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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第26部分

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position……than all the others; I was going to say。'

'I don't know that I should find that a consolation; if it were my case;
but I am very glad that you do。'

'Understand me! I don't say;' he replied in his steady; planning
way; and looking into the distance before him as if his grey eye were
measuring it; 'that it's repense for a man's toil and hope; but it's
a certain sort of relief to know that I might have counted on this。'

He spoke in that quiet deliberate manner; and in that undertone; which
is often observable in mechanics who consider and adjust with great
nicety。 It belonged to him like his suppleness of thumb; or his peculiar
way of tilting up his hat at the back every now and then; as if he were
contemplating some half…finished work of his hand and thinking about it。

'Disappointed?' he went on; as he walked between them under the trees。
'Yes。 No doubt I am disappointed。 Hurt? Yes。 No doubt I am hurt。 That's
only natural。 But what I mean when I say that people who put themselves
in the same position are mostly used in the same way……'

'In England;' said Mr Meagles。

'Oh! of course I mean in England。 When they take their inventions into
foreign countries; that's quite different。 And that's the reason why so
many go there。'

Mr Meagles very hot indeed again。

'What I mean is; that however this es to be the regular way of our
government; it is its regular way。 Have you ever heard of any projector
or inventor who failed to find it all but inaccessible; and whom it did
not discourage and ill…treat?'

'I cannot say that I ever have。'

'Have you ever known it to be beforehand in the adoption of any useful
thing? Ever known it to set an example of any useful kind?'

'I am a good deal older than my friend here;' said Mr Meagles; 'and I'll
answer that。 Never。'

'But we all three have known; I expect;' said the inventor; 'a pretty
many cases of its fixed determination to be miles upon miles; and years
upon years; behind the rest of us; and of its being found out persisting
in the use of things long superseded; even after the better things were
well known and generally taken up?'

They all agreed upon that。

'Well then;' said Doyce; with a sigh; 'as I know what such a metal will
do at such a temperature; and such a body under such a pressure; so I
may know (if I will only consider); how these great lords and gentlemen
will certainly deal with such a matter as mine。

I have no right to be surprised; with a head upon my shoulders; and
memory in it; that I fall into the ranks with all who came before me。 I
ought to have let it alone。 I have had warning enough; I am sure。'

With that he put up his spectacle…case; and said to Arthur; 'If I don't
plain; Mr Clennam; I can feel gratitude; and I assure you that I
feel it towards our mutual friend。 Many's the day; and many's the way in
which he has backed me。'

'Stuff and nonsense;' said Mr Meagles。

Arthur could not but glance at Daniel Doyce in the ensuing silence。

Though it was evidently in the grain of his character; and of his
respect for his own case; that he should abstain from idle murmuring;
it was evident that he had grown the older; the sterner; and the poorer;
for his long endeavour。 He could not but think what a blessed thing
it would have been for this man; if he had taken a lesson from the
gentlemen who were so kind as to take a nation's affairs in charge; and
had learnt How not to do it。

Mr Meagles was hot and despondent for about five minutes; and then began
to cool and clear up。

'e; e!' said he。 'We shall not make this the better by being grim。
Where do you think of going; Dan?'

'I shall go back to the factory;' said Dan。 'Why then; we'll all go
back to the factory; or walk in that direction;' returned Mr Meagles
cheerfully。 'Mr Clennam won't be deterred by its being in Bleeding Heart

'Bleeding Heart Yard?' said Clennam。 'I want to go there。'

'So much the better;' cried Mr Meagles。 'e along!'

As they went along; certainly one of the party; and probably more than
one; thought that Bleeding Heart Yard was no inappropriate destination
for a man who had been in official correspondence with my lords and the
Barnacles……and perhaps had a misgiving also that Britannia herself might
e to look for lodgings in Bleeding Heart Yard some ugly day or other;
if she over…did the Circumlocution Office。

CHAPTER 11。 Let Loose

A late; dull autumn night was closing in upon the river Saone。 The
stream; like a sullied looking…glass in a gloomy place; reflected the
clouds heavily; and the low banks leaned over here and there; as if they
were half curious; and half afraid; to see their darkening pictures in
the water。 The flat expanse of country about Chalons lay a long heavy
streak; occasionally made a little ragged by a row of poplar trees
against the wrathful sunset。 On the banks of the river Saone it was wet;
depressing; solitary; and the night deepened fast。

One man slowly moving on towards Chalons was the only visible figure in
the landscape。 Cain might have looked as lonely and avoided。 With an old
sheepskin knapsack at his back; and a rough; unbarked stick cut out of
some wood in his hand; miry; footsore; his shoes and gaiters trodden
out; his hair and beard untrimmed; the cloak he carried over his
shoulder; and the clothes he wore; sodden with wet; limping along in
pain and difficulty; he looked as if the clouds were hurrying from him;
as if the wail of the wind and the shuddering of the grass were directed
against him; as if the low mysterious plashing of the water murmured at
him; as if the fitful autumn night were disturbed by him。

He glanced here; and he glanced there; sullenly but shrinkingly; and
sometimes stopped and turned about; and looked all round him。 Then he
limped on again; toiling and muttering。

'To the devil with this plain that has no end! To the devil with these
stones that cut like knives! To the devil with this dismal darkness;
wrapping itself about one with a chill! I hate you!'

And he would have visited his hatred upon it all with the scowl he threw
about him; if he could。 He trudged a little further; and looking into
the distance before him; stopped again。 'I; hungry; thirsty; weary。 You;
imbeciles; where the lights are yonder; eating and drinking; and warming
yourselves at fires! I wish I had the sacking of your town; I would
repay you; my children!'

But the teeth he set at the town; and the hand he shook at the town;
brought the town no nearer; and the man was yet hungrier; and thirstier;
and wearier; when his feet were on its jagged pavement; and he stood
looking about him。

There was the hotel with its gateway; and its savoury smell of cooking;
there was the cafe with its bright windows; and its rattling of
dominoes; there was the dyer's with its strips of red cloth on the
doorposts; there was the silversmith's with its earrings; and its
offerings for altars; there was the tobacco dealer's with its lively
group of soldier customers ing out pipe in mouth; there were the bad
odours of the town; and the rain and the refuse in the kennels; and
the faint lamps slung across the road; and the huge Diligence; and its
mountain of luggage; and its six grey horses with their tails tied up;
getting under weigh at the coach office。 But no small cabaret for a
straitened traveller being within sight; he had to seek one round the
dark corner; where the cabbage leaves lay thickest; trodden about the
public cistern at which women had not yet left off drawing water。 There;
in the back street he found one; the Break of Day。 The curtained windows
clouded the Break of Day; but it seemed light and warm; and it announced
in legible inscriptions with appropriate pictorial embellishment
of billiard cue and ball; that at the Break of Day one could play
billiards; that there one could find meat; drink; and lodgings; whether
one came on horseback; or came on foot; and that it kept good wines;
liqueurs; and brandy。 The man turned the handle of the Break of Day
door; and limped in。

He touched his discoloured slouched hat; as he came in at the door; to
a few men who occupied the room。 Two were playing dominoes at one of the
little tables; three or four were seated round the stove; conversing
as they smoked; the billiard…table in the centre was left alone for the
time; the landlady of the Daybreak sat behind her little counter among
her cloudy bottles of syrups; baskets of cakes; and leaden drainage for
glasses; working at her needle。

Making his way to an empty little table in a corner of the room behind
the stove; he put down his knapsack and his cloak upon the ground。 As
he raised his head from stooping to do so; he found the landlady beside

'One can lodge here to…night; madame?'

'Perfectly!' said the landlady in a high; sing…song; cheery voice。

'Good。 One can dine……sup……what you please to call it?'

'Ah; perfectly!' cried the landlady as before。 'Dispatch then; madame;
if you please。 Something to eat; as quickly as you can; and some wine at
once。 I am exhausted。'

'It is very bad weather; monsieur;' said the landlady。

'Cursed weather。'

'And a very long road。'

'A cursed road。'

His hoarse voice failed him; and he rested his head upon his hands until
a bottle of wine was brought from the counter。 Having filled and emptied
his little tumbler twice; and having broken off an end from the great
loaf that was set before him with his cloth and napkin; soup…plate;
salt; pepper; and oil; he rested his back against the corner of the
wall; made a couch of the bench on which he sat; and began to chew
crust; until such time as his repast should be ready。 There had been
that momentary interruption of the talk about the stove; and that
temporary inattention to and distraction from one another; which is
usually inseparable in such a pany from the arrival of a stranger。 It
had passed over by this time; and the men had done glancing at him; and
were talking again。

'That's the true reason;' said one of them; bringing a story he had
been telling; to a close; 'that's the true reason why they said that the
devil was let loose。' The speaker was the tall Swiss belonging to the
church; and he brought something of the authority of the church into the
discussion……especially as the devil was in question。

The landlady having given her directions for the new guest's
entertainment to her husband; who acted as cook to the Break of Day; had
resumed her needlework behind her counter。 She was a smart; neat; bright
little woman; with a good deal of cap and a good deal of stocking; and
she struck into the conversation with several laughing nods of her head;
but without looking up from her work。

'Ah Heaven; then;' said she。 'When the boat came up from Lyons; and
brought the news that the devil was actually let loose at Marseilles;
some fly…catchers swallowed it。 But I? No; not I。'

'Madame; you are always right;' returned the tall Swiss。 'Doubtless you
were enraged against that man; madame?'

'Ay; yes; then!' cried the landlady; raising her eyes from her work;
opening them very wide; and tossing her head on one side。 'Naturally;

'He was a bad subject。'

'He was a wic
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