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I started to get up; and John caught my arm。 He gave me a look that was both timid and hopeful。 〃I 'member a prayer someone taught me when I 'us little〃; he said。 〃At least I think I do。 Can I say it?〃 
〃You go right on and do her〃; Dean said。 〃Lots of time yet; John 。〃 
John closed his eyes and frowned with concentration。 I expected now…I…lay…me…down…to…sleep; or maybe a garbled version of the Lord's prayer; but I got neither; I had never heard what he came out with before; and have never heard it again; not that either the sentiments or expressions were particularly unusual。 Holding his hands up in front of his closed eyes; John Coffey said: 〃Baby Jesus; meek and mild; pray for me; an orphan child。 Be my strength; be my friend; be with me until the end。 Amen。〃 He opened his eyes; started to get up; then looked at me closely。 
I wipe my arm across my eyes。 As I listened to him; I had been thinking about Del; he had wanted to pray one more at the end; too。 Holy Mary; mother of God; pray for us sinners now; and at the hour of our death。 〃Sorry; John 。〃 
〃Don't be〃; he said。 He squeezed my arm and smiled。 And then; as I'd thought he might have to do; he helped me to my feet。 
There weren't many witnesses … maybe fourteen in all; half the number that had been in the storage room for the Delacroix execution。 Homer Cribus was there; overflowing his chair as per usual; but I didn't see Deputy McGee。 Like Warden Moores; he had apparently decided to give this one a miss。 
Sitting in the front row was an elderly couple I didn't recognize at first; even though I had seen their pictures in a good many newspaper articles by that day in the third week of November。 Then; as we neared the platform where Old Sparky waited; the woman spat; 〃Die slow; you son of a bitch!〃 and I realized they were the Dettericks; Klaus and Marjorie。 I hadn't recognized them because you don't often see elderly people who haven't yet climbed out of their thirties。 
John hunched his shoulders at the sound of the woman's voice and Sheriff Cribus's grunt of approval。 Hank Bitterman; who had the guard…post near the front of the meager group of spectators; never took his eyes off Klaus Detterick。 That was per my orders; but Detterick never made a move in John 's direction that night。 Detterick seemed to be on some other pla。 
Brutal; standing beside Old Sparky; gave me a small finger…tilt as we stepped up onto the platform。 He holstered his sidearm and took John 's wrist; escorting him toward the electric chair as gently as a boy leading his date out onto the floor for their first dance as a couple。 
〃Everything all right; John ?〃 he asked in a low voice。 
〃Yes; boss; but。 。 。〃 His eyes were moving from side to side in their sockets; and for the first time he looked and sounded scared。 〃But they's a lot of folks here hate me。 A lot。 I can feel it。 Hurts。 Bores in like bee…stings an; hurts。〃 
〃Feel how we feel; then;〃 Brutal said in that same low voice。 〃We don't hate you … can you feel that?〃 
〃Yes; boss。〃 But his voice was trembling worse now; and his eyes had begun to leak their slow tears again。 
〃Kill him twice; you boys!〃 Marjorie Detterick suddenly screamed。 Her ragged; strident voice was like a slap。 John cringed against me and moaned。 〃You go on and kill that raping baby…killer twice; that'd be just fine!〃 
Klaus; still looking like a man dreaming awake; pulled her against his shoulder。 She began to sob。 
I saw with dismay that Harry Terwilliger was crying; too。 So far none of the spectators had seen his tears … his back was to them … but he was crying; all right。 Still; what could we do? Besides push on with it; I mean? 
Brutal and I turned John around。 Brutal pressed on one of the big man's shoulders and John sat。 He gripped Sparky's wide oak arms; his eyes moving from side to side; his tongue darting out to wet first one corner of his mouth; then the other。 
Harry and I dropped to our knees。 The day before; we'd had one of the shop…trusties weld temporary flexible extensions to the chair's ankle clamps; because John Coffey's ankles were nigh on the size of an ordinary fellow's calves。 Still; I had a nightmarish moment when I thought they were still going to e up small; and we'd have to take him back to his cell while Sam Broderick; who was head of the shop guys in those days; was found and tinkered some more。 I gave a final; extra…hard shove with the heels of my hands and the clamp on my side closed。 John 's leg jerked and he gasped。 I had pinched him。 
〃Sorry; John ;〃 I murmured; and glanced at Harry。 He had gotten his clamp fixed more easily (either the extension on his side was a little bigger or John 's right calf was a little smaller); but he was looking at the result with a doubtful expression。 I guessed I could understand why; the modified clamps had a hungry look; their jaws seeming to gape like the mouths of alligators。 
〃It'll be all right〃; I said; hoping that I sounded convincing 。。。 and that I was telling the truth。 〃Wipe your face; Harry。〃 
He swabbed at it with his arm; wiping away tears from his cheeks and beads of sweat from his forehead。 We turned。 Homer Cribus; who had been talking too loudly to the man sitting next to him (the prosecutor; judging from the string tie and rusty black suit); fell silent。 It was almost time。 
Brutal had clamped one of John 's wrists; Dean the other。 Over Dean's shoulder I could see the doctor; unobtrusive as ever; standing against the wall with his black bag between his feet。 Nowadays I guess they just about run such affairs; especially the ones with the IV drips; but back then you almost had to yank them forward if you wanted them。 Maybe back then they had a clearer idea of what was right for a doctor to be doing; and what was a perversion of the special promise they make; the one where they swear first of all to do no harm。 
Dean nodded to Brutal。 Brutal turned his head; seemed to glance at the telephone that was never going to ring for the likes of John Coffey; and called 〃Roll on one!〃 to Jack Van Hay。 
There was that hum; like an old fridge kicking on; and the lights burned a little brighter。 Our shadows stood out a little sharper; black shapes that climbed the wall and seemed to hover around the shadow of the chair like vultures。 John drew in a sharp breath。 His knuckles were white。 
〃Does it hurt yet?〃 Mrs。 Detterick shrieked brokenly from against her husband's shoulder。〃I hope it does! I hope it hurts like hell!〃 Her husband squeezed her。 One side of his nose was bleeding; I saw; a narrow trickle of red working its way down into his narrow…gauge mustache。 When I opened the paper the following March and saw he'd died of a stroke; I was about the least surprised man on earth。 
Brutal stepped into John 's field of vision。 He touched John 's shoulder as he spoke。 That was irregular; but of the witnesses; only Curtis Anderson knew it; and he did not seem to remark it。 I thought he looked like a man who only wants to be done with his current job。 Desperately wants to be done with it。 He enlisted in the Army after Pearl Harbor; but never got overseas; he died at Fort Bragg; in a truck accident。 
John; meanwhile; relaxed beneath Brutal's fingers。 I don't think he understood much; if any; of what Brutal was telling him; but he took fort from Brutal's hand on his shoulder。 Brutal; who died of a heart attack about twenty…five years later (he was eating a fish sandwich and watching TV wrestling when it happened; his sister said); was a good man。 My friend。 Maybe the best of us。 He had no trouble understanding how a man could simultaneously want to go and still be terrified of the trip。 
〃John Coffey; you have been condemned to die in the electric chair; sentence passed by a jury of your peers and imposed by a judge of good standing in this state。 God save the people of this state。 Do you have anything to say before sentence is carried out?〃 
John wet his lips again; then spoke clearly。 Six words。 〃I'm sorry for what I am。〃 
〃You ought to be!〃 the mother of the two dead girls screamed。 〃Oh you monster; you ought to be! YOU DAMN WELL OUGHT TO BE!〃 
John's eyes turned to me。 I saw no resignation in them; no hope of heaven; no dawning peace。 How I would love to tell you that I did。 How I would love to tell myself that。 What I saw was fear; misery; inpletion; and inprehension。 They were the eyes of a trapped and terrified animal。 I thought of what he'd said about how Wharton had gotten Cora and Kathe Detterick off the porch without rousing the house: He kill them with they love。 That's how it is every day。 All over the world。 
Brutal took the new mask from its brass hook on the back of the chair; but as soon as John saw it and understood what it was; his eyes widened in horror。 He looked at me; and now I could see huge droplets of sweat standing out on the curve of his naked skull。 As big as robin's eggs; they looked。 
〃Please; boss; don't put that thing over my face;〃 he said in a moaning little whisper。 〃Please don't put me in the dark; don't make me go into the dark; I's afraid of the dark。〃 
Brutal was looking at me; eyebrows raised; frozen in place; the mask in his hands。 His eyes said it was my call; he'd go either way。 I thought as fast as I could and as well as I could …hard to do; with my head pounding the way it was。 The mask was tradition; not law。 It was; in fact; to spare the witnesses。 And suddenly I decided that they did not need to be spared; not this once。 John ; after all; hadn't done a damned thing in his life to warrant dying under a mask。 They didn't know that; but we did; and I decided I was going to grant this last request。 As for Marjorie Detterick; she'd probably send me a thank…you note。 
〃All right; John ;〃 I murmured。 
Brutal put the mask back。 From behind us; Homer Cribus called out indignantly in his deep…dish cracker voice: 〃Say; boy! Put that…air mask on him! Think we want to watch his eyes pop?〃 
〃Be quiet; sir;〃 I said without turning。 〃This is an execution; and you're not in charge of it。〃 
〃Any more than you were in charge of catching him; you tub of guts;〃 Harry whispered。 Harry died in 1982; close to the age of eighty。 An old man。 Not in my league; of course; but few are。 It was intestinal cancer of some kind。 
Brutal bent over and plucked the disk of sponge out of its bucket。 He pressed a finger into it and licked the tip; but he hardly had to; I could see the ugly brown thing dripping。 He tucked it into the cap; then put the cap on John 's head。 For the first time I saw that Brutal was pale; too … pasty white; on the verge of passing out。 I thought of him saying that he felt; for the first time in his life; that he was in danger of hell; because we were fixing to kill a gift of God。 I felt a sudden strong need to retch。 I controlled it; but only with an effort。 Water from the sponge was dripping down the sides of John 's face。 
Dean Stanton ran the strap … let out to its maximum length on this occasion … across John 's chest and gave it to me。 We had taken such pains to try and protect Dean on the night of our trip; because of his kids; never knowing that he had less than four months to live。 After John Coffey; he requested and received a transfer away from Old Sparky; over to C Block; and there a prisoner stabbed
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