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n your eye (beware; by…the…bye; what you express with that organ; I am quick at interpreting its language)。 Then take my word for it;—I am not a villain: you are not to suppose that—not to attribute to me any such bad eminence; but; owing; I verily believe; rather to circumstances than to my natural bent; I am a trite monplace sinner; hackneyed in all the poor petty dissipations with which the rich and worthless try to put on life。 Do you wonder that I avow this to you? Know; that in the course of your future life you will often find yourself elected the involuntary confidant of your acquaintances’ secrets: people will instinctively find out; as I have done; that it is not your forte to tell of yourself; but to listen while others talk of themselves; they will feel; too; that you listen with no malevolent scorn of their indiscretion; but with a kind of innate sympathy; not the less forting and encouraging because it is very unobtrusive in its manifestations。”
“How do you know?—how can you guess all this; sir?”
“I know it well; therefore I proceed almost as freely as if I were writing my thoughts in a diary。 You would say; I should have been superior to circumstances; so I should—so I should; but you see I was not。 When fate wronged me; I had not the wisdom to remain cool: I turned desperate; then I degenerated。 Now; when any vicious simpleton excites my disgust by his paltry ribaldry; I cannot flatter myself that I am better than he: I am forced to confess that he and I are on a level。 I wish I had stood firm—God knows I do! Dread remorse when you are tempted to err; Miss Eyre; remorse is the poison of life。”
“Repentance is said to be its cure; sir。”
“It is not its cure。 Reformation may be its cure; and I could reform—I have strength yet for that—if—but where is the use of thinking of it; hampered; burdened; cursed as I am? Besides; since happiness is irrevocably denied me; I have a right to get pleasure out of life: and I will get it; cost what it may。”
“Then you will degenerate still more; sir。”
“Possibly: yet why should I; if I can get sweet; fresh pleasure? And I may get it as sweet and fresh as the wild honey the bee gathers on the moor。”
“It will sting—it will taste bitter; sir。”
“How do you know?—you never tried it。 How very serious—how very solemn you look: and you are as ignorant of the matter as this cameo head” (taking one from the mantelpiece)。 “You have no right to preach to me; you neophyte; that have not passed the porch of life; and are absolutely unacquainted with its mysteries。”
“I only remind you of your own words; sir: you said error brought remorse; and you pronounced remorse the poison of existence。”
“And who talks of error now? I scarcely think the notion that flittered across my brain was an error。 I believe it was an inspiration rather than a temptation: it was very genial; very soothing—I know that。 Here it es again! It is no devil; I assure you; or if it be; it has put on the robes of an angel of light。 I think I must admit so fair a guest when it asks entrance to my heart。”
“Distrust it; sir; it is not a true angel。”
“Once more; how do you know? By what instinct do you pretend to distinguish between a fallen seraph of the abyss and a messenger from the eternal throne—between a guide and a seducer?”
“I judged by your countenance; sir; which was troubled when you said the suggestion had returned upon you。 I feel sure it will work you more misery if you listen to it。”
“Not at all—it bears the most gracious message in the world: for the rest; you are not my conscience…keeper; so don’t make yourself uneasy。 Here; e in; bonny wanderer!”
He said this as if he spoke to a vision; viewless to any eye but his own; then; folding his arms; which he had half extended; on his chest; he seemed to enclose in their embrace the invisible being。
“Now;” he continued; again addressing me; “I have received the pilgrim—a disguised deity; as I verify believe。 Already it has done me good: my heart was a sort of charnel; it will now be a shrine。”
“To speak truth; sir; I don’t understand you at all: I cannot keep up the conversation; because it has got out of my depth。 Only one thing; I know: you said you were not as good as you should like to be; and that you regretted your own imperfection;—one thing I can prehend: you intimated that to have a sullied memory was a perpetual bane。 It seems to me; that if you tried hard; you would in time find it possible to bee what you yourself would approve; and that if from this day you began with resolution to correct your thoughts and actions; you would in a few years have laid up a new and stainless store of recollections; to which you might revert with pleasure。”
“Justly thought; rightly said; Miss Eyre; and; at this moment; I am paving hell with energy。”
“I am laying down good intentions; which I believe durable as flint。 Certainly; my associates and pursuits shall be other than they have been。”
“And better?”
“And better—so much better as pure ore is than foul dross。 You seem to doubt me; I don’t doubt myself: I know what my aim is; what my motives are; and at this moment I pass a law; unalterable as that of the Medes and Persians; that both are right。”
“They cannot be; sir; if they require a new statute to legalise them。”
“They are; Miss Eyre; though they absolutely require a new statute: unheard…of binations of circumstances demand unheard…of rules。”
“That sounds a dangerous maxim; sir; because one can see at once that it is liable to abuse。”
“Sententious sage! so it is: but I swear by my household gods not to abuse it。”
“You are human and fallible。”
“I am: so are you—what then?”
“The human and fallible should not arrogate a power with which the divine and perfect alone can be safely intrusted。”
“What power?”
“That of saying of any strange; unsanctioned line of action;—‘Let it be right。’”
“‘Let it be right’—the very words: you have pronounced them。”
“May it be right then;” I said; as I rose; deeming it useless to continue a discourse which was all darkness to me; and; besides; sensible that the character of my interlocutor was beyond my peration; at least; beyond its present reach; and feeling the uncertainty; the vague sense of insecurity; which acpanies a conviction of ignorance。
“Where are you going?”
“To put Adèle to bed: it is past her bedtime。”
“You are afraid of me; because I talk like a Sphynx。”
“Your language is enigmatical; sir: but though I am bewildered; I am certainly not afraid。”
“You are afraid—your self…love dreads a blunder。”
“In that sense I do feel apprehensive—I have no wish to talk nonsense。”
“If you did; it would be in such a grave; quiet manner; I should mistake it for sense。 Do you never laugh; Miss Eyre? Don’t trouble yourself to answer—I see you laugh rarely; but you can laugh very merrily: believe me; you are not naturally austere; any more than I am naturally vicious。 The Lowood constraint still clings to you somewhat; controlling your features; muffling your voice; and restricting your limbs; and you fear in the presence of a man and a brother—or father; or master; or what you will—to smile too gaily; speak too freely; or move too quickly: but; in time; I think you will learn to be natural with me; as I find it impossible to be conventional with you; and then your looks and movements will have more vivacity and variety than they dare offer now。 I see at intervals the glance of a curious sort of bird through the close…set bars of a cage: a vivid; restless; resolute captive is there; were it but free; it would soar cloud…high。 You are still bent on going?”
“It has struck nine; sir。”
“Never mind;—wait a minute: Adèle is not ready to go to bed yet。 My position; Miss Eyre; with my back to the fire; and my face to the room; favours observation。 While talking to you; I have also occasionally watched Adèle (I have my own reasons for thinking her a curious study;—reasons that I may; nay; that I shall; impart to you some day)。 She pulled out of her box; about ten minutes ago; a little pink silk frock; rapture lit her face as she unfolded it; coquetry runs in her blood; blends with her brains; and seasons the marrow of her bones。 ‘Il faut que je l’essaie!’ cried she; ‘et à l’instant même!’ and she rushed out of the room。 She is now with Sophie; undergoing a robing process: in a few minutes she will re… enter; and I know what I shall see;—a miniature of Céline Varens; as she used to appear on the boards at the rising of— But never mind that。 However; my tenderest feelings are about to receive a shock: such is my presentiment; stay now; to see whether it will be realised。”
Ere long; Adèle’s little foot was heard tripping across the hall。 She entered; transformed as her guardian had predicted。 A dress of rose…coloured satin; very short; and as full in the skirt as it could be gathered; replaced the brown frock she had previously worn; a wreath of rosebuds circled her forehead; her feet were dressed in silk stockings and small white satin sandals。
“Est…ce que ma robe va bien?” cried she; bounding forwards; “et mes souliers? et mes bas? Tenez; je crois que je vais danser!”
And spreading out her dress; she chasséed across the room till; having reached Mr。 Rochester; she wheeled lightly round before him on tip…toe; then dropped on one knee at his feet; exclaiming—
“Monsieur; je vous remercie mille fois de votre bonté;” then rising; she added; “C’est me cela que maman faisait; n’est…ce pas; monsieur?”
“Pre…cise…ly!” was the answer; “and; ‘me cela;’ she charmed my English gold out of my British breeches’ pocket。 I have been green; too; Miss Eyre;—ay; grass green: not a more vernal tint freshens you now than once freshened me。 My Spring is gone; however; but it has left me that French floweret on my hands; which; in some moods; I would fain be rid of。 Not valuing now the root whence it sprang; having found that it was of a sort which nothing but gold dust could manure; I have but half a liking to the blossom; especially when it looks so artificial as just now。 I keep it and rear it rather on the Roman Catholic principle of expiating numerous sins; great or small; by one good work。 I’ll explain all this some day。 Good… night。”
Chapter 15
Mr。 Rochester did; on a future occasion; explain it。 It was one afternoon; when he chanced to meet me and Adèle in the grounds: and while she played with Pilot and her shuttlecock; he asked me to walk up and down a long beech avenue within sight of her。
He then said that she was the daughter of a French opera…dancer; Céline Varens; towards whom he had once cherished what he called a “grande passion。” This passion Céline had professed to return with even superior ardour。 He thought himself her idol; ugly as he was: he believed; as he said; that she preferred his “taille d’athlète” to the elegance of the Apollo Belvidere。
“And; Miss Eyre; so much was I flattered by this preference of the Gallic sylph for her British gnome; that I installed her in an hotel; gave her a plete establishment of servants; a carriage; cashmeres; diamonds; dentelles; &c。 In short; I began the process of ruining myself in the received style; like any other spoony。 
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