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〃Lemme out of it;〃 Wharton said。 He looked from Brutal to Harry to me; the red creeping back into his face。 〃I'll be good … I tell you I've learned my lesson。 I 。。。 I 。。。 ummmmmahhhhhhh…!〃 
He suddenly collapsed; half of him in the cell; half of him on the played…out lino of the Green Mile; kicking his feet and bucking his body。 
〃Holy Christ; he's pitchin a fit;〃 Percy whispered。 
〃Sure; and my sister's the Whore of Babylon;〃 Brutal said。 〃She dances the hootchie…kootchie for Moses on Saturday nights in a long white veil。〃 He bent down and hooked a hand into one of Wharton's armpits。 I got the other one。 Wharton threshed between us like a hooked fish。 Carrying his jerking body; listening to him grunt from one end and fart from the other was one of my life's less pleasant experiences。 
I looked up and met John Coffey's eyes for a second。 They were bloodshot; and his dark cheeks were wet。 He had been crying again。 I thought of Hammersmith making that biting gesture with his hand and shivered a little。 Then I turned my attention back to Wharton。 
We threw him into the restraint room like he was cargo; and watched him lie on the floor; bucking hard in the straitjacket next to the drain we had once checked for the mouse which had started its E Block life as Steamboat Willy。 
〃I don't much care if he swallows his tongue or something and dies;〃 Dean said in his hoarse and raspy voice; 〃but think of the paperwork; boys! It'd never end。〃 
〃Never mind the paperwork; think of the hearing;〃 Harry said gloomily。 〃We'd lose our damned jobs。 End up picking peas down Mississippi。 You know what Mississippi is; don't you? It's the Indian word for asshole。〃 
〃He ain't gonna die; and he ain't gonna swallow his tongue; either;〃 Brutal said。 〃When we open this door tomorrow; he's gonna be just fine。 Take my word for it。〃 
That's the way it was; too。 The man we took back to his cell the next night at nine was quiet; pallid; and seemingly chastened。 He walked with his head down; made no effort to attack anyone when the straitjacket came off; and only stared listlessly at me when I told him it would go just the same the next time; and he just had to ask himself how much time he wanted to spend pissing in his pants and eating baby…food a spoonful at a time。 
〃I'll be good; boss; I learnt my lesson;〃 he whispered in a humble little voice as we put him back in his cell。 Brutal looked at me and winked。 
Late the next day; William Wharton; who was Billy the Kid to himself and never that bushwhacking John Law Wild Bill Hickok; bought a moon…pie from Old Toot…Toot。 Wharton had been expressly forbidden any such merce; but the afternoon crew was posed of floaters; as I think I have said; and the deal went down。 Toot himself undoubtedly knew better; but to him the snack…wagon was always a case of a nickel is a nickel; a dime is a dime; I'd sing another chorus but I don't have the time。 
That night; when Brutal ran his check…round; Wharton was standing at the door of his cell。 He waited until Brutal looked up at him; then slammed the heels of his hands into his bulging cheeks and shot a thick and amazingly long stream of chocolate sludge into Brutal's face。 He had crammed the entire moon…pie into his trap; held it there until it liquefied; and then used it like chewing tobacco。 
Wharton fell back on his bunk wearing a chocolate goatee; kicking his legs and screaming with laughter and pointing to Brutal; who was wearing a lot more than a goatee。 〃Li'l Black Sambo; yassuh; boss; yassuh; howdoo you do?〃 Wharton held his belly and howled。 〃Gosh; if it had only been ka…ka! I wish it had been! If I'd had me some of that………〃 
〃You are ka…ka;〃 Brutal growled; 〃and I hope you got your bags packed; because you're going back down to your favorite toilet。〃 
Once again Wharton was bundled into the strait jacket; and once again we stowed him in the room with the soft walls。 Two days; this time。 Sometimes we could hear him raving in there; sometimes we could hear him promising that he'd be good; that he'd e to his senses and be good; and sometimes we could hear him screaming that he needed a doctor; that he was dying。 Mostly; though; he was silent。 And he was silent when we took him out again; too; walking; back to his cell with his head down and his eyes dull; not responding when Harry said; 〃Remember; it's up to you。〃 He would be all right for a while; and then he'd try something else。 There was nothing he did that hadn't been tried before (well; except for the thing with the moon…pie; maybe; even Brutal admitted that was pretty original); but his sheer persistence was scary。 I was afraid that sooner or later someone's attention might lapse and there would be hell to pay。 And the situation might continue for quite awhile; because somewhere he had a lawyer who was beating the bushes; telling folks how wrong it would be to kill this fellow upon whose brow the dew of youth had not yet dried … and who was; incidentally; as white as old Jeff Davis。 There was no sense plaining about it; because keeping Wharton out of the chair was his lawyer's job。 Keeping him safely jugged was ours。 And in the end; Old Sparky would almost certainly have him; lawyer or no lawyer。 
That was the week Melinda Moores; the warden's wife; came home from Indianola。 The doctors were done with her; they had their interesting; newfangled X…ray photographs of the tumor in her head; they had documented the weakness in her hand and the paralyzing pains that racked her almost constantly by then; and were done with her。 They gave her husband a bunch of pills with morphine in them and sent Melinda home to die。 Hal Moores had some sick…leave piled up … not a lot; they didn't give you a lot in those days; but he took what he had so he could help her do what she had to do。 
My wife and I went to see her three days or so after she came home。 I called ahead and Hal said yes; that would be fine; Melinda was having a pretty good day and would enjoy seeing us。 
〃I hate calls like this;〃 I said to Janice as we drove to the little house where the Mooreses had spent most of their marriage。 
〃So does everyone; honey;〃 she said; and patted my hand。 〃We'll bear up under it; and so will she。〃 
〃I hope so。〃 
We found Melinda in the sitting room; planted in a bright slant of unseasonably warm October sun; and my first shocked thought was that she had lost niy pounds。 She hadn't; of course … if she'd lost that much weight; she hardly would have been there at all … but that was my brain's initial reaction to what my eyes were reporting。 Her face had fallen away to show the shape of the underlying skull; and her skin was as white as parchment。 There were dark circles under her eyes。 And it was the first time I ever saw her in her rocker when she didn't have a lapful of sewing or afghan squares or rags for braiding into a rug。 She was just sitting there。 Like a person in a train…station。 
〃Melinda;〃 my wife said warmly。 I think she was as shocked as I was … more; perhaps … but she hid it splendidly; as some women seem able to do。 She went to Melinda; dropped on one knee beside the rocking chair in which the warden's wife sat; and took one of her hands。 As she did; my eye happened on the blue hearthrug by the fireplace。 It occurred to me that it should have been the shade of tired old limes; because now this room was just another version of the Green Mile。 
〃I brought you some tea;〃 Jan said; 〃the kind I put up myself。 It's a nice sleepy tea。 I've left it in the kitchen。〃 
〃Thank you so much; darlin;〃 Melinda said。 Her voice sounded old and rusty 
〃How you feeling; dear?〃 my wife asked。 
〃Better;〃 Melinda said in her rusty; grating voice。 〃Not so's I want to go out to a barn dance; but at least there's no pain today。 They give me some pills for the headaches。 Sometimes they even work。〃 
〃That's good; isn't it?〃 
〃But I can't grip so well。 Something's happened 。。。 to my hand。〃 She raised it; looked at it as if she had never seen it before; then lowered it back into her lap。 〃Something's happened 。。。 all over me。〃 She began to cry in a soundless way that made me think of John Coffey。 It started to chime in my head again; that thing he'd said: I helped it; didn't I? I helped it; didn't I? Like a rhyme you can't get rid of。 
Hal came in then。 He collared me; and you can believe me when I say I was glad to be collared。 We went into the kitchen; and he poured me half a shot of white whiskey; hot stuff fresh out of some countryman's still。 We clinked our glasses together and drank。 The shine went down like coal…oil; but the bloom in the belly was heaven。 Still; when Moores tipped the mason jar at me; wordlessly asking if I wanted the other half; I shook my head and waved it off。 Wild Bill Wharton was out of restraints … for the time being; anyway … and it wouldn't be safe to go near where he was with a booze…clouded head。 Not even with bars between us。 
〃I don't know how long I can take this; Paul;〃 he said in a low voice。 〃There's a girl who es in mornings to help me with her; but the doctors I say she may lose control of her bowels; and 。。。 and 。。。〃 
He stopped; his throat working; trying hard not to cry in front of me again。 
〃Go with it as best you can;〃 I said。 I reached out across the table and briefly squeezed his palsied; liverspotted hand。 〃Do that day by day and give the rest over to God。 There's nothing else you can do; is there?〃 
〃I guess not。 But it's hard; Paul。 I pray you never have to find out how hard。〃 
He made an effort to collect himself。 
〃Now tell me the news。 How are you doing with William Wharton? And how are you making out with Percy Wetmore?〃 
We talked shop for a while; and got through the visit。 After; all the way home; with my wife sitting silent; for the most part … wet…eyed and thoughtful … in the passenger seat beside me; Coffey's words ran around in my head like Mr。 Jingles running around in Delacroix's cell: I helped it; didn't I? 
〃It's terrible;〃 my wife said dully at one point。 〃And there's nothing anyone can do to help her。〃 
I nodded agreement and thought; I helped it; didn't I? But that was crazy; and I tried as best I could to put it out of my mind。 
As we turned into our dooryard; she finally spoke a second time … not about her old friend Melinda; but about my urinary infection。 She wanted to know if it was really gone。 Really gone; I told her。 
〃That's fine; then;〃 she said; and kissed me over the eyebrow; in that shivery place of mine。 〃Maybe we ought to; you know; get up to a little something。 If you have the time and the inclination; that is。〃 
Having plenty of the latter and just enough of the former; I took her by the hand and led her into the back bedroom and took her clothes off as she stroked the part of me that swelled and throbbed but didn't hurt anymore。 And as I moved in her sweetness; slipping through it in that slow way she liked … that we both liked … I thought of John Coffey; saying he'd helped it; he'd helped it; hadn't he? Like a snatch of song that won't leave your mind until it's damned good and ready。 
Later; as I drove to the prison; I got to thinking that very soon we would have to start rehearsing for Delacroix's execution。 That thought led to how Percy was going to be out front this time; and I felt a s
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