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哲学史-philosophy of history(英文版)-第15部分

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of freedom to its pure universal form; that state in which the spiritual essence attains the
consciousness and feeling of itself。 These grades are the ground…principles of the general process;
but how each of them on the other hand involves within itself a process of formation; —
constituting the links in a dialectic of transition; — to particularise this may be reserved for the

                                   § 64

Here we have only to indicate that Spirit begins with a germ of infinite possibility; but only
possibility; — containing its substantial existence in an undeveloped form; as the object and goal
which it reaches only in its resultant — full reality。 In actual existence Progress appears as an
advancing from the imperfect to the more perfect; but the former must not be understood
abstractly as only the imperfect; but as something which involves the very opposite of itself — the
so…called perfect — as a germ or impulse。 So — reflectively; at least … possibility points to
something destined to bee actual; the Aristotelian is also potentia; power and might。 Thus the
Imperfect; as involving its opposite; is a contradiction; which certainly exists; but which is
continually annulled and solved; the instinctive movement — the inherent impulse in the life of the
soul — to break through the rind of mere nature; sensuousness; and that which is alien to it; and to
attain to the light of consciousness; i。e。 to itself。 

                                   § 65

We have already made the remark how the mencement of the history of Spirit must be
conceived so as to be in harmony with its Idea — in its bearing on the representations that have
been made of a primitive “natural condition;” in which freedom and justice are supposed to
exist; or to have existed。 This was; however; nothing more than an assumption of historical
existence; conceived in the twilight of theorising reflection。 A pretension of quite another order; —
not a mere inference of reasoning; but making the claim of historical fact; and that supernaturally
confirmed; — is put forth in connection with a different view that is now widely promulgated by a
certain class of speculatists。 This view takes up the idea of the primitive paradisaical condition of
man; which had been previously expanded by the Theologians; after their fashion; — involving;
e。g。; the supposition that God spoke with Adam in Hebrew; — but remodelled to suit other
requirements。 The high authority appealed to in the first instance is the biblical narrative。 But this
depicts the primitive condition; partly only in the few well…known traits; but partly either as in man
generically; — human nature at large; — or; so far as Adam is to be taken as an individual; and
consequently one person; — as existing and pleted in this one; or only in one human pair。
The biblical account by no means justifies us in imagining a people; and an historical condition of
such people; existing in that primitive form; still less does it warrant us in attributing to them the
possession of a perfectly developed knowledge of God and Nature。 “Nature;” so the fiction runs;
“like a clear mirror of God's creation; had originally lain revealed and transparent to the
unclouded eye of man。” 'Fr。 von Schlegel; Philosophy of History p。 91; Bohn's Standard

Divine Truth is imagined to have been equally manifest。 It is even hinted; though left in some
degree of obscurity; that in this primary condition men were in possession of an indefinitely
extended and already expanded body of religious truths immediately revealed by God。 This theory
affirms that all religions had their historical mencement in this primitive knowledge; and that
they polluted and obscured the original Truth by the monstrous creations of error and depravity;
though in all the mythologies invented by Error; traces of that origin and of those primitive true
dogmas are supposed to be present and cognisable。 An important interest; therefore accrues to
the investigation of the history of ancient peoples; that; viz。; of the endeavour to trace their annals
up to the point where such fragments of the primary revelation are to be met with in greater purity
than lower down。

                                   § 66

We have to thank this interest for many valuable discoveries in Oriental literature; and for a renewed study of
treasures previously known; in the department of ancient Asiatic Culture; Mythology; Religions; and History。
In Catholic countries; where a refined literary taste prevails; Governments have yielded to the requirements of
speculative inquiry; and have felt the necessity of allying themselves with learning and philosophy。 Eloquently
and impressively has the Abbé Lamennais reckoned it among the criteria of the true religion; that it must be
the universal — that is; catholic — and the oldest in date; and the Congregation has laboured zealously and
diligently in France towards rendering such assertions no longer mere pulpit tirades and authoritative dicta;
such as were deemed sufficient formerly。 The religion of Buddha — a god man — which has prevailed to such
an enormous extent; has especially attracted attention。 The Indian Tim?rtis; as also the Chinese abstraction of
the Trinity; has furnished clearer evidence in point of subject matter。 The savants; M。 Abel Remusat and M。
Saint Martin; on the one hand; have undertaken the most meritorious investigations in the Chinese literature;
with a view to make this also a base of operations for researches in the Mongolian and; if such were possible;
in the Tibetan; on the other hand; Baron von Eckstein; in his way (i。e。; adopting from Germany superficial
physical conceptions and mannerisms; in the style of Fr。 v。 Schlegel; though with more geniality than the latter)
in his periodical; Le Catholique; — has furthered the cause of that primitive Catholicism generally; and in
particular has gained for the savants of the Congregation the support of the Government; so that it has even
set on foot expeditions to the East; in order to discover there treasures still concealed; (from which further
disclosures have been anticipated; respecting profound theological questions; particularly on the higher
antiquity and sources of Buddhism); and with a view to promote the interest of Catholicism by this circuitous
but scientifically interesting method。 

                                   § 67

We owe to the interest which has occasioned these investigations; very much that is valuable; but
this investigation bears direct testimony against itself for it would seem to be awaiting the issue of
an historical demonstration of that which is presupposed by it as historically established。 That
advanced condition of the knowledge of God; and of other scientific; e。g。; astronomical
knowledge (such as has been falsely attributed to the Hindus); and the assertion that such a
condition occurred at the very beginning of History; — or that the religions of various nations were
traditionally derived from it; and have developed themselves in degeneracy and depravation (as is
represented in the rudely…conceived so…called “Emanation System;”); — all these are suppositions
which neither have; nor; — if we may contrast with their arbitrary subjective origin; the true
conception of History; — can attain historical confirmation。 

                                   § 68

The only consistent and worthy method which philosophical investigation can adopt; is to take up
History — where Rationality begins to manifest itself in the actual conduct of the World's affairs
(not where it is merely an undeveloped potentiality); — where a condition of things is present in
which it realises itself in consciousness; will and action。 The inorganic existence of Spirit — that of
abstract Freedom — unconscious torpidity in respect to good and evil (and consequently to
laws); or; if we please to term it so; “blessed ignorance;” — is itself not a subject of History。
Natural; and at the same time religious morality; is the piety of the family。 In this social relation;
morality consists in the members behaving towards each other not as individuals … possessing an
independent will; not as persons。 The Family therefore is excluded from that process of
development in which History takes its rise。 But when this self…involved spiritual Unity steps
beyond this circle of feeling and natural love; and first attains the consciousness of personality; we
have that dark; dull centre of indifference; in which neither Nature nor Spirit is open and
transparent; and for which Nature and Spirit can bee open and transparent only by means of a
further process; — a very lengthened culture of that Will at length bee self…conscious。
Consciousness alone is clearness; and is that alone for which God (or any other existence) can be
revealed。 In its true form — in absolute universality — nothing can be manifested except to
consciousness made percipient of it。 Freedom is nothing but the recognition and adoption of such
universal substantial objects as Right and Law; and the production of a reality that is accordant
with them — the State。 Nations may have passed a long life before arriving at this their destination;
and during this period; they may have attained considerable culture in some directions。 This
ante…historical period — consistently with what has been said — lies out of our plan; whether a real
history followed it; or the peoples in question never attained a political constitution。 — It is a great
discovery in history — as of a new world — which has been made within rather more than the last
twenty years; respecting the Sanskrit and the connection of the European languages with it。 In
particular; the connection of the German and Indian peoples has been demonstrated; with as much
certainty as such subjects allow of。 Even at the present time we know of peoples which scarcely
form a society; much less a State; but that have been long known as existing; while with regard to
others; which in their advanced condition excite our especial interest; tradition reaches beyond the
record of the founding of the State; and they experienced many changes prior to that epoch。 In the
connection just referred to; between the languages of nations so widely separated; we have a
result before us; which proves the diffusion of those nations from Asia as a centre; and the so
dissimilar development of what had been originally related; as an incontestable fact; not as an
inference deduced by that favourite method of bining; and reasoning from; circumstances
grave and trivial; which has already enriched and will continue to enrich history with so many
fictions given out as facts。 But that apparently so extensive range of events lies beyond the pale of
history; in fact preceded it。 In our language the term History unites the objective with the
subjective side; and denotes quite as much the historia rerum gestarum; as the res gestae
themselves; on the other hand it prehends not less what has happened; than the narration of
what has happened。 This union of the two meanings we must regard as of a higher order than mere
outward accident; we must 
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