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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第125部分

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how Mr Sparkler should be married to the foremost girl in all this world
with no nonsense about her。 Its solution; after some little mystery and
secrecy; Miss Fanny herself announced to her sister。

'Now; my child;' said she; seeking her out one day; 'I am going to tell
you something。 It is only this moment broached; and naturally I hurry to
you the moment it IS broached。'

'Your marriage; Fanny?'

'My precious child;' said Fanny; 'don't anticipate me。 Let me impart my
confidence to you; you flurried little thing; in my own way。 As to your
guess; if I answered it literally; I should answer no。 For really it is
not my marriage that is in question; half as much as it is Edmund's。'

Little Dorrit looked; and perhaps not altogether without cause; somewhat
at a loss to understand this fine distinction。

'I am in no difficulty;' exclaimed Fanny; 'and in no hurry。 I am not
wanted at any public office; or to give any vote anywhere else。

But Edmund is。 And Edmund is deeply dejected at the idea of going away
by himself; and; indeed; I don't like that he should be trusted by
himself。 For; if it's possible……and it generally is……to do a foolish
thing; he is sure to do it。'

As she concluded this impartial summary of the reliance that might be
safely placed upon her future husband; she took off; with an air of
business; the bon she wore; and dangled it by its strings upon the

'It is far more Edmund's question; therefore; than mine。 However; we
need say no more about that。 That is self…evident on the face of it。
Well; my dearest Amy! The point arising; is he to go by himself; or is
he not to go by himself; this other point arises; are we to be married
here and shortly; or are we to be married at home months hence?'

'I see I am going to lose you; Fanny。'

'What a little thing you are;' cried Fanny; half tolerant and half
impatient; 'for anticipating one! Pray; my darling; hear me out。 That
woman;' she spoke of Mrs Merdle; of course; 'remains here until after
Easter; so; in the case of my being married here and going to London
with Edmund; I should have the start of her。 That is something。 Further;
Amy。 That woman being out of the way; I don't know that I greatly object
to Mr Merdle's proposal to Pa that Edmund and I should take up our abode
in that house……you know……where you once went with a dancer; my dear;
until our own house can be chosen and fitted up。 Further still; Amy。
Papa having always intended to go to town himself; in the spring;……you
see; if Edmund and I were married here; we might go off to Florence;
where papa might join us; and we might all three travel home together。
Mr Merdle has entreated Pa to stay with him in that same mansion I have
mentioned; and I suppose he will。 But he is master of his own actions;
and upon that point (which is not at all material) I can't speak
positively。' The difference between papa's being master of his own
actions and Mr Sparkler's being nothing of the sort; was forcibly
expressed by Fanny in her manner of stating the case。 Not that her
sister noticed it; for she was divided between regret at the ing
separation; and a lingering wish that she had been included in the plans
for visiting England。

'And these are the arrangements; Fanny dear?'

'Arrangements!' repeated Fanny。 'Now; really; child; you are a little
trying。 You know I particularly guarded myself against laying my words
open to any such construction。 What I said was; that certain questions
present themselves; and these are the questions。'

Little Dorrit's thoughtful eyes met hers; tenderly and quietly。

'Now; my own sweet girl;' said Fanny; weighing her bon by the strings
with considerable impatience; 'it's no use staring。 A little owl could
stare。 I look to you for advice; Amy。 What do you advise me to do?'

'Do you think;' asked Little Dorrit; persuasively; after a short
hesitation; 'do you think; Fanny; that if you were to put it off for a
few months; it might be; considering all things; best?'

'No; little Tortoise;' retorted Fanny; with exceeding sharpness。 'I
don't think anything of the kind。'

Here; she threw her bon from her altogether; and flounced into a
chair。 But; being affectionate almost immediately; she flounced out
of it again; and kneeled down on the floor to take her sister; chair and
all; in her arms。

'Don't suppose I am hasty or unkind; darling; because I really am not。
But you are such a little oddity! You make one bite your head off;
when one wants to be soothing beyond everything。 Didn't I tell you; you
dearest baby; that Edmund can't be trusted by himself? And don't you
know that he can't?'

'Yes; yes; Fanny。 You said so; I know。'

'And you know it; I know;' retorted Fanny。 'Well; my precious child! If
he is not to be trusted by himself; it follows; I suppose; that I should
go with him?'

'It……seems so; love;' said Little Dorrit。

'Therefore; having heard the arrangements that are feasible to carry
out that object; am I to understand; dearest Amy; that on the whole you
advise me to make them?'

'It……seems so; love;' said Little Dorrit again。

'Very well;' cried Fanny with an air of resignation; 'then I suppose it
must be done! I came to you; my sweet; the moment I saw the doubt; and
the necessity of deciding。 I have now decided。 So let it be。'

After yielding herself up; in this pattern manner; to sisterly advice
and the force of circumstances; Fanny became quite benignant: as one
who had laid her own inclinations at the feet of her dearest friend; and
felt a glow of conscience in having made the sacrifice。 'After all; my
Amy;' she said to her sister; 'you are the best of small creatures; and
full of good sense; and I don't know what I shall ever do without you!'

With which words she folded her in a closer embrace; and a really fond

'Not that I contemplate doing without You; Amy; by any means; for I hope
we shall ever be next to inseparable。 And now; my pet; I am going
to give you a word of advice。 When you are left alone here with Mrs

'I am to be left alone here with Mrs General?' said Little Dorrit;

'Why; of course; my precious; till papa es back! Unless you call
Edward pany; which he certainly is not; even when he is here; and
still more certainly is not when he is away at Naples or in Sicily。 I
was going to say……but you are such a beloved little Marplot for putting
one out……when you are left alone here with Mrs General; Amy; don't you
let her slide into any sort of artful understanding with you that she is
looking after Pa; or that Pa is looking after her。 She will if she can。
I know her sly manner of feeling her way with those gloves of hers。 But
don't you prehend her on any account。 And if Pa should tell you when
he es back; that he has it in contemplation to make Mrs General your
mama (which is not the less likely because I am going away); my advice
to you is; that you say at once; 〃Papa; I beg to object most strongly。
Fanny cautioned me about this; and she objected; and I object。〃 I don't
mean to say that any objection from you; Amy; is likely to be of the
smallest effect; or that I think you likely to make it with any degree
of firmness。 But there is a principle involved……a filial principle……and
I implore you not to submit to be mother…in…lawed by Mrs General;
without asserting it in making every one about you as unfortable as
possible。 I don't expect you to stand by it……indeed; I know you won't;
Pa being concerned……but I wish to rouse you to a sense of duty。 As to
any help from me; or as to any opposition that I can offer to such a
match; you shall not be left in the lurch; my love。 Whatever weight
I may derive from my position as a married girl not wholly devoid of
attractions……used; as that position always shall be; to oppose that
woman……I will bring to bear; you May depend upon it; on the head and
false hair (for I am confident it's not all real; ugly as it is and
unlikely as it appears that any One in their Senses would go to the
expense of buying it) of Mrs General!' Little Dorrit received this
counsel without venturing to oppose it but without giving Fanny any
reason to believe that she intended to act upon it。 Having now; as
it were; formally wound up her single life and arranged her worldly
affairs; Fanny proceeded with characteristic ardour to prepare for the
serious change in her condition。

The preparation consisted in the despatch of her maid to Paris under the
protection of the Courier; for the purchase of that outfit for a bride
on which it would be extremely low; in the present narrative; to bestow
an English name; but to which (on a vulgar principle it observes
of adhering to the language in which it professes to be written) it
declines to give a French one。 The rich and beautiful wardrobe purchased
by these agents; in the course of a few weeks made its way through the
intervening country; bristling with custom…houses; garrisoned by an
immense army of shabby mendicants in uniform who incessantly repeated
the Beggar's Petition over it; as if every individual warrior among them
were the ancient Belisarius: and of whom there were so many Legions;
that unless the Courier had expended just one bushel and a half of
silver money relieving their distresses; they would have worn the
wardrobe out before it got to Rome; by turning it over and over。 Through
all such dangers; however; it was triumphantly brought; inch by inch;
and arrived at its journey's end in fine condition。

There it was exhibited to select panies of female viewers; in whose
gentle bosoms it awakened implacable feelings。 Concurrently; active
preparations were made for the day on which some of its treasures were
to be publicly displayed。 Cards of breakfast…invitation were sent out
to half the English in the city of Romulus; the other half made
arrangements to be under arms; as criticising volunteers; at various
outer points of the solemnity。 The most high and illustrious English
Signor Edgardo Dorrit; came post through the deep mud and ruts (from
forming a surface under the improving Neapolitan nobility); to grace
the occasion。 The best hotel and all its culinary myrmidons; were set to
work to prepare the feast。 The drafts of Mr Dorrit almost constituted a
run on the Torlonia Bank。 The British Consul hadn't had such a marriage
in the whole of his Consularity。

The day came; and the She…Wolf in the Capitol might have snarled with
envy to see how the Island Savages contrived these things now…a…days。
The murderous…headed statues of the wicked Emperors of the Soldiery;
whom sculptors had not been able to flatter out of their villainous
hideousness; might have e off their pedestals to run away with the
Bride。 The choked old fountain; where erst the gladiators washed; might
have leaped into life again to honour the ceremony。 The Temple of
Vesta might have sprung up anew from its ruins; expressly to lend its
countenance to the occasion。 Might have done; but did not。 Like sentient
things……even like the lords and ladies of creation sometimes……might
have done much; but did nothing。 The celebration went off with admirable
pomp; monks in black robes; white robes; and russet robes stopped to
look after the carriages; wan
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