri had not liked her touching the boxes; nor had she liked Kay telling her that she ought to take off Robbie’s sodden nappy。 Terri had been roused; in fact; to foul…mouthed; though still slightly hazy; fury; and had told Kay to fuck off and stay away。

Kay’s mobile rang and she picked it up。 It was Terri’s key drug worker。

‘I’ve been trying to get you for days;’ said the woman crossly。 It took several minutes for Kay to explain that she was not Mattie; but this did not much reduce the woman’s antagonism。

‘Yeah; we’re still seeing her; but she tested positive last week。 If she uses again; she’s out。 We’ve got twenty people right now who could take her place on the programme and maybe get some benefit from it。 This is the third time she’s been through。’

Kay did not say she knew that Terri had used that morning。

‘Have either of you got any paracetamol?’ Kay asked Alex and Una; once the drug worker had given her full details of Terri’s attendance and lack of progress at the clinic; and rung off。

Kay took her painkillers with tepid tea; lacking the energy to get up and go to the water cooler in the corridor。 The office was stuffy; the radiator cranked up high。 As the daylight faded from the sky outside; the strip…lighting over her desk intensified: it turned her multitude of papers a bright yellow…white; buzzing black words marched in endless lines。

‘They’re going to close down Bellchapel Clinic; you watch;’ said Una; who was working at her PC with her back to Kay。 ‘Got to make cuts。 Council funds one of the drug workers。 Pagford Parish owns the building。 I heard they’re planning to tart it up and try and rent to a better…paying client。 They’ve had it in for that clinic for years。’

Kay’s temple throbbed。 The name of her new hometown made her feel sad。 Without pausing to think; she did the thing that she had vowed not to do after he had failed to call the previous evening: she picked up her mobile and keyed in Gavin’s office number。

‘Edward Collins and Co;’ said a woman’s voice; after the third ring。 They answered your calls immediately out in the private sector; when money might depend on it。

‘Could I speak to Gavin Hughes; please?’ said Kay; staring down at Terri’s file。

‘Who’s speaking; please?’

‘Kay Bawden;’ said Kay。

She did not look up; she did not want to catch either Alex’s or Una’s eyes。 The pause seemed interminable。

(They had met in London at Gavin’s brother’s birthday party。 Kay had not known anyone there; except for the friend who had dragged her along for support。 Gavin had just split up with Lisa; he had been a little drunk; but had seemed decent; reliable and conventional; not at all the kind of man that Kay usually went for。 He had poured out the story of his broken relationship; and then gone home with her to the flat in Hackney。 He had been keen while the affair remained long…distance; visiting at weekends and telephoning her regularly; but when; by a miracle; she had got the job in Yarvil; for less money; and put her flat in Hackney on the market; he had seemed to take fright … )

‘His line’s still busy; would you like to hold?’

‘Yes; please;’ said Kay miserably。

(If she and Gavin did not work out … but they had to work out。 She had moved for him; changed jobs for him; uprooted her daughter for him。 He would never have let that happen; surely; unless his intentions were serious? He must have thought through the consequences if they split up: how awful and awkward it would be; running across each other constantly in a tiny town like Pagford?)

‘Putting you through;’ said the secretary; and Kay’s hopes soared。

‘Hi;’ said Gavin。 ‘How are you?’

‘Fine;’ lied Kay; because Alex and Una were listening。 ‘Are you having a good day?’

‘Busy;’ said Gavin。 ‘You?’

She waited; the phoned pressed tightly against her ear; pretending that he was speaking to her; listening to the silence。

‘I wondered whether you wanted to meet up tonight;’ she asked finally; feeling sick。

‘Er … I don’t think I can;’ he said。

How can you not know? What have you got on?

‘I might have to do something … it’s Mary。 Barry’s wife。 She wants me to be a pall…bearer。 So I might have to … I think I’ve got to find out what that involves and everything。’

Sometimes; if she simply remained quiet; and let the inadequacy of his excuses reverberate on the air; he became ashamed and backtracked。

‘I don’t suppose that’ll take all evening; though;’ he said。 ‘We could meet up later; if you wanted。’

‘All right; then。 Do you want to e over to mine; as it’s a school night?’

‘Er … yeah; OK。’

‘What time?’ she asked; wanting him to make one decision。

‘I dunno … nine…ish?’

After he had rung off; Kay kept the phone pressed tightly to her ear for a few moments; then said; for the benefit of Alex and Una; ‘I do; too。 See you later; babe。’

As guidance teacher; Tessa’s hours varied more than her husband’s。 She usually waited until the end of the school day to take their son home in her Nissan; leaving Colin (whom Tessa – although she knew what the rest of the world called him; including nearly all the parents who had caught the habit from their children – never addressed as Cubby) to follow them; an hour or two later; in his Toyota。 Today; though; Colin met Tessa in the car park at twenty…past four; while the schoolchildren were still swarming out of the front gates into parental cars; or onto their free buses。

The sky was a cold iron…grey; like the underside of a shield。 A sharp breeze lifted the hems of skirts and rattled the leaves on the immature trees; a spiteful; chill wind that sought out your weakest places; the nape of your neck and your knees; and which denied you the fort of dreaming; of retreating a little from reality。 Even after she had closed the car door on it; Tessa felt ruffled and put out; as she would have been by somebody crashing into her without apology。

Beside her in the passenger seat; his knees absurdly high in the cramped confines of her car; Colin told Tessa what the puting teacher had e to his office to tell him; twenty minutes previously。

‘… not there。 Didn’t turn up for the whole double period。 Said he thought he’d better e straight and tell me。 So that’ll be all over the staff room; tomorrow。 Exactly what he wants;’ said Colin furiously; and Tessa knew that they were not talking about the puting teacher any more。 ‘He’s just sticking two fingers up at me; as usual。’

Her husband was pale with exhaustion; with shadows beneath his reddened eyes; and his hands were twitching slightly on the handle of his briefcase。 Fine hands; with big knuckles and long slender fingers; they were not altogether dissimilar from their son’s。 Tessa had pointed this out to her husband and son recently; neither had evinced the smallest pleasure at the thought that there was some faint physical resemblance between them。

‘I don’t think he’s—’ began Tessa; but Colin was talking again。

‘—So; he’ll get detention like everyone else and I’ll damn well punish him at home too。 We’ll see how he likes that; shall we? We’ll see whether that’s a laughing matter。 We can start by grounding him for a week; we’ll see how funny that is。’
Biting back her response; Tessa scanned the sea of black…clad students; walking with heads down; shivering; drawing their thin coats close; their hair blown into their mouths。 A chubby…cheeked and slightly bewildered…looking first year was looking all around for a lift that had not arrived。 The crowd parted and there was Fats; loping along with Arf Price as usual; the wind blowing his hair off his gaunt face。 Sometimes; at certain angles; in certain lights; it was easy to see what Fats would look like as an old man。 For an instant; from the depths of her tiredness; he seemed a plete stranger; and Tessa thought how extraordinary it was that he was turning away to walk towards her car; and that she would have to go back out into that horrible hyper…real breeze to let him in。 But when he reached them; and gave her his small grimace of a smile; he reconstituted himself immediately into the boy she loved in spite of it all; and she got out again; and stood stoically in the knife…sharp wind while he folded himself into the car with his father; who had not offered to move。

They pulled out of the car park; ahead of the free buses; and set off through Yarvil; past the ugly; broken…down houses of the Fields; towards the bypass that would speed them back to Pagford。 Tessa watched Fats in the rear…view mirror。 He was slumped in the back; gazing out of the window; as though his parents were two people who had picked him up hitchhiking; connected to him merely by chance and proximity。

Colin waited until they reached the bypass; then he asked; ‘Where were you when you should have been in puting this afternoon?’

Tessa glanced irresistibly into the mirror again。 She saw her son yawn。 Sometimes; even though she denied it endlessly to Colin; Tessa wondered whether Fats really was waging a dirty; personal war on his father with the whole school as audience。 She knew things about her son she would not have known if she had not worked in guidance; students told her things; sometimes innocently; sometimes slyly。

Miss; do you mind Fats smoking? D’you let him do it at home?

She locked away this small repository of illicit booty; obtained unintentionally; and brought it to neither her husband’s nor her son’s attention; even though it dragged at her; weighed on her。

‘Went for a walk;’ Fats said calmly。 ‘Thought I’d stretch the old legs。’

Colin twisted in his seat to look at Fats; straining against his seat belt as he shouted; his gestures further restricted and hampered by his overcoat and briefcase。 When he lost control; Colin’s voice rose higher and higher; so that he was shouting almost in falsetto。 Through it all; Fats sat in silence; an insolent half…smile curving his thin mouth; until his father was screaming insults at him; insults that were blunted by Colin’s innate dislike of swearing; his self…consciousness when he did it。

‘You cocky; self…centred little … little shit;’ he screamed; and Tessa; whose eyes were so full of tears that she could barely see the road; was sure that Fats would be duplicating Colin’s timid; falsetto swearing for the benefit of Andrew Price tomorrow morning。

Fats does a great imitation of Cubby’s walk; miss; have you seen it?

‘How dare you talk to me like that? How dare you skip classes?’

Colin screamed and raged; and Tessa had to blink the tears out of her eyes as she took the turning to Pagford and drove through the Square; past Mollison and Lowe; the war memorial and the Black Canon; she turned left at St Michael and All Saints into Church Row; and; at last; into the driveway of their house; b
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