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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第108部分

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let us say that we hope Pet will make Henry happy; or even that we hope
Henry will make Pet happy;' (Mr Meagles himself did not look happy as he
spoke the words;) 'but let us hope they will make each other happy。'

'Yes; sure; and there leave it; father;' said Mrs Meagles the
kind…hearted and fortable。

'Why; mother; no;' returned Mr Meagles; 'not exactly there。 I can't
quite leave it there; I must say just half…a…dozen words more。 Mrs
Gowan; I hope I am not over…sensitive。 I believe I don't look it。'

'Indeed you do not;' said Mrs Gowan; shaking her head and the great
green fan together; for emphasis。

'Thank you; ma'am; that's well。 Notwithstanding which; I feel a
little……I don't want to use a strong word……now shall I say hurt?'
asked Mr Meagles at once with frankness and moderation; and with a
conciliatory appeal in his tone。

'Say what you like;' answered Mrs Gowan。 'It is perfectly indifferent to

'No; no; don't say that;' urged Mr Meagles; 'because that's not
responding amiably。 I feel a little hurt when I hear references made to
consequences having been foreseen; and to its being too late now; and so

'Do you; Papa Meagles?' said Mrs Gowan。 'I am not surprised。'

'Well; ma'am;' reasoned Mr Meagles; 'I was in hopes you would have been
at least surprised; because to hurt me wilfully on so tender a subject
is surely not generous。' 'I am not responsible;' said Mrs Gowan; 'for
your conscience; you know。'

Poor Mr Meagles looked aghast with astonishment。

'If I am unluckily obliged to carry a cap about with me; which is yours
and fits you;' pursued Mrs Gowan; 'don't blame me for its pattern; Papa
Meagles; I beg!' 'Why; good Lord; ma'am!' Mr Meagles broke out; 'that's
as much as to state……'

'Now; Papa Meagles; Papa Meagles;' said Mrs Gowan; who became extremely
deliberate and prepossessing in manner whenever that gentleman became at
all warm; 'perhaps to prevent confusion; I had better speak for myself
than trouble your kindness to speak for me。

It's as much as to state; you begin。 If you please; I will finish the
sentence。 It is as much as to state……not that I wish to press it or even
recall it; for it is of no use now; and my only wish is to make the
best of existing circumstances……that from the first to the last I always
objected to this match of yours; and at a very late period yielded a
most unwilling consent to it。'

'Mother!' cried Mr Meagles。 'Do you hear this! Arthur! Do you hear

'The room being of a convenient size;' said Mrs Gowan; looking about
as she fanned herself; 'and quite charmingly adapted in all respects to
conversation; I should imagine I am audible in any part of it。'

Some moments passed in silence; before Mr Meagles could hold himself in
his chair with sufficient security to prevent his breaking out of it at
the next word he spoke。 At last he said: 'Ma'am; I am very unwilling to
revive them; but I must remind you what my opinions and my course were;
all along; on that unfortunate subject。'

'O; my dear sir!' said Mrs Gowan; smiling and shaking her head with
accusatory intelligence; 'they were well understood by me; I assure

'I never; ma'am;' said Mr Meagles; 'knew unhappiness before that time;
I never knew anxiety before that time。 It was a time of such distress to
me that……' That Mr Meagles could really say no more about it; in short;
but passed his handkerchief before his Face。

'I understood the whole affair;' said Mrs Gowan; posedly looking
over her fan。 'As you have appealed to Mr Clennam; I may appeal to Mr
Clennam; too。 He knows whether I did or not。'

'I am very unwilling;' said Clennam; looked to by all parties; 'to take
any share in this discussion; more especially because I wish to preserve
the best understanding and the clearest relations with Mr Henry Gowan。
I have very strong reasons indeed; for entertaining that wish。 Mrs Gowan
attributed certain views of furthering the marriage to my friend here;
in conversation with me before it took place; and I endeavoured to
undeceive her。 I represented that I knew him (as I did and do) to be
strenuously opposed to it; both in opinion and action。'

'You see?' said Mrs Gowan; turning the palms of her hands towards Mr
Meagles; as if she were Justice herself; representing to him that he had
better confess; for he had not a leg to stand on。 'You see? Very good!
Now Papa and Mama Meagles both!' here she rose; 'allow me to take the
liberty of putting an end to this rather formidable controversy。 I will
not say another word upon its merits。 I will only say that it is an
additional proof of what one knows from all experience; that this kind
of thing never answers……as my poor fellow himself would say; that it
never pays……in one word; that it never does。'

Mr Meagles asked; What kind of thing?

'It is in vain;' said Mrs Gowan; 'for people to attempt to get on
together who have such extremely different antecedents; who are jumbled
against each other in this accidental; matrimonial sort of way; and who
cannot look at the untoward circumstance which has shaken them together
in the same light。 It never does。'

Mr Meagles was beginning; 'Permit me to say; ma'am……'

'No; don't;' returned Mrs Gowan。 'Why should you! It is an ascertained
fact。 It never does。 I will therefore; if you please; go my way; leaving
you to yours。 I shall at all times be happy to receive my poor fellow's
pretty wife; and I shall always make a point of being on the most
affectionate terms with her。 But as to these terms; semi…family and
semi…stranger; semi…goring and semi…boring; they form a state of things
quite amusing in its impracticability。 I assure you it never does。'

The Dowager here made a smiling obeisance; rather to the room than to
any one in it; and therewith took a final farewell of Papa and Mama
Meagles。 Clennam stepped forward to hand her to the Pill…Box which was
at the service of all the Pills in Hampton Court Palace; and she got
into that vehicle with distinguished serenity; and was driven away。

Thenceforth the Dowager; with a light and careless humour; often
recounted to her particular acquaintance how; after a hard trial; she
had found it impossible to know those people who belonged to Henry's
wife; and who had made that desperate set to catch him。 Whether she had
e to the conclusion beforehand; that to get rid of them would give
her favourite pretence a better air; might save her some occasional
inconvenience; and could risk no loss (the pretty creature being fast
married; and her father devoted to her); was best known to herself。
Though this history has its opinion on that point too; and decidedly in
the affirmative。

CHAPTER 9。 Appearance and Disappearance

'Arthur; my dear boy;' said Mr Meagles; on the evening of the following
day; 'Mother and I have been talking this over; and we don't feel
fortable in remaining as we are。 That elegant connection of
ours……that dear lady who was here yesterday……'

'I understand;' said Arthur。

'Even that affable and condescending ornament of society;' pursued Mr
Meagles; 'may misrepresent us; we are afraid。 We could bear a great
deal; Arthur; for her sake; but we think we would rather not bear that;
if it was all the same to her。'

'Good;' said Arthur。 'Go on。'

'You see;' proceeded Mr Meagles 'it might put us wrong with our
son…in…law; it might even put us wrong with our daughter; and it might
lead to a great deal of domestic trouble。 You see; don't you?'

'Yes; indeed;' returned Arthur; 'there is much reason in what you say。'
He had glanced at Mrs Meagles; who was always on the good and sensible
side; and a petition had shone out of her honest face that he would
support Mr Meagles in his present inclinings。

'So we are very much disposed; are Mother and I;' said Mr Meagles; 'to
pack up bags and baggage and go among the Allongers and Marshongers once
more。 I mean; we are very much disposed to be off; strike right through
France into Italy; and see our Pet。'

'And I don't think;' replied Arthur; touched by the motherly
anticipation in the bright face of Mrs Meagles (she must have been very
like her daughter; once); 'that you could do better。 And if you ask me
for my advice; it is that you set off to…morrow。'

'Is it really; though?' said Mr Meagles。 'Mother; this is being backed
in an idea!'

Mother; with a look which thanked Clennam in a manner very agreeable to
him; answered that it was indeed。

'The fact is; besides; Arthur;' said Mr Meagles; the old cloud ing
over his face; 'that my son…in…law is already in debt again; and that I
suppose I must clear him again。 It may be as well; even on this account;
that I should step over there; and look him up in a friendly way。 Then
again; here's Mother foolishly anxious (and yet naturally too) about
Pet's state of health; and that she should not be left to feel lonesome
at the present time。 It's undeniably a long way off; Arthur; and a
strange place for the poor love under all the circumstances。 Let her be
as well cared for as any lady in that land; still it is a long way off。
just as Home is Home though it's never so Homely; why you see;' said Mr
Meagles; adding a new version to the proverb; 'Rome is Rome; though it's
never so Romely。'

'All perfectly true;' observed Arthur; 'and all sufficient reasons for

'I am glad you think so; it decides me。 Mother; my dear; you may get
ready。 We have lost our pleasant interpreter (she spoke three foreign
languages beautifully; Arthur; you have heard her many a time); and you
must pull me through it; Mother; as well as you can。

I require a deal of pulling through; Arthur;' said Mr Meagles; shaking
his head; 'a deal of pulling through。 I stick at everything beyond a
noun…substantive……and I stick at him; if he's at all a tight one。'

'Now I think of it;' returned Clennam; 'there's Cavalletto。 He shall
go with you; if you like。 I could not afford to lose him; but you will
bring him safe back。'

'Well! I am much obliged to you; my boy;' said Mr Meagles; turning it
over; 'but I think not。 No; I think I'll be pulled through by Mother。
Cavallooro (I stick at his very name to start with; and it sounds like
the chorus to a ic song) is so necessary to you; that I don't like
the thought of taking him away。 More than that; there's no saying when
we may e home again; and it would never do to take him away for
an indefinite time。 The cottage is not what it was。 It only holds two
little people less than it ever did; Pet; and her poor unfortunate maid
Tattycoram; but it seems empty now。 Once out of it; there's no knowing
when we may e back to it。 No; Arthur; I'll be pulled through by

They would do best by themselves perhaps; after all; Clennam thought;
therefore did not press his proposal。

'If you would e down and stay here for a change; when it wouldn't
trouble you;' Mr Meagles resumed; 'I should be glad to think……and so
would Mother too; I know……that you were brightening up the old place
with a bit of life it was used to when it was full; and that the Babies
on the wall there had a kind eye upon them sometimes。 You so belong to
the spot; and to them; Arthur; and we should every one of us have been
so happy if
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