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440       ■IN D E X 

          GetSheet() method; 301                                  IEnumerable class; 218 

          GetTaxRate() method; 183                                IEnumerable interface; 218 

          getters; 142                                            IEnumerator interface; 218 

          GetType() method; 56–57                                 IExample interface; 167 

          GetType(String) parameter; 328                          If statement; 35; 77; 105–109 

          global positioning system (GPS); 81                     IList interface; 230–233; 245 

          globally unique identifier (GUID); 374                  immutable instance; 152 

          GoTo keyword; 430                                       immutable types; 264 

          GPS (global positioning system); 81                     Impl1 identifier; 321; 326 

          graphical user interfaces (GUIs); 363                   implementation code; 116 

          GUID (globally unique identifier); 374                  Implementation。Method() method; 190 

          GUIs (graphical user interfaces); 363                   Implementations assembly; 222 

                                                                  implementations project; 314 


                                                                  Implementations1 class library; 316 

          handles; 214 

                                                                  Implementations1。dll assembly; 324 

          handling exceptions。 See exceptions; handlers 

                                                                  Implementations1。Implementation private  

          hash character (#); 149 

                                                                           class; 324 

          Hashtable class; 230 


          HelloWorld() method; 15                                          type; 326 

          hidden producer/consumer architecture;                  Implementations2 class library; 316 


                                                                  Implementations2。dll assembly; 331 

          HotelCurrencyTrader class; 155–157                      implementing 

             adding constructor to; 155–156                          convention…based architecture; 339 

             adding conversion methods to; 156–157                   delegates; 241–243 

          HotelCurrencyTrader() method; 159                          kernels; 203–220 

          ■I                                                            linked lists; 204–212 

          IAsyncResult parameter; 368                                   room groupings; 212–220 

          IAsyncResult type; 368                                     shared typed convention…based  

                                                                           architecture; 337–338 

          IAsyncResult。AsyncState data member; 368 

          IBase interface; 425                                    Imports statement; 33 

          ICanadaTaxEngine interface; 186                         ine splitting; 164 

                                                                  IncrementCounter() method; 364 

          ICollection interface; 230 

                                                                  IndexOutOfRangeException type; 128 

          IDataParameter type; 383 

          IDataReader interface; 385                              informational read…only properties;  

                                                                           ActiveCurrencyTrader class; 153–154 

          IDbmand instance; 383 

                                                                  inheritance; 139; 139–141; 145–146; 168–173;  

          IDbmand interface; 386 

                                                                           188–193; 202 

          IDbConnection interface; 386 

                                                                  Inherits keyword; 146 

          IDbDataParameter type; 383 

                                                                  Initialize() method; 396–399 

          IDE (integrated development  

                                                                  InitializeExchangeRate() method; 148 

                   environment); 1; 55 

                                                                  initializing Node elements; 90–91 

          IDebug interface; 302 

                                                                  INoRemoteControlRoom interface; 199;  

          IDefinition interface; 337 


          IDefinition type; 326 

                                                                  INSERT mand; 382; 384; 386; 390 

          IDefinitions interface; 316 

                                                                  Insert() method; 207; 391 

          IDictionary interface; 230; 246 

                                                                  inserting items into linked lists; 207–208 

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                                                                                                      ■I N D E X     441 

InsertRange() method; 245                                 IsWriterLockHeld property; 361 

Inst property; 424                                        ITaxAccount interface; 180; 183 

installing Visual Basic Express; 3                        ITaxEngine interface; 174–177 

instance constructor; 325                                 ITaxIne interface; 179 

Instance property; 325                                    items。Length variable; 310 

Instantiate() method; 323                                 IterateBuffers() method; 132 

instantiated types; 325–326                               iteration code; 356 

instantiating                                             Iterator。Iterate() method; 242 

   Node elements; 90–91                                   IWorksheet declaration; 297 

   PrivateRoom implementation; 224–225                    IWorksheet instance; 299 

   PublicRoom implementation; 224–225                     IWorksheetBase interface; 295; 298 

instantiations; abstracting with factories;               IWorksheetBase type; 299 

          177–178                                         IWorksheetSerialize class; 304 

InsufficientMemoryException type; 128 

Integer data type; 40; 44                                 ■J 

                                                         jack。txt file; 372 

integers; 44 

integrated development environment                        Jet Database Engine; 375 

          (IDE); 1; 55                                    Join() method; 346–347 

intelligent data structure; 80                            ■K 

IntelliSense; 55 

                                                          kernels; 197–222 

Interface keyword; 166                                       defining interfaces; 199–203; 220–222 

interfaces; 195–198 

                                                                INoRemoteControlRoom interface;  

   defining; 173–174; 199–203                                      201–202 

      INoRemoteControlRoom; 201–202                             IRemoteControlRoom interface;  

      IRemoteControlRoom; 202–203                                  202–203 

      IRoom placeholder; 200–201                                IRoom placeholder interface; 200–201 

      ISensorRoom; 203                                          ISensorRoom interface; 203 

   defining kernels as; 220–222                              implementing; 203–220 

interprocess munication                                      linked lists; 204–212 

         mechanisms; 345                                        room groupings; 212–220 

int。Parse() method; 275                                   keyhole problems; 103–104 

InvalidCastException type; 128                            key/value pair lists; 246 

InvalidOperationException element; 350 

Invoke() method; 363–366                                  ■L 

IProcessor interface; 396                                 Long type; 44 

IRectangle declaration; 171                               lambda expressions; 243–245; 248;  

IRectangle interface; 187                                          290–292; 311 

IRemoteControlRoom interface; 199;                        Language Integrated Query。 See LINQ 

         202–203                                          languages; 68–74 

IRoom placeholder interface; 199; 200–201                    cultures; 72–74 

Is function; 202                                             numbers; 69–72 

ISensorRoom interface; 199; 203                              setting in Windows; 68 

IShape declaration; 171                                   LanguageTranslator class library; 52 

ISquare interface; 187                                    LanguageTranslator ponent; 75 

IsReaderLockHeld property; 361                            LanguageTranslator project; 53 

IsRequired attribute; 338                                 Length properties; 276 

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442       ■IN D E X 

          library ponent; 164                                  locking code; 368 

          LibTax solution; 164                                    locks; 355 

          LibTax。Surtax namespace; 176                            logical operators; 417 

          lighting application                                    Long type; Add() method; 47 

             defining rooms; 222–224                              lottery application; calculating frequency of  

             kernels; 199–222                                              numbers; 395–405 

                defining as interfaces; 220–222                      extending system; 396–399 

                defining interfaces; 199–203                         implementing solution; 400–405 

                implementing; 203–220                             lotteryDataSet。xsd file; 387 

             organizing; 198–199                                  LottoLibrary class library; 249 

             PrivateRoom implementation; 224–225                  LottoTicketProcessor; 254 

             PublicRoom implementation; 224–225 


          LightingController class; 204; 213–217 

                                                                  magic types; 99–100 

          LightLevel property; 202 

                                                                  Main() method; 13; 38; 54; 321; 342 

          LightSwitch() method; 203 

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