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 corner of the schoolroom; with directions to hem the same。 At that hour most of the others were sewing likewise; but one class still stood round Miss Scatcherd’s chair reading; and as all was quiet; the subject of their lessons could be heard; together with the manner in which each girl acquitted herself; and the animadversions or mendations of Miss Scatcherd on the performance。 It was English history: among the readers I observed my acquaintance of the verandah: at the mencement of the lesson; her place had been at the top of the class; but for some error of pronunciation; or some inattention to stops; she was suddenly sent to the very bottom。 Even in that obscure position; Miss Scatcherd continued to make her an object of constant notice: she was continually addressing to her such phrases as the following:—
“Burns” (such it seems was her name: the girls here were all called by their surnames; as boys are elsewhere); “Burns; you are standing on the side of your shoe; turn your toes out immediately。” “Burns; you poke your chin most unpleasantly; draw it in。” “Burns; I insist on your holding your head up; I will not have you before me in that attitude;” &c。 &c。
A chapter having been read through twice; the books were closed and the girls examined。 The lesson had prised part of the reign of Charles I。; and there were sundry questions about tonnage and poundage and ship…money; which most of them appeared unable to answer; still; every little difficulty was solved instantly when it reached Burns: her memory seemed to have retained the substance of the whole lesson; and she was ready with answers on every point。 I kept expecting that Miss Scatcherd would praise her attention; but; instead of that; she suddenly cried out—
“You dirty; disagreeable girl! you have never cleaned your nails this morning!”
Burns made no answer: I wondered at her silence。 “Why;” thought I; “does she not explain that she could neither clean her nails nor wash her face; as the water was frozen?”
My attention was now called off by Miss Smith desiring me to hold a skein of thread: while she was winding it; she talked to me from time to time; asking whether I had ever been at school before; whether I could mark; stitch; knit; &c。; till she dismissed me; I could not pursue my observations on Miss Scatcherd’s movements。 When I returned to my seat; that lady was just delivering an order of which I did not catch the import; but Burns immediately left the class; and going into the small inner room where the books were kept; returned in half a minute; carrying in her hand a bundle of twigs tied together at one end。 This ominous tool she presented to Miss Scatcherd with a respectful curtesy; then she quietly; and without being told; unloosed her pinafore; and the teacher instantly and sharply inflicted on her neck a dozen strokes with the bunch of twigs。 Not a tear rose to Burns’ eye; and; while I paused from my sewing; because my fingers quivered at this spectacle with a sentiment of unavailing and impotent anger; not a feature of her pensive face altered its ordinary expression。
“Hardened girl!” exclaimed Miss Scatcherd; “nothing can correct you of your slatternly habits: carry the rod away。”
Burns obeyed: I looked at her narrowly as she emerged from the book…closet; she was just putting back her handkerchief into her pocket; and the trace of a tear glistened on her thin cheek。
The play…hour in the evening I thought the pleasantest fraction of the day at Lowood: the bit of bread; the draught of coffee swallowed at five o’clock had revived vitality; if it had not satisfied hunger: the long restraint of the day was slackened; the schoolroom felt warmer than in the morning—its fires being allowed to burn a little more brightly; to supply; in some measure; the place of candles; not yet introduced: the ruddy gloaming; the licensed uproar; the confusion of many voices gave one a wele sense of liberty。
On the evening of the day on which I had seen Miss Scatcherd flog her pupil; Burns; I wandered as usual among the forms and tables and laughing groups without a panion; yet not feeling lonely: when I passed the windows; I now and then lifted a blind; and looked out; it snowed fast; a drift was already forming against the lower panes; putting my ear close to the window; I could distinguish from the gleeful tumult within; the disconsolate moan of the wind outside。
Probably; if I had lately left a good home and kind parents; this would have been the hour when I should most keenly have regretted the separation; that wind would then have saddened my heart; this obscure chaos would have disturbed my peace! as it was; I derived from both a strange excitement; and reckless and feverish; I wished the wind to howl more wildly; the gloom to deepen to darkness; and the confusion to rise to clamour。
Jumping over forms; and creeping under tables; I made my way to one of the fire…places; there; kneeling by the high wire fender; I found Burns; absorbed; silent; abstracted from all round her by the panionship of a book; which she read by the dim glare of the embers。
“Is it still Rasselas?” I asked; ing behind her。
“Yes;” she said; “and I have just finished it。”
And in five minutes more she shut it up。 I was glad of this。 “Now;” thought I; “I can perhaps get her to talk。” I sat down by her on the floor。
“What is your name besides Burns?”
“Do you e a long way from here?”
“I e from a place farther north; quite on the borders of Scotland。”
“Will you ever go back?”
“I hope so; but nobody can be sure of the future。”
“You must wish to leave Lowood?”
“No! why should I? I was sent to Lowood to get an education; and it would be of no use going away until I have attained that object。”
“But that teacher; Miss Scatcherd; is so cruel to you?”
“Cruel? Not at all! She is severe: she dislikes my faults。”
“And if I were in your place I should dislike her; I should resist her。 If she struck me with that rod; I should get it from her hand; I should break it under her nose。”
“Probably you would do nothing of the sort: but if you did; Mr。 Brocklehurst would expel you from the school; that would be a great grief to your relations。 It is far better to endure patiently a smart which nobody feels but yourself; than to mit a hasty action whose evil consequences will extend to all connected with you; and besides; the Bible bids us return good for evil。”
“But then it seems disgraceful to be flogged; and to be sent to stand in the middle of a room full of people; and you are such a great girl: I am far younger than you; and I could not bear it。”
“Yet it would be your duty to bear it; if you could not avoid it: it is weak and silly to say you cannot bear what it is your fate to be required to bear。”
I heard her with wonder: I could not prehend this doctrine of endurance; and still less could I understand or sympathise with the forbearance she expressed for her chastiser。 Still I felt that Helen Burns considered things by a light invisible to my eyes。 I suspected she might be right and I wrong; but I would not ponder the matter deeply; like Felix; I put it off to a more convenient season。
“You say you have faults; Helen: what are they? To me you seem very good。”
“Then learn from me; not to judge by appearances: I am; as Miss Scatcherd said; slatternly; I seldom put; and never keep; things; in order; I am careless; I forget rules; I read when I should learn my lessons; I have no method; and sometimes I say; like you; I cannot bear to be subjected to systematic arrangements。 This is all very provoking to Miss Scatcherd; who is naturally neat; punctual; and particular。”
“And cross and cruel;” I added; but Helen Burns would not admit my addition: she kept silence。
“Is Miss Temple as severe to you as Miss Scatcherd?”
At the utterance of Miss Temple’s name; a soft smile flitted over her grave face。
“Miss Temple is full of goodness; it pains her to be severe to any one; even the worst in the school: she sees my errors; and tells me of them gently; and; if I do anything worthy of praise; she gives me my meed liberally。 One strong proof of my wretchedly defective nature is; that even her expostulations; so mild; so rational; have not influence to cure me of my faults; and even her praise; though I value it most highly; cannot stimulate me to continued care and foresight。”
“That is curious;” said I; “it is so easy to be careful。”
“For you I have no doubt it is。 I observed you in your class this morning; and saw you were closely attentive: your thoughts never seemed to wander while Miss Miller explained the lesson and questioned you。 Now; mine continually rove away; when I should be listening to Miss Scatcherd; and collecting all she says with assiduity; often I lose the very sound of her voice; I fall into a sort of dream。 Sometimes I think I am in Northumberland; and that the noises I hear round me are the bubbling of a little brook which runs through Deepden; near our house;—then; when it es to my turn to reply; I have to be awakened; and having heard nothing of what was read for listening to the visionary brook; I have no answer ready。”
“Yet how well you replied this afternoon。”
“It was mere chance; the subject on which we had been reading had interested me。 This afternoon; instead of dreaming of Deepden; I was wondering how a man who wished to do right could act so unjustly and unwisely as Charles the First sometimes did; and I thought what a pity it was that; with his integrity and conscientiousness; he could see no farther than the prerogatives of the crown。 If he had but been able to look to a distance; and see how what they call the spirit of the age was tending! Still; I like Charles—I respect him—I pity him; poor murdered king! Yes; his enemies were the worst: they shed blood they had no right to shed。 How dared they kill him!”
Helen was talking to herself now: she had forgotten I could not very well understand her—that I was ignorant; or nearly so; of the subject she discussed。 I recalled her to my level。
“And when Miss Temple teaches you; do your thoughts wander then?”
“No; certainly; not often; because Miss Temple has generally something to say which is newer than my own reflections; her language is singularly agreeable to me; and the information she municates is often just what I wished to gain。”
“Well; then; with Miss Temple you are good?”
“Yes; in a passive way: I make no effort; I follow as inclination guides me。 There is no merit in such goodness。”
“A great deal: you are good to those who are good to you。 It is all I ever desire to be。 If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust; the wicked people would have it all their own way: they would never feel afraid; and so they would never alter; but would grow worse and worse。 When we are struck at without a reason; we should strike back again very hard; I am sure we should—so hard as to teach the person who struck us never to do it again。”
“You will change your mind; I hope; when you grow older: as yet you are but a little untaught girl。”
“But I feel this; Helen; I must dislike those who; whatever I do to please them; persist in disliking me; I must resist those who punish me unjustly。 It is as natural a
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