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Dark Disciple(科幻战争)-第28部分

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that he had registered just before the dark eldar attack in the tunnels。 His every sense alert for
danger; he registered a flicker of movement outside the lift。
He roared a warning; but his cry was lost as the lift doors sealed shut。
Sabtec and Namar…sin watched as the lift descended into darkness down the abyssal shaft in the
floor。 Neither of them had heard Burias’s cry of warning; and neither of them noticed the shadowy
figure crawling head…first down one of the hanging chains ten metres above their heads。
The black figure dropped soundlessly from above; twisting in the air like a gymnast and landing
in a crouch; with one foot on each of Namar…sin’s shoulders and one hand steadying itself on the top
of his helmet。 Before the sergeant…champion could react; the shadowy creature punched a blade
through the back of his neck; severing the vertebrae。 Its serrated tip emerged from the front of his
throat; the monomolecular blade sliding through his gorget as if it were made of paper。
The Word Bearer champion fell soundlessly; blood spurting from the fatal wound as the blade
was retracted。 Sabtec bellowed a warning as he lifted his bolter。 The shadowy creature; its skin as
black as pitch and with glowing runes cut into its flesh; sprung from the dying Word Bearers
champion’s shoulders; throwing itself into a back flip even as Sabtec began to fire。
The explosive…tipped bolt…rounds passed straight through the creature as it became as ethereal as
smoke; even as Namar…sin fell face…first to the floor; dead。
Sabtec lost sight of the murderous eldar and threw himself into a roll as he felt a second presence
materialise behind him。 A blade slashed the air where he had been standing a fraction of a second
earlier; and he came up firing。 Again; his bolt rounds found no target。
Shouts and screams echoed through the lift bay; accompanied by the percussive barking of bolt
weapons as more of the ghostly attackers materialised; dropping from overhead and emerging from
shadows that had been empty moments before。
Moving faster than he could track; one of the insubstantial attackers darted around Sabtec; a
fraction of a second in front of his coughing bolter; and the Word Bearer backed up a step;
attempting to put some extra space between him and his ethereal attacker。
The creature darted forwards; dissipating into mist as Sabtec fired upon it。 It re…formed just to
his left; and he swung his bolter towards it。 A blade slashed down in a diagonal arc; slicing the holy
weapon in two; and a second blade stabbed towards Sabtec’s throat。 He swayed aside from the
attack; but such was its speed that it still gouged a line across the faceplate of his helmet。 Dropping
his useless bolter; he grabbed his attacker’s slim arm。 Feeling solid armour and flesh beneath his
grasp; he hurled his attacker away from him; sending it spinning through the air; and drew his sword
from his scabbard。
“Thirteen!” he roared; bellowing the rallying cry that would bring the warriors of his coterie
Thumbing its activation glyph; Sabtec brought his sword humming to life。 The metre…and…a…half
blade gleamed as a sudden wave of energy raced up its length; and he swung it around in a glittering
arc to deflect a dark blade that sang towards his groin。 The blade severed the attacker’s hand at the
wrist; and the eldar warrior gave out a hiss of pain before becoming one with the shadows once
“Thirteen!” roared Sabtec again; breaking into a run towards the bulk of his coterie; which was
fighting its way towards him through the confusing blur of darting shadows。
“Twenty…third; form up on me;” he roared; seeing Namar…sin’s warriors becoming isolated and
Even as he closed with his warriors of the 13th coterie; he saw one of them hamstrung by a
slashing blade from behind and fall。 Instantly; a trio of shadows materialised around the fallen
warrior; looming like shades of death over him; and they dragged him backwards。
One of the black…skinned eldar warriors made a slashing motion with its hand that parted the
substance of the air; cutting aside the veil between real space and beyond。 In an instant; the fallen
warrior was bundled through the rent in reality; which sealed up behind him as if it had never been。
Sabtec slashed with his blade; keeping the darting shadows around him at bay。 He focused on
one of the creatures as it materialised behind another of his squad brothers; its slanted; milky white
eyes focused on its prey。
Sabtec roared as he launched himself forwards and impaled the shadow eldar on his power
sword; plunging the weapon into its throat。 Its blood danced upon the energised blade; spitting and
jumping。 Sabtec freed his weapon; slicing it out through the side of the eldar’s neck。 Its head
flopped to the side; and it dropped to the ground。 The glowing runes across its body blazed with
sudden light; and then faded; smoking slightly; leaving just a shattered eldar corpse lying on the
Having formed up; the 13th coterie fought back to back; protecting each other’s vulnerable
flanks。 The enemy was coming at them from all directions; yet the warrior brothers had fought
alongside each other for countless centuries; and each could predict his brothers’ movements with
the understanding that came from a lifetime of shared battle。
Heavy bolter…rounds from one of the Havoc Space Marines of the 217th ripped a swathe through
the shadows; tearing two of the eldar apart。 A pair of blades punched into his back and he was
dragged into another dark rift that swallowed him; closing off behind him。
Sabtec’s 13th blazed away at the shadows; most of their shots missing their targets; but a few
striking their attackers; blasting bloody chunks out of armour and flesh。
The attack ceased as quickly as it had started as first one of the mandrakes stepped into shadow
and was gone; and then another and another; until the Word Bearers were alone; smoke rising from
the barrels of their boltguns; and steam venting from the cooling chambers of plasma weapons。 The
sudden silence was eerie; and Sabtec’s breathing sounded loud in the confines of his helmet。 The
warriors of the 13th took the moment’s respite to load their bolters; dropping empty clips to the
Sabtec turned his head left and right; seeking the enemy; but it seemed they had truly gone。 Still
wary; he broke from the circle of his squad; and moved cautiously forward。
“Report;” he snapped。
Of 13th coterie; two members were dead and one was missing; taken by the dark eldar。 Three of
the surviving members were wounded; but not seriously。 The 217th Havoc coterie had fared even
worse; with three members dead; Namar…sin included; and tissing; leaving only
three members remaining。
Sabtec swore。
“You three;” he said; stabbing a finger towards the remaining warriors of Namar…sin’s coterie;
“you are 13th now。 217th is dead。”
The brother warriors bowed their heads in assent。 It was a great honour to be taken into the
hallowed 13th coterie; but they had fought as part of the 217th under Namar…sin for centuries。
Ammunition was running low; and the Word Bearers moved amongst their deceased kin;
stripping them of weapons; grenades and clips。 Sabtec knelt alongside each of the fallen warriors;
speaking the oath of the departed over each in turn。 With his combat knife; he carved an eightpointed
star into the forehead of each warrior; solemnly intoning the ritualised words; and daubed
their eyelids with blood。
Kneeling over the corpse of Namar…sin; Sabtec removed his helmet; and placed it on the floor
alongside his fallen brother。 Then; he reverently lifted one of the champion’s hands up; and stripped
it of its gauntlet。 Cradling the warrior’s meaty fist in one hand; he reached again for his knife; and
began to saw through the champion’s fingers; using the serrated edge of his blade。
After hacking through each of the digits in turn; he tossed a severed finger to each of the
members of Namar…sin’s coterie。 He kept one for himself; for Namar…sin had been his battle…brother
since the Great Crusade; and he had respected the warrior greatly; and valued his comradeship。
He began to strip his battle…brother’s body; removing his shoulder plates and placing them
carefully at his side; before moving onto his gorget and outer chest plates; removing each piece
carefully and reverently。 The other members of his squad stood by solemnly。
He pulled the breastplate away with a sucking sound; taking with it the outer layer of skin that
had long fused with the armour。
The flesh of Namar…sin’s broad torso was heavily muscled; and the tissue of that muscle
glistened wetly。 With a deft movement; Sabtec sliced a deep cut from the breastbone to the navel。
Inserting his hand into the cut; he searched around in the chest cavity; groping behind the thick;
fused ribcage。 Grasping Namar…sin’s motionless primary heart; he pulled it free; cutting it loose with
his knife。
Sabtec stood and lifted the heart up in his bloody hands。
“Namar…sin was a mighty warrior and devoted brother of the true word;” said Sabtec。 “We
mourn his passing; yet rejoice; for his soul has become as one with Chaos。 In honour of his service
in the name of Lorgar; we eat of his flesh; that he may live on with us as we continue the Long War
without him; and that we may carry his strength with us; always。”
Lifting the heart to his mouth; Sabtec took a bite; ripping the flesh away with his teeth。 Blood
covered his chin; and he chewed the lump of flesh briefly before swallowing it。 Then he stepped in
front of the first of the three remaining warriors that had belonged to Namar…sin’s coterie; offering
the heart。
Marduk stared through the thirty…centimetre thick porthole into the inky blackness beyond as the lift
continued to power its way down into the Stygian depths of the ocean。 Little could be seen apart
from occasional bubbles of expanding gas; and the visage of his skull helmet was reflected back at
him; distorted in the curved therma…glass。
“There is no going back now; we have not the time。 I feel the threads of fate weaving together。
The time of the completion of this… necessary task; draws close;” said Marduk with a hint of
impatience and irritation。 “Sabtec and Namar…sin are veterans。 They can look after themselves。”
The lift strained and creaked alarmingly as the building pressure of the water outside pressed in。
The thick metal plates of the hull; supported by countless brackets and thick bolted girders; flexed
inwards; groaning like a beast in torment。
The lift had descended at a steady rate; down the shaft carved from solid ice。 The rate of descent
slowed as they reached the lower crust of the ice and plunged into the sea; before increasing in
speed once more as they sank further into the icy depths。 They were some four thousand metres
below the surface; nearing halfway to the ocean floor。
Burias was pacing back and forth like a caged animal; glaring hatefully at the bulging hull as if
daring it to give way。
“Be calm; icon bearer;” snapped Marduk; turning away from the porthole。 “Your restlessness is
Marduk could feel Burias’s impatience like a living thing; intruding on his spirit。
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