Storm Of Iron(科幻战争)-第43部分
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Forrix shot again; swinging his power fist。 The warrior ducked and rolled aside; Forrix's blow smashing apart an iron prop and
pulverising a huge section of wall。 Rock and dust filled the air as he rounded on his opponent。 The Imperial Fist drew a sword; its
blade wreathed in amber fire; but die tunnel was too cramped to wield it effectively。
Forrix batted aside the blade and pistoned his fist through the warrior's chest; smashing his ribcage and ripping out his heart and
lungs。 He pushed aside the bloody corpse; stepping into the main gallery and spraying the Imperial Fists with bolter fire。 One man
dropped; blood washing down his thigh as the others dived for cover。 Bolter fire blasted the rock around him and pounded his
Somehow a bolt found its way through his shoulder guard and blood started to pour from a wound in his arm。 He roared in anger
and emptied the remainder of his bolter's magazine into the nearest Imperial Fist; the snap of the hammer dropping on an empty
chamber shockingly loud in the cramped tunnel。
Behind him; Forrix could hear the shouts of approaching soldiers。 His bolter empty; he pulled back the arming slide on his combiweapon's
other armament fixture。
The last Space Marine rose from his cover and opened fire; hosing Forrix with bullets。 Forrix rocked under the impacts; bringing
his weapon to bear and fired the underslung melta gun。 The white…hot blast of superheated air punched into the Imperial Fist;
incinerating his torso with a hissing detonation; the oxygen…rich blood in his body flashing to a stinking red steam。
A pile of armoured limbs and a head … all that remained of the Space Marine … clattered to the floor; the gory stumps cauterised
and molten。 Forrix dropped his weapon and swept up a fallen bolter as red…clad human soldiers raced to join him from the surface。
Suddenly; Forrix caught the stench of something vile from the opening in the cavern roof and realised he had to get out of here。
He turned from the rockface and ran past the startled soldiers without a word。 He ran as fast as he could back towards the surface;
but as he heard the roaring thunder behind him; he realised he wouldn't make it in time。
Forrix lurched left into one of the deception tunnels。 He heard screams from behind him and knew that every soldier down here
was a dead man。 The roaring grew louder; magnified by the closeness of the walls。
Forrix continued down the side tunnel; ducking round a bend as the first rush of chemicals swept towards him。
A tidal wave of poisoned chemical waste thundered through the tunnels; diverted from every culvert; septic tank; latrine and nightsoil
pipe in the citadel。 Forrix had smelled the reek of the waste and the acrid tang of the bio…toxins。 He clung onto the rough walls
as the foul; liquid effluent roared through the tunnels; sweeping all before it。
Men were crashed to death against the rocky walls as the vile solution pummelled them; filling the tunnels with excremental
fluids。 Those not killed by the first tidal wave were drowned or poisoned in the toxic waste as it rose to the ceiling; shorting out
the remaining glow…globes and snuffing them out one by one。
Sheltered from the worst of the flood in the side tunnel; Forrix hung on as the grey…brown sludge sloshed around him; rising
higher with each second until he was immersed in the thick tide。 He knew he was in no danger; his armour was proof against the
Graham McNeill ?Storm of Iron?
hard vacuum of space and it had suffered worse fates than this in its long life。
How far up the tunnel the flood of liquid would reach; Forrix had no idea; but guessed it could not be too far。 To effectively flood
the tunnels; this amount of waste would have had to have been diluted with much of the garrison's drinking water。 Perhaps;
believing their salvation had arrived in the shape of the Imperial Fists; the defenders thought they could afford to be cavalier with
their water supplies。
A few minutes passed before the tunnel began to drain。 The Imperials' plan had failed。 Forrix had built scores of such mines and
had had more lethal substances than toxic waste flooded through many of them。 Drainage channels diverted much of the water
into specially constructed flood chambers and the natural dryness of the soil absorbed a great deal of moisture。 The tunnel would
survive; but there would need to be additional props installed to keep it from subsequently collapsing。 Such work would need to
be carried out by the Iron Warriors; since these toxins would remain lethal for many hundreds of years。 But to warriors in power
armour; they were irrelevant。
Forrix shook his helmet clear of thick sludgy deposits and waded back through the waste…filled darkness to the main tunnel;
knowing what must happen next。 Bones crunched beneath his heavy tread as he stepped on drowned corpses。 The toxic waste was
draining rapidly。 As he made his way back to the rockface he checked the action of the bolter; clearing it of obstructions。
Up ahead he could see beams of light stabbing down into the cavern from the hole in the roof and heard the first splash of
something heavy drop from above。 The darkness of the tunnel was no impairment to Forrix; and he saw an Imperial Fist rise to his
feet。 The Space Marine moved swiftly through the knee…deep sludge towards the tunnel mouth。
Forrix shot him in the head as more Imperial Fists dropped to the cavern floor; spreading out as the echo of his shot faded。 Bullets
hammered the rock around him and ricocheted from his armour。 He raised the bolter and swept its fire around the cavern; gunning
down Space Marines as he backed into the relative safety of the tunnel where the enemy could not bring their superior numbers to
bear。 If they wanted to kill him; they were going to have to come and dig him out。
Shapes darted across the opening and he fired at each one as it presented itself。 Forrix laughed as he killed; spraying the tunnel
mouth with bolter fire。 Muzzle flashes lit up the Stygian darkness as gunfire blasted from the walls of the tunnel。 He felt sharp
pain in his side and shoulder as more bolts impacted on his armour。 As mighty as Terminator armour was; it could still be brought
down by sheer volume of fire。
The bolter he carried clicked empty and he dropped it into the effluent; reactivating his power fist as two Imperial Fists rushed
him。 He killed the first with a mighty punch to the head; and the second with a reverse stroke that tore out his throat。
Another two warriors charged。 Forrix roared in battle fury as he felt the blade of a crackling sword rip through his armour;
between his ribs and into his primary heart。 Angrily he slammed his fist down across the blade; wrenching it from the Space
Marine's grip before removing his arm with a backhanded blow。 He shoulder charged the other warrior; crushing his helmet
against the tunnel wall before disembowelling the armed Space Marine with his power fist。
Gunfire hammered him and he felt the bone shield within his chest cavity crack as a bolter shell exploded within the ceramite
plates of his armour。 He dropped to his knees as the Imperial Fist closed the gap; firing as he advanced。 Forrix tore out the sword
protruding from his chest and hacked the warrior's legs out from under him; pitching him face…first into the waste matter。
He pulled himself to his feet as more bullets hammered him。 A grenade splashed next to him and he hurled himself back as it
detonated。 Muffled by the water; the blast threw up a spray of liquid and debris; but its lethal force was spent and he was
He rose to his knees as another Imperial Fist charged him。 A bolt took Forrix high on the temple; blasting a portion of his helmet
clear and blood streamed down his face。 Something slammed into his visor; ripping the helmet from his head。 He felt his jawbone
shatter。 Bright lights burst before his eyes and he splashed backwards into the water; gagging as the liquid waste poured into his
nose and open mouth。
The toxins seared his eyes and blistered his skin in seconds。 He lashed out with his fist; feeling it connect with something solid;
and scrambled back; lifting his head from the slime。 He spat a froth of viscous matter; retching as his body fought against the
toxins he had ingested。
He blinked through the searing pain in his eyes; battling to focus as something came towards him。 He punched out blindly; but
missed and bellowed in pain as he felt the wide blade of another sword pierce his chest; tear through his lungs and burst through
the backplate of his armour。
He gripped the sword blade and kicked out; hearing something splinter and a cry of pain。 Blindly; he groped in the swirling;
bloody water; feeling something thrashing in front of him。 Forrix roared and smashed his power fist down upon the shape;
breaking it apart in a flurry of crushing blows。 His chest burned with hot agony as his secondary heart and multi…lung fought to
keep him alive despite the massive traumas his body had suffered。
He heard more shouts behind him; but he had lost all sense of direction in his blindness。 Rescuers or killers?
'Iron within!' he bellowed; raising his power fist; the pain in his chest more intense now。
'Iron without!' came the answering shout and Forrix lowered his arm as the warriors of his company swept past him。 He heard
echoes of bolter fire and roars of hatred; but they seemed to be growing more and more distant with each passing second。
Forrix tried to climb to his feet; but his strength was gone and he could not move。
A tremendous; deafening explosion shook the tunnel。 Rocks fell from above him and orange flames briefly lit up the battle…scarred
tunnel walls。
He sagged forward; supporting his broken body on shaking arms。
He heard the victory chant of the Iron Warriors coming from somewhere that seemed impossibly far away。
Only then did Forrix allow his elbows to buckle; collapsing him to the tunnel's floor。
IN THE DAYS following the abortive attack on the Iron Warriors' tunnel system; the morale of the citadel's garrison slumped as it
became obvious that nothing they could do would prevent the mine from reaching the walls。 Another assault was mounted through
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the countermine in the Primus Ravelin; but it was repulsed with heavy losses by a strong tunnel guard that never left the mine
Forrix was carried back to his dugout; where he was attended by the Warsmith's Chirumeks。 The master of the Iron Warriors made
it very clear that their survival was directly linked to that of his war…captain。
While Forrix healed; Honsou volunteered to take over supervision of the mining operations。 Kroeger had not emerged from his
dugout for days and Honsou wondered what new blood…madness now possessed him。 The Imperial Fists had explosively sealed
their countermines when it had become obvious that their attacks could not succeed。 Once the damage done by the sally had been
repaired; the undermining works progressed once more。
Siege tanks now moved up through the saps towards the third parallel; taking their positions in the heavily fortified earthwork。
Day and night; trucks laden with shells for these iron behemoths would make the dangerous trip from the campsite; depositing the
ordnance in newly cons
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