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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第69部分

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to all of us; and had nothing in mon with any of us when she
unfortunately fell in your way。 I don't know what you are; but you don't
hide; can't hide; what a dark spirit you have within you。 If it should
happen that you are a woman; who; from whatever cause; has a perverted
delight in making a sister…woman as wretched as she is (I am old enough
to have heard of such); I warn her against you; and I warn you against

'Gentlemen!' said Miss Wade; calmly。 'When you have concluded……Mr
Clennam; perhaps you will induce your friend……'

'Not without another effort;' said Mr Meagles; stoutly。 'Tattycoram;
my poor dear girl; count five…and…twenty。' 'Do not reject the hope; the
certainty; this kind man offers you;' said Clennam in a low emphatic
voice。 'Turn to the friends you have not forgotten。 Think once more!'

'I won't! Miss Wade;' said the girl; with her bosom swelling high; and
speaking with her hand held to her throat; 'take me away!'

'Tattycoram;' said Mr Meagles。 'Once more yet! The only thing I ask of
you in the world; my child! Count five…and…twenty!'

She put her hands tightly over her ears; confusedly tumbling down her
bright black hair in the vehemence of the action; and turned her face
resolutely to the wall。 Miss Wade; who had watched her under this final
appeal with that strange attentive smile; and that repressing hand
upon her own bosom with which she had watched her in her struggle at
Marseilles; then put her arm about her waist as if she took possession
of her for evermore。

And there was a visible triumph in her face when she turned it to
dismiss the visitors。

'As it is the last time I shall have the honour;' she said; 'and as you
have spoken of not knowing what I am; and also of the foundation of my
influence here; you may now know that it is founded in a mon cause。
What your broken plaything is as to birth; I am。 She has no name; I have
no name。 Her wrong is my wrong。 I have nothing more to say to you。'

This was addressed to Mr Meagles; who sorrowfully went out。 As Clennam
followed; she said to him; with the same external posure and in the
same level voice; but with a smile that is only seen on cruel faces: a
very faint smile; lifting the nostril; scarcely touching the lips; and
not breaking away gradually; but instantly dismissed when done with:

'I hope the wife of your dear friend Mr Gowan; may be happy in the
contrast of her extraction to this girl's and mine; and in the high good
fortune that awaits her。'

CHAPTER 28。 Nobody's Disappearance

Not resting satisfied with the endeavours he had made to recover his
lost charge; Mr Meagles addressed a letter of remonstrance; breathing
nothing but goodwill; not only to her; but to Miss Wade too。 No answer
ing to these epistles; or to another written to the stubborn girl
by the hand of her late young mistress; which might have melted her
if anything could (all three letters were returned weeks afterwards as
having been refused at the house…door); he deputed Mrs Meagles to make
the experiment of a personal interview。 That worthy lady being unable to
obtain one; and being steadfastly denied admission; Mr Meagles besought
Arthur to essay once more what he could do。 All that came of his
pliance was; his discovery that the empty house was left in charge
of the old woman; that Miss Wade was gone; that the waifs and strays of
furniture were gone; and that the old woman would accept any number of
half…crowns and thank the donor kindly; but had no information whatever
to exchange for those coins; beyond constantly offering for perusal a
memorandum relative to fixtures; which the house…agent's young man had
left in the hall。

Unwilling; even under this disfiture; to resign the ingrate and leave
her hopeless; in case of her better dispositions obtaining the mastery
over the darker side of her character; Mr Meagles; for six successive
days; published a discreetly covert advertisement in the morning papers;
to the effect that if a certain young person who had lately left
home without reflection; would at any time apply to his address at
Twickenham; everything would be as it had been before; and no reproaches
need be apprehended。 The unexpected consequences of this notification
suggested to the dismayed Mr Meagles for the first time that some
hundreds of young persons must be leaving their homes without reflection
every day; for shoals of wrong young people came down to Twickenham;
who; not finding themselves received with enthusiasm; generally demanded
pensation by way of damages; in addition to coach…hire there and
back。 Nor were these the only uninvited clients whom the advertisement
produced。 The swarm of begging…letter writers; who would seem to be
always watching eagerly for any hook; however small; to hang a letter
upon; wrote to say that having seen the advertisement; they were induced
to apply with confidence for various sums; ranging from ten shillings to
fifty pounds: not because they knew anything about the young person;
but because they felt that to part with those donations would greatly
relieve the advertiser's mind。 Several projectors; likewise; availed
themselves of the same opportunity to correspond with Mr Meagles; as;
for example; to apprise him that their attention having been called to
the advertisement by a friend; they begged to state that if they should
ever hear anything of the young person; they would not fail to make it
known to him immediately; and that in the meantime if he would oblige
them with the funds necessary for bringing to perfection a certain
entirely novel description of Pump; the happiest results would ensue to

Mr Meagles and his family; under these bined discouragements; had
begun reluctantly to give up Tattycoram as irrecoverable; when the new
and active firm of Doyce and Clennam; in their private capacities;
went down on a Saturday to stay at the cottage until Monday。 The senior
partner took the coach; and the junior partner took his walking…stick。

A tranquil summer sunset shone upon him as he approached the end of
his walk; and passed through the meadows by the river side。 He had
that sense of peace; and of being lightened of a weight of care; which
country quiet awakens in the breasts of dwellers in towns。 Everything
within his view was lovely and placid。 The rich foliage of the trees;
the luxuriant grass diversified with wild flowers; the little green
islands in the river; the beds of rushes; the water…lilies floating on
the surface of the stream; the distant voices in boats borne musically
towards him on the ripple of the water and the evening air; were all
expressive of rest。 In the occasional leap of a fish; or dip of an oar;
or twittering of a bird not yet at roost; or distant barking of a dog;
or lowing of a cow……in all such sounds; there was the prevailing breath
of rest; which seemed to enpass him in every scent that sweetened
the fragrant air。 The long lines of red and gold in the sky; and the
glorious track of the descending sun; were all divinely calm。 Upon the
purple tree…tops far away; and on the green height near at hand up which
the shades were slowly creeping; there was an equal hush。 Between the
real landscape and its shadow in the water; there was no division; both
were so untroubled and clear; and; while so fraught with solemn mystery
of life and death; so hopefully reassuring to the gazer's soothed heart;
because so tenderly and mercifully beautiful。

Clennam had stopped; not for the first time by many times; to look about
him and suffer what he saw to sink into his soul; as the shadows; looked
at; seemed to sink deeper and deeper into the water。 He was slowly
resuming his way; when he saw a figure in the path before him which he
had; perhaps; already associated with the evening and its impressions。

Minnie was there; alone。 She had some roses in her hand; and seemed to
have stood still on seeing him; waiting for him。 Her face was towards
him; and she appeared to have been ing from the opposite direction。
There was a flutter in her manner; which Clennam had never seen in it
before; and as he came near her; it entered his mind all at once that
she was there of a set purpose to speak to him。

She gave him her hand; and said; 'You wonder to see me here by myself?
But the evening is so lovely; I have strolled further than I meant
at first。 I thought it likely I might meet you; and that made me more
confident。 You always e this way; do you not?'

As Clennam said that it was his favourite way; he felt her hand falter
on his arm; and saw the roses shake。

'Will you let me give you one; Mr Clennam? I gathered them as I came out
of the garden。 Indeed; I almost gathered them for you; thinking it so
likely I might meet you。 Mr Doyce arrived more than an hour ago; and
told us you were walking down。'

His own hand shook; as he accepted a rose or two from hers and thanked
her。 They were now by an avenue of trees。 Whether they turned into it on
his movement or on hers matters little。 He never knew how that was。

'It is very grave here;' said Clennam; 'but very pleasant at this hour。
Passing along this deep shade; and out at that arch of light at the
other end; we e upon the ferry and the cottage by the best approach;
I think。' In her simple garden…hat and her light summer dress; with her
rich brown hair naturally clustering about her; and her wonderful eyes
raised to his for a moment with a look in which regard for him and
trustfulness in him were strikingly blended with a kind of timid sorrow
for him; she was so beautiful that it was well for his peace……or ill for
his peace; he did not quite know which……that he had made that vigorous
resolution he had so often thought about。

She broke a momentary silence by inquiring if he knew that papa had been
thinking of another tour abroad? He said he had heard it mentioned。 She
broke another momentary silence by adding; with some hesitation; that
papa had abandoned the idea。

At this; he thought directly; 'they are to be married。'

'Mr Clennam;' she said; hesitating more timidly yet; and speaking so low
that he bent his head to hear her。 'I should very much like to give you
my confidence; if you would not mind having the goodness to receive
it。 I should have very much liked to have given it to you long ago;
because……I felt that you were being so much our friend。'

'How can I be otherwise than proud of it at any time! Pray give it to
me。 Pray trust me。'

'I could never have been afraid of trusting you;' she returned; raising
her eyes frankly to his face。 'I think I would have done so some time
ago; if I had known how。 But I scarcely know how; even now。'

'Mr Gowan;' said Arthur Clennam; 'has reason to be very happy。 God bless
his wife and him!'

She wept; as she tried to thank him。 He reassured her; took her hand
as it lay with the trembling roses in it on his arm; took the remaining
roses from it; and put it to his lips。 At that time; it seemed to him;
he first finally resigned the dying hope that had flickered in nobody's
heart so much to its pain and trouble; and from that time he became in
his own eyes; as to any similar hope or prospect; a very much older man
who had done with t
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