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Dark Disciple(科幻战争)-第17部分

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motionless and dark。 Then it was hidden as the winds picked up again with a vengeance。
“That’s Markham’s rig;” said Solon。
“Looks like it; boss;” said Cholos。
“Hail them;” said Solon。
“You recognise it?” asked Folches as Cholos tried to make voice contact with the stationary
crawler with the short…ranged vox…caster built into the dash console。
“Yeah;” said Solon。 “It should be at the starport by now。 What the hell is it doing out here?”
“There’s no response; boss;” said Cholos。 The sound of static was hissing from the vox…caster。
“Might be the storm’s interference though。”
Solon swore。
“Right; take us alongside it。 If it still doesn’t respond; then it looks like we’ll be getting cold。”
“My squad will come with you;” said Folches。
“That would be appreciated;” said Solon。
The lift halted its ascent and drew to a shuddering halt。
“Restricted access。 Band XK privilege required;” croaked the robotic voice of the servitor built
into one of the interior walls of the lift。
Marduk sighed in impatience。
A panel on one wall bore the symbol of the Adeptus Mechanicus; and the First Acolyte ripped it
clear; his gauntlet wrenching the metal out of shape as if it were paper。 Wires and cables spilt behind
the panel like intestines; sparking and buzzing。
“Open it;” he ordered impatiently。
A mechadendrite tentacle stabbed into the open panel; and Darioq twisted it left and right。
“Access granted;” croaked the servitor as the magos retracted his metallic tentacle; and the lift
doors hissed open。
Kol Badar stepped out of the lift in front of Marduk; swinging his combi…bolter from side to
side。 The lift rose a few centimetres as the Coryphaus’s immense weight was removed from the
straining winch mechanics。
“Clear;” the towering Coryphaus growled; raising his combi…bolter into a vertical position。 Kol
Badar held the sacred icon of the Host in the power talons of his left hand; the snarling daemon face
of the Latros Sacrum in its centre; slamming the butt of the staff into the ground as Marduk stepped
from the lift。
The First Acolyte took a moment to get his bearings before marching into the guildmaster’s
“Stay; Darioq…Grendh’al;” he said over his shoulder; exerting the force of his will into his
intonation; forcibly commanding the daemon within the corrupted magos。
Burias was leaning casually against a wall; drinking from a bottle that had had its neck smashed
off。 His mouth and chin were covered in blood; and a man lay shivering on the floor before him。
The icon bearer drained the fiery liquid from the bottle and smiled at Marduk; wiping his mouth
with the back of one hand。
“Stand to attention when your seniors are present; warrior;” barked Kol Badar; the voxamplifiers
built into his quad…tusked helmet making his voice even more of an animalistic growl
than usual。
Making no attempt to hurry; Burias languidly rose from his slouch and tossed the empty bottle
away。 It shattered on the floor。
“Consumption of all but necessary sustenance is a sin that leads to weakness; icon bearer;”
snapped Marduk。 “You will submit yourself to three months of fasting and flagellation once we
return to the Infidus Diabolus。”
“I am duly castigated; my master;” said Burias; bowing his head in a show of obeisance and
mock remorse。 Marduk’s eyes narrowed。
Burias held a hand out to Kol Badar。 “My icon?” he said。
The Coryphaus flicked the heavy icon at the smaller Astartes warrior with far more force than
was needed; but Burias caught it deftly in his hand。
“Enough;” said Marduk。 “This is the commander?” He motioned with his chin towards the man
shivering on the ground。
“It is; my master;” said Burias; running his hands lovingly over the spiked length of his icon; as
if he had been separated from it for years and was savouring being reunited。 “Alive; as you wished。”
Marduk knelt down before the man; who stared up at him fearfully; his face waxy and pale。
“You have something that I want; little man;” said Marduk; removing his skull…faced helmet and
handing it to Burias; “and you are going to tell me where it is。”
“Wha… wha… what is it you want?” managed the man; gritting his teeth in pain; gingerly
cradling his left arm in his hand。 He stared up at Marduk; a mixture of fear and defiance in his eyes。
“A person; if you could call it that;” said Marduk。 “Someone who was posted here; at this very
facility: an adept of the weakling Machine…God。”
“What do you want with them?”
Marduk reached out towards the man; his movements slow and almost caring。 The guildmaster
recoiled from his grasp; but there was nowhere for him to run。
“You are injured; I see;” said Marduk; taking the man’s arm carefully in his hands。 “This must
With a slow twisting motion; Marduk turned the man’s hand over; making the shattered bones
grind against one another。 The man screamed in agony and Marduk twisted it again。 Then he
“Do not question me again; little man。 This was punishment for doing so。 Now; tell me; where
is… What was its name?”
Marduk turned his head around; looking back towards the adjoining room and the lift。
“Darioq…Grendh’al;” he barked。 “Come。”
Like a hound coming to its master’s call; Magos Darioq entered the room; his steps slow and
mechanical。 Having been allowed to reconstruct his servo…harness; four massive robotic arms
emerged from his back; two coming around his sides; and two over his shoulders; like the stabbing
tails of an insect。 Black veins pulsed within the servo…arms as the lines between organic; mechanical
and daemonic were increasingly blurred; and one of the arms twitched awkwardly as he walked。
The guildmaster’s agonised eyes were locked on the magos; who wore a robe of black in place
of his red Mechanicus garb。 The red gloented left eye gleamed malignly from
within his deep cowl。
“What is the name of the target?” Marduk asked。
“Explorator First Class Daenae;” said Magos Darioq in his monotone voice; “originally of the
Konor Adeptus Mechanicus research world of UL01。02; assigned to cl4。8。87。i; Perdus Skylla; for
recon/salvage of the Dvorak…class interstellar freighter Flames of Perdition; which reappeared
within Segmentum Tempestus in 942。M41 and crashed onto the surface of cl4。8。87。i; Perdus Skylla;
in 944。M41 after being missing presumed lost in warp storm anomaly xi。024。396 in 432。M35。”
Marduk turned back towards the guildmaster with the hint of a smile on his face。
“How foolish of me to have forgotten its name;” he said。 The smile dropped from his face。
“Where is this Explorator Daenae? Tell me now; or you shall be further punished。 And I promise
you; the pain you have already experienced will be but a fraction of what you will come to know
should you displease me further。”
“I don’t know who you mean;” hissed the man。
Marduk sighed。
“You are lying to me;” he said; and gave the man’s arm a further twist。 This time he did not
relent quickly; and he ground the broken bones of the guildmaster’s arm against each other with
Behind Marduk; Burias grinned at the man’s pain。
“The explorator was assigned to this facility;” said Marduk over the guildmaster’s screams of
torment; “therefore you know where it is。 Tell me now; or your death will not be swift in coming to
The guildmaster’s eyes were shut tightly against the pain; and he passed out suddenly; going
limp in Marduk’s arms。 The First Acolyte threw the man’s arm down in disgust; the bones of the
forearm bent almost at right angles。
“Permission to speak; Marduk; First Acolyte of the Word Bearers Legion of Astartes; genetic
descendent of the glorified Primarch Lorgar;” said Darioq。
“Glorified Primarch Lorgar?” asked Marduk with a grin。 “You are learning; Enslaved。
Permission to speak granted。”
“With the surgical removal of the inhibitor functions of my logic…engines; and the rearrangement
of the frontal cortex of three of my brain…units; I find…” began Darioq…Grendh’al。
“Get to the point;” interrupted Marduk。
“Summary: it is not required that the location of Explorator First Class Daenae be obtained from
the brain…unit of Guildmaster Polio;” the magos intoned。
“What gibberish does it speak? Who is this Guildmaster Polio?” growled Kol Badar。
“Guildmaster Polio is the flesh unit whose radial and ulna bones of the left arm have been
rendered inoperative and non…functioning by Marduk; First Acolyte of the Word Bearers Legion of
Astartes; genetic descendent of the glorified Primarch Lorgar;” replied Darioq。
Burias snorted his amusement; though Kol Badar growled and took a step towards the blackrobed
magos; electricity coursing into life around his power talons。 Marduk forestalled his advance
with a raised hand; and looked at the magos intently。
“What do you mean; Darioq…Grendh’al? Speak simply;” he said。
“In order to garner the required information about the whereabouts of Explorator Daenae; all
that is necessary is to gain access to the cortex hub of this bastion facility。”
Marduk turned to look at Burias。 The icon bearer shrugged and Marduk turned back towards
Darioq with a sigh。
“What do you need to find the location of the explorator?” asked Marduk; speaking in a slow
and measured voice。
“In order to access the cortex hub of this bastion facility; a sub…retinal scan of the commanding
officer must be made;” said Darioq。
A hint of a smile touched Marduk’s lips; and he turned towards Burias。
“Fetch me his eyes; icon bearer。”
Burias grinned and flexed his fingers。
“As you wish; my master;” replied the icon bearer。
The heavy crawler doors slid aside with a sound like a mountain shifting; and snow and ice billowed
into the cargo hold。 The frightened refugees from Antithon Guild were huddled as best they could
against the far wall; protecting their faces from the biting wind。
“Let’s do this quickly;” shouted Solon over the wind。 At his side; Cholos gave him the thumbs
up。 Solon looked towards Sergeant Folches; who stood with his soldiers。 The soldier nodded。
“Keep her running;” shouted Solon to Cholos。 “The last thing we want out here is the engines
seizing up。”
Solon pulled his mask and respirator over his face; obscuring his features; and turned around
awkwardly in his bulky exposure suit。 He grabbed the sides of the ice…encased metal ladder on the
exterior of the crawler and began to climb down to the ground。
His breathing sounding heavy in his ears and he felt a momentary stab of claustrophobia。 He
hated these suits。 The pair of circular synth…glass goggle…panes obscured his peripheral vision and
the suit made all movement heavy and laboured。 Still; they kept the cold out; and without one he
wouldn’t last more than an hour in these conditions。
He climbed down the eight metres from the cargo hold to the ground and stepped onto the ice。
The wind threatened to knock him down; and he steadied himself with a hand on a massive wheel。
He turned around to look up at the bulk of Markham’s lifeless crawler as the others descended。 It
reared; black and imposing; like an ancient monolith; dark and dead。
With his mask in place; he had no means to communicate with the others except by hand signals;
and he poi
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