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           late the largest possible number a data type can store; you use 2 to the power of the number of  

           spaces and then subtract 1。 In the case of the Integer type; there are 32 spaces。 Before we calculate  

           the biggest number Integer can store; though; we need to consider negative numbers。 The  

           upper limit of Integer isn’t actually 4;294;967;295 (the result of 232 – 1); because  Integer also  

           stores negative numbers。 In other words; it can save a negative whole number; such as –2。  

                 The puter uses a trick in that the first space of the number is reserved for the sign (plus  

           or minus) of the number。 In the case of Integer; that means there are only 31 spaces for  

           numbers; so the largest number that can be represented is 2;147;483;647; and the smallest is  

           –2;147;483;648。 Going back to our addition example; this fact means that when the result of our  

           addition is 4 billion; which in binary requires 32 spaces; Integer does not have the space to store it。 

                 The  environment includes the numeric data types listed in Table 2…1; which have  

           varying sizes and storage capabilities。 The following terminology is used to describe numeric  

           data types: 

                o  A bit is a space of storage; and 8 bits make a  byte。 

                o  Integers are whole numbers。 

                o  Floating…point types are fractional numbers。 

                o  Signed means one space in the number is reserved for the plus or negative sign。 

           Table 2…1。   Numeric Data Types 

           Type                Description 

           Byte                Unsigned 8…bit integer; the smallest value is 0; and the largest value is 255 

           SByte               Signed 8…bit integer; the smallest value is –128; and the largest value is 127 

           UShort              Unsigned 16…bit integer; the smallest value is 0; and the largest value is 65535 

           Short               Signed 16…bit integer; the smallest value is –32768; and the largest value is 32767 

           UInteger            Unsigned 32…bit integer; the smallest value is 0; and the largest value is  


           Integer             Signed 32…bit integer; the smallest value is –2147483648; and the largest value is  


           ULong               Unsigned 64…bit integer; the smallest value is 0; and the largest value is  


           Long                Signed 64…bit integer; the smallest value is –9223372036854775808; and the  

                               largest value is 9223372036854775807 

           Single              32…bit floating…point number; the smallest value is –3。4x1038; and the largest  

                               value is 3。4x1038; with a precision of 7 digits 

           Double              64…bit floating…point number; the smallest value is –1。7x10308; and the largest  

                               value is 1。7x10308; with 15 to 16 digits of precision 

           Decimal             Special 128…bit data type; the smallest value is 1。0x10–28; and the largest value is  

                               1。0x1028; with at least 28 significant digits of precisiona 

           a  The Decimal type is often used for financial data because sometimes a calculation will result in one penny  

             less than the correct result (for example; 14。9999; instead of 15。00) due to rounding errors。 

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                                    CH A PT E R   2   ■    L E A R N I N G   A B OU T   。 N E T  N U M B E R   AN D   V A L U E   T Y P E S  45 

     With so many variations of number types available; you may be wondering which ones to  

use and when。 The quick answer is that it depends on your needs。 When performing scientific  

calculations; you probably need to use a Double or Single。 If you are calculating mortgages; you  

probably need to use a Decimal。 And if you are performing set calculations; you probably should  

use an Integer or a  Long。 It all depends on how accurate you want to be; or how much numeric  

precision you want。 

     Numeric precision is an important topic and should never be dealt with lightly。 Consider  

the following example: every country takes a census of its people; and when the census is  

piled; we learn some interesting facts。 For example; in Canada; 31% of people will divorce。  

Canada has a population clock that says every minute and 32 seconds; someone is born。 At the  

time of this writing; the population was 32;789;736。 Thus; at the time of this writing; 10;164;818  

people will divorce。 Think a bit about what I just wrote。 I said that there is a direct relationship  

of people who will divorce to the number of births in Canada (31%; in fact)。 You should be  

amazed that the births and divorces are timed to the point where 10;164;818—not 10;164;819  

nor 10;164;820—people will divorce。 Of course; I’m being cynical and just trying to make the  

point that numbers are just that: numbers that you round off。  

     I can’t say 10;164;818 people will divorce; because I can’t be that accurate without performing  

an actual count。 I could probably say 10;164;818 plus or minus 100;000 will divorce。 Using the  

plus or minus; the range is 10;064;818 to 10;264;818; or roughly speaking; 10。2 million people。  

The number 10。2 million is what a newsperson would report; what literature would say; and  

what most people would use in conversation。 So; if I add 10。2 million and 1;000; can I say that  

the total is 10;201;000? The 10。2 is a roundoff to the nearest tenth of a million; and adding a  

thousand means adding a number that is less than the roundoff。 The answer is that I cannot  

add 1;000 to 10。2; because the 1;000 is not significant with respect to the number 10。2。 But I  

can add 1;000 to 10;164;818; to get 10;165;818; because the most significant value is a single  

whole number。 

     Relating this back to numeric types; it means integer…based numbers have a most signifi

cant single whole number。 Adding 1。5 and 1。2 as whole numbers results in 3; as illustrated in  

Figure 2…15。 

     Let’s extend this concept of significant digits to a floating…point number type; Single; and  

consider the example shown in Figure 2…16。 The {0} construct in the Console。WriteLine() method  

is replaced by the second argument。 If there were a third argument; it would be placed in the  

resultant string with {1}; a fourth would be replaced with {2}; and so on。 

     As shown in Figure 2…16; if you want to keep the precision of adding a small number to a  

large number; you will need to switch number types to Double。 But even Double has limits and  

can remember only 15 to 16 digits of precision。  

     If you want even more precision; you could use Decimal; but Decimal is more suitable for  

financial calculations。 With financial calculations; you will run into the problem of having very  

large numbers added to small numbers。 Imagine being Bill Gates and having a few billion in  

your bank account。 When the bank calculates the interest; you will want to know how many  

pennies you have accumulated; because pennies; when added over a long period of time; make  

a big difference。 In fact; some programmers have “stolen” money from banks by collecting the  

fractional pennies and accumulating them。 

     Now that you’ve seen some of the plexities involved when working with numbers; let’s  

finish the calculator。 

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46         CH AP T E R   2   ■    L E A R N IN G   AB OU T   。 N E T  N U M B E R   A N D   V A L U E   T Y P E S  

                                                                            Fractional number one and a half 

               Public Sub AddFractionalNumbersToWhole() 

                   Dim total As Integer = CType(1。5; Integer) + _ 

                                          CType(1。2; Integer) 

                   If (total  2。7) Then 

                       Console。WriteLine(〃Oops; something went wrong〃) 

                   End If 

               End Sub 

                                                            Using Ctype() means to cast a Double 

                                                                to an Integer。 This results in a 

                                                            roundoff where 1。2 = 1 and 1。5 = 2。 

                                                                Had DirectCast() been used; a 

                                                            pilation error would result; since 

                                                              converting a Double to an Integer 

                                                                      requires coercion。 

            Figure 2…15。 Adding fractions using the Integer data type 

                      Declaring a number with a decimal 

                                                                                A really small number 

                     (。0) automatically creates a floating

                                   point value 

                  Public Sub AddFractionalNumbers() 

                      Dim value As Single = 10000。0 + 0。000001 

                      Console。WriteLine(〃Value ({0})〃; value) 

                  End Sub 

                                                                   The console displays the number 

               The variable value is                             10;000 because the small number is 

                the addition of a big                            insignificant from the perspective of 

                 number to a small                               Single。 Single can remember only 7 

                       number                                     digits。 10000。000001 is 10 digits of 


            Figure 2…16。 Adding fractions using the Single data type 

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                                  CH A PT E R   2   ■    L E A R N I N G   A B OU T   。 N E T  N U M B E R   AN D   V A L U E   T Y P E S  47 

Finishing the Calculator 

The original declaration of the Add() method for the calculator worked; but had some serious  

limitations on what kinds of numbers could be added。 To finish the calculator; we need to  

declare the Add() method using a different type; and then add the remaining operations。 

     We could use one of three types to declare the Add() method: 

     o  Long: Solves the problem of adding two very 
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