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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第53部分

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drinking his tea in a corner; and touched him on the arm。

Mr Merdle started。 'Oh! It's you!'

'Any better to…day?'

'No;' said Mr Merdle; 'I am no better。'

'A pity I didn't see you this morning。 Pray e to me to…morrow; or let
me e to you。'

'Well!' he replied。 'I will e to…morrow as I drive by。' Bar and
Bishop had both been bystanders during this short dialogue; and as Mr
Merdle was swept away by the crowd; they made their remarks upon it
to the Physician。 Bar said; there was a certain point of mental strain
beyond which no man could go; that the point varied with various
textures of brain and peculiarities of constitution; as he had had
occasion to notice in several of his learned brothers; but the point of
endurance passed by a line's breadth; depression and dyspepsia ensued。
Not to intrude on the sacred mysteries of medicine; he took it; now
(with the jury droop and persuasive eye…glass); that this was Merdle's
case? Bishop said that when he was a young man; and had fallen for a
brief space into the habit of writing sermons on Saturdays; a habit
which all young sons of the church should sedulously avoid; he had
frequently been sensible of a depression; arising as he supposed from an
over…taxed intellect; upon which the yolk of a new…laid egg; beaten up
by the good woman in whose house he at that time lodged; with a glass
of sound sherry; nutmeg; and powdered sugar acted like a charm。 Without
presuming to offer so simple a remedy to the consideration of so
profound a professor of the great healing art; he would venture to
inquire whether the strain; being by way of intricate calculations;
the spirits might not (humanly speaking) be restored to their tone by a
gentle and yet generous stimulant?

'Yes;' said the physician; 'yes; you are both right。 But I may as well
tell you that I can find nothing the matter with Mr Merdle。 He has
the constitution of a rhinoceros; the digestion of an ostrich; and
the concentration of an oyster。 As to nerves; Mr Merdle is of a cool
temperament; and not a sensitive man: is about as invulnerable; I should
say; as Achilles。 How such a man should suppose himself unwell without
reason; you may think strange。 But I have found nothing the matter with
him。 He may have some deep…seated recondite plaint。 I can't say。 I
only say; that at present I have not found it out。'

There was no shadow of Mr Merdle's plaint on the bosom now displaying
precious stones in rivalry with many similar superb jewel…stands; there
was no shadow of Mr Merdle's plaint on young Sparkler hovering about
the rooms; monomaniacally seeking any sufficiently ineligible young lady
with no nonsense about her; there was no shadow of Mr Merdle's plaint
on the Barnacles and Stiltstalkings; of whom whole colonies were
present; or on any of the pany。 Even on himself; its shadow was faint
enough as he moved about among the throng; receiving homage。

Mr Merdle's plaint。 Society and he had so much to do with one another
in all things else; that it is hard to imagine his plaint; if he
had one; being solely his own affair。 Had he that deep…seated recondite
plaint; and did any doctor find it out? Patience; in the meantime;
the shadow of the Marshalsea wall was a real darkening influence; and
could be seen on the Dorrit Family at any stage of the sun's course。

CHAPTER 22。 A Puzzle

Mr Clennam did not increase in favour with the Father of the Marshalsea
in the ratio of his increasing visits。 His obtuseness on the great
Testimonial question was not calculated to awaken admiration in the
paternal breast; but had rather a tendency to give offence in that
sensitive quarter; and to be regarded as a positive shorting in point
of gentlemanly feeling。 An impression of disappointment; occasioned
by the discovery that Mr Clennam scarcely possessed that delicacy for
which; in the confidence of his nature; he had been inclined to give
him credit; began to darken the fatherly mind in connection with that
gentleman。 The father went so far as to say; in his private family
circle; that he feared Mr Clennam was not a man of high instincts。
He was happy; he observed; in his public capacity as leader and
representative of the College; to receive Mr Clennam when he called to
pay his respects; but he didn't find that he got on with him personally。
There appeared to be something (he didn't know what it was) wanting in
him。 Howbeit; the father did not fail in any outward show of politeness;
but; on the contrary; honoured him with much attention; perhaps
cherishing the hope that; although not a man of a sufficiently
brilliant and spontaneous turn of mind to repeat his former testimonial
unsolicited; it might still be within the pass of his nature to
bear the part of a responsive gentleman; in any correspondence that way

In the threefold capacity; of the gentleman from outside who had been
accidentally locked in on the night of his first appearance; of the
gentleman from outside who had inquired into the affairs of the Father
of the Marshalsea with the stupendous idea of getting him out; and of
the gentleman from outside who took an interest in the child of the
Marshalsea; Clennam soon became a visitor of mark。

He was not surprised by the attentions he received from Mr Chivery when
that officer was on the lock; for he made little distinction between
Mr Chivery's politeness and that of the other turnkeys。 It was on one
particular afternoon that Mr Chivery surprised him all at once; and
stood forth from his panions in bold relief。

Mr Chivery; by some artful exercise of his power of clearing the Lodge;
had contrived to rid it of all sauntering Collegians; so that Clennam;
ing out of the prison; should find him on duty alone。

'(Private) I ask your pardon; sir;' said Mr Chivery in a secret manner;
'but which way might you be going?'

'I am going over the Bridge。' He saw in Mr Chivery; with some
astonishment; quite an Allegory of Silence; as he stood with his key on
his lips。

'(Private) I ask your pardon again;' said Mr Chivery; 'but could you go
round by Horsemonger Lane? Could you by any means find time to look in
at that address?' handing him a little card; printed for circulation
among the connection of Chivery and Co。; Tobacconists; Importers of pure
Havannah Cigars; Bengal Cheroots; and fine…flavoured Cubas; Dealers in
Fancy Snuffs; &C。 &C。

'(Private) It an't tobacco business;' said Mr Chivery。 'The truth is;
it's my wife。 She's wishful to say a word to you; sir; upon a point
respecting……yes;' said Mr Chivery; answering Clennam's look of
apprehension with a nod; 'respecting her。'

'I will make a point of seeing your wife directly。'

'Thank you; sir。 Much obliged。 It an't above ten minutes out of your
way。 Please to ask for Mrs Chivery!' These instructions; Mr Chivery; who
had already let him out; cautiously called through a little slide in the
outer door; which he could draw back from within for the inspection of
visitors when it pleased him。

Arthur Clennam; with the card in his hand; betook himself to the address
set forth upon it; and speedily arrived there。 It was a very small
establishment; wherein a decent woman sat behind the counter working
at her needle。 Little jars of tobacco; little boxes of cigars; a
little assortment of pipes; a little jar or two of snuff; and a little
instrument like a shoeing horn for serving it out; posed the retail
stock in trade。

Arthur mentioned his name; and his having promised to call; on the
solicitation of Mr Chivery。 About something relating to Miss Dorrit; he
believed。 Mrs Chivery at once laid aside her work; rose up from her seat
behind the counter; and deploringly shook her head。

'You may see him now;' said she; 'if you'll condescend to take a peep。'

With these mysterious words; she preceded the visitor into a little
parlour behind the shop; with a little window in it manding a very
little dull back…yard。 In this yard a wash of sheets and table…cloths
tried (in vain; for want of air) to get itself dried on a line or two;
and among those flapping articles was sitting in a chair; like the
last mariner left alive on the deck of a damp ship without the power of
furling the sails; a little woe…begone young man。

'Our John;' said Mrs Chivery。

Not to be deficient in interest; Clennam asked what he might be doing

'It's the only change he takes;' said Mrs Chivery; shaking her head
afresh。 'He won't go out; even in the back…yard; when there's no linen;
but when there's linen to keep the neighbours' eyes off; he'll sit
there; hours。 Hours he will。 Says he feels as if it was groves!' Mrs
Chivery shook her head again; put her apron in a motherly way to her
eyes; and reconducted her visitor into the regions of the business。

'Please to take a seat; sir;' said Mrs Chivery。 'Miss Dorrit is the
matter with Our John; sir; he's a breaking his heart for her; and I
would wish to take the liberty to ask how it's to be made good to his
parents when bust?'

Mrs Chivery; who was a fortable…looking woman much respected about
Horsemonger Lane for her feelings and her conversation; uttered this
speech with fell posure; and immediately afterwards began again to
shake her head and dry her eyes。

'Sir;' said she in continuation; 'you are acquainted with the family;
and have interested yourself with the family; and are influential with
the family。 If you can promote views calculated to make two young people
happy; let me; for Our john's sake; and for both their sakes; implore
you so to do!'

'I have been so habituated;' returned Arthur; at a loss; 'during
the short time I have known her; to consider Little……I have been so
habituated to consider Miss Dorrit in a light altogether removed from
that in which you present her to me; that you quite take me by surprise。
Does she know your son?'

'Brought up together; sir;' said Mrs Chivery。 'Played together。'

'Does she know your son as her admirer?'

'Oh! bless you; sir;' said Mrs Chivery; with a sort of triumphant
shiver; 'she never could have seen him on a Sunday without knowing he
was that。 His cane alone would have told it long ago; if nothing else
had。 Young men like John don't take to ivory hands a pinting; for
nothing。 How did I first know it myself? Similarly。'

'Perhaps Miss Dorrit may not be so ready as you; you see。'

'Then she knows it; sir;' said Mrs Chivery; 'by word of mouth。'

'Are you sure?'

'Sir;' said Mrs Chivery; 'sure and certain as in this house I am。 I see
my son go out with my own eyes when in this house I was; and I see my
son e in with my own eyes when in this house I was; and I know he
done it!' Mrs Chivery derived a surprising force of emphasis from the
foregoing circumstantiality and repetition。

'May I ask you how he came to fall into the desponding state which
causes you so much uneasiness?'

'That;' said Mrs Chivery; 'took place on that same day when to this
house I see that John with these eyes return。 Never been himself in this
house since。 Never was like what he has been since; not from the hour
when to this house seven year ago me and his father; as tenants by the
quarter; came!' An effect in the nature of an affidavit was gained from
this speech by Mr
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