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the notebook-恋恋笔记本(英文版)-第6部分

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 least the only one with electricity。

She stepped on the dock and it creaked under her foot。 The sound reminded her of a rusty squeezebox。 Noah glanced up; then went back to checking the crabs; making sure they were the right size。 She walked to the rocker that sat on the dock and touched it; running her hand along the back。 She could picture him sitting in it; Fishing; thinking; reading。 It was old and weather…beaten; rough…feeling。 She wondered how much time he spent here alone; and about his thoughts at times like those。

A pulsion had driven her here; and for the first time in three weeks the feeling was gone。 She’d needed Noah to know about her engagement; to understand; to accept it—she was sure of that now。 While thinking of him; she was reminded of something they shared the summer they were together。 With head down; she paced around slowly until she found it—the carving。 Noah loves Allie; in a heart。 Carved into the dock a few days before she’d left。

A breeze broke the stillness and chilled her; making her cross her arms。 She stood that way; alternately looking down at the caning and then towards the river; until she heard him reach her side。 She could feel his closeness; his warmth。

“It’s so peaceful here;” she said; her voice dreamlike。

“I know。 I e down here a lot now just to be close to the water。 It makes me feel good。 e on; let’s go。 The mosquitoes are getting vicious; and I’m starved。”

THE SKY had turned black and they started towards the house。 In the silence Allie’s mind wandered and she felt a little light…headed。 She wondered what he was thinking about her being here and wasn’t exactly sure if she knew herself。 When they reached the house a couple of minutes later; Clem greeted them on the back porch。

Noah set the bucket by the door; then led the way inside to the kitchen。 It was on the right; large and smelling of new wood。 The cabis had been done in oak; like the floor; and the windows were large and faced east; allowing the light from the morning sun。 It was a tasteful restoration; not overdone as was so often the case when Homes like this were rebuilt。

“Do you mind if I look around?”

“No; go ahead。 I did some shopping earlier and I still have to put the groceries away。”

She toured the house for the next few minutes; walking through the rooms; noticing how wonderful it looked。 She came down the stairs; turned towards the kitchen; and saw his profile。 For a second he looked like a young man of seventeen again; and it made her pause a split second before going on。 Damn; she thought; get a hold of yourself。 Remember that you’re engaged now。

He was standing by the counter; a couple of cabi doors open wide; empty grocery bags on the floor; whistling quietly。

“It’s unbelievable; Noah。 How long did the restoration take?”

He looked up from the last bag he was unpacking。 “Almost a year。〃

“Did you do it all yourself?”

He laughed。 “No。 I always thought I would when I was young; and I started that way。 But it was just too much。 It would have taken years; and so I ended up hiring some people。 。 。 actually a lot of people。 But even with them it was still a lot of work; and most of the time I didn’t stop until past midnight。”

“Why’d you work so hard?”

Ghosts; he wanted to say; but didn’t。

“I don’t know。 Just wanted to finish; I guess。 Do you want anything to drink before I start dinner?”

“What do you have?”

“Not much; really。 Beer; tea; Coffee。”

“Tea sounds good。”

He gathered the grocery bags and put them away; then walked to a small room off the kitchen before returning with a box of tea。 He pulled out a couple of tea bags and put them by the stove; then filled the kettle。 After standing it on the burner; he lit a match and she heard the sound of flames as they came to life。

“It’ll be just a minute;” he said; “this stove heats up pretty quick。”

“That’s fine。”

When the kettle whistled; he poured two cups and handed one to her。 She smiled and took a sip。

“I’m going to get the crabs in to marinate for a few minutes before I steam ‘em;” he said; putting his cup on the counter。 He went to the cupboard and removed a large pot with a steamer and lid。 He brought the pot to the sink; added water; then carried it to the stove。

“Can I give you a hand with something?”

He answered over his shoulder: “Sure。 How about cutting up some vegetables to fry。 There’s plenty in the icebox; and you can find a bowl over there。”

He motioned to the cabi near the sink; and she took another sip of tea before setting her cup on the counter and retrieving the bowl。 She carried it to the icebox and found some okra; courgettes; onions and carrots on the bottom shelf。 Noah joined her in front of the open door; and she moved to make room for him。 She could smell him as he stood next to her—clean; familiar; distinctive—and felt his arm brush against her as he leaned over and reached inside。 He removed a beer and a bottle of hot sauce; then returned to the stove。

Noah opened the beer and poured it in the water; then added the hot sauce and some other seasoning。 After stirring the water to make sure the powders dissolved; he went to the back door to get the crabs。

He paused for a moment before going back inside and stared at Allie; watching her cut the carrots。 As he did that; he wondered again why she had e; especially now that she was engaged。 None of this made much sense to him。 But then Allie had always been surprising。

He smiled; remembering the way she had been。 Fiery; spontaneous; passionate—as he imagined most artists to be。 And she was definitely that。 Artistic talent like hers was a gift。 He remembered seeing some paintings in the museums in New York and thinking that her work was just as good。

She had given him a painting before she’d left that summer。 It hung above the fireplace in the living room。 She’d called it a picture of her dreams; and to him it had seemed extremely sensual。 When he looked at it; and he often did late in the evening; he could see desire in the colours and the lines; and if he focused carefully he could imagine what she had been thinking with every stroke。

A dog barked in the distance; and Noah realized he had been standing with the door open a long time。 He closed it quickly and went into the kitchen。

“How’s it going?” he asked; seeing she was nearly finished。

“Good。 I’m almost done here。 Anything else for dinner?”

“I have some Homemade bread that I was planning on。 From a neighbour;” he added as he put the pail in the sink。 He began to rinse the crabs; holding them under the tap; then letting them scurry around the sink while he rinsed the next one。 Allie picked up her cup and came over to watch him。

“Aren’t you afraid they’ll pinch you?”

“No。 Just grab ‘em like this;” he said; demonstrating。

She smiled。 “I forget you’ve done this your whole life。”

She leaned against the counter; standing close to him; and emptied her cup。 When the crabs were ready he put them in the pot on the stove。 He washed his hands; turning to speak to her as he did so。

“You want to sit on the porch for a few minutes? I’d like to let them marinate for a half…hour。”

“Sure;” she said。

He wiped his hands; and together they went to the back porch。 Noah flicked on the light as they went outside; and he sat in the older rocker; offering the newer one to her。 When he saw her cup was empty; he went inside for a moment and emerged with a refill and a beer for himself。 He held out the cup and she took it; sipping again before she put it on the table beside the chairs。

“You were sitting out here when I came; weren’t you?”

“Yeah。 I sit out here every night。 It’s a habit now。”

“I can see why;” she said as she looked around。 “So; what is it you do these days?”

“Actually; I don’t do anything but work on the house right now。

It satisfies my creative urges。”

“How can you。。。 I mean。。。〃

“Morris Goldman。 My old boss from up north。 He offered me a part of the Business just as I enlisted; and died before I got Home。 When I got back to the states; his lawyers gave me a cheque big enough to buy this place and fix it up。”

She laughed under her breath。 “You always told me you’d find a way to do it。”

They both sat quietly for a moment; thinking back again。 Allie took another sip of tea。

“Do you remember sneaking over here the night you first told me about this place?”

He nodded; and she went on: “I got Home a little late that evening; and my parents were furious when I finally came in。 I can still picture my daddy standing in the living room smoking a cigarette; my mother on the sofa staring straight ahead。 I swear; they looked as if a family member had died。 That was the first time my parents knew I was serious about you; and my mother had a long talk with me later that night。 She said to me; ‘I’m sure you think that I don’t understand what you’re going through; but I do。 It’s just that sometimes our future is dictated by what we are; as opposed to what we want。’ I remember being really hurt when she said that。”

“You told me about it the next day。 It hurt my feelings; too。 I liked your parents and I had no idea they didn’t like me。”

“It wasn’t that they didn’t like you。 They didn’t think you deserved me。”

“There’s not much difference。”

“I know that I always did。 Maybe that’s why my mother and I always seem to have a distance between us when we talk。”

“How do you feel about it now?”

“The same as I did back then。 That it’s wrong; that it isn’t fair。 It was a terrible thing for a girl to learn; that status is more important than feelings。”

Noah said nothing。

“I’ve thought about you ever since that summer;” she said。

“You have?”

“Why wouldn’t you think so?” She seemed genuinely surprised。

“You never answered my letters。”

“You wrote?”

“Dozens of letters。 I wrote to you for two years without receiving a single reply。”

She slowly shook her head before lowering her eyes。 “I didn’t know。。 。” she said finally; quietly; and he knew it must have been her mother checking the mail; removing the letters without her knowledge。 It was what he had always suspected; and he watched as Allie came to the same realization。

“It was wrong of her to do that; Noah; and I’m sorry she did。 But try to understand。 Once I left; she probably thought it would be easier for me to just let it go。 She never understood how much you meant to me; and; to be honest。 I don’t even know if she ever loved my father the way I loved you。 In her mind; she was just trying to protect my feelings; and she probably thought the best way to do that was to hide the letters you sent。”

“That wasn’t her decision to make;” he said quietly。

“I know。”

“Would it have made a difference even if you’d got them?”

“Of course。 I always wondered what you were up to。”

“No; I mean with us。 Do you think we would have made it’?”

It took a moment for her to answer。 “I don’t know; Noah。 I really don’t; and you don’t either。 We’re not the same people we were then。 We’ve changed。 Both of us。”

She paused。 He didn’t respond; and in the silence she looked towards the creek
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