嗔秤戻幣哉膵云利匈嬉蝕湊蛸賜塋床四衲萩晦編報炎嘔囚^泡仟 ̄云利匈
及眉窮徨慕 卦指云慕朕村 紗秘慕禰 厘議慕尺 厘議慕禰 TXT畠云和墮 〆辺茄欺厘議箝誓匂〇

the notebook-禅禅永芝云(哂猟井)-及19何蛍

酔楯荷恬: 梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈 梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈 梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何! 泌惚云慕短嗤堋響頼誅卒亮茂俊彭堋響辛聞喘貧圭 "辺茄欺厘議箝誓匂" 孔嬬 才 "紗秘慕禰" 孔嬬

A lump has risen in my throat察and I am speechless。

;But察Noah察you're not supposed to do this察and I can't let you。 So go back to your room。; Then察smiling察sniffling and shuffling some papers察she says此 Me察I'm going downstairs for some Coffee。 I won't be back to check on you for a while察so don't do anything foolish。;

She rises quickly察touches my arm and walks towards the stairs。 She doesn't look back and suddenly I am alone。 I look at where she had been sitting and see her Coffee察a full cup察still steaming察and once again I learn that there are good people in the world。

As I begin my trek to Allie's room察I take tiny steps察and even at that pace my legs grow tired。 I find I must touch the wall to keep from falling down。 Lights buzz overhead察their fluorescent glow making my eyes ache察and I squint a little。 I press on察and the movement forces blood through banished arteries。 I feel myself being stronger with every step。 A phone rings in the nurses' station察and I push forward so that I will not be caught。 I am young and strong察with passion in my heart察and I will break down the door and lift her in my arms and carry her to paradise。

Who am I kidding拭I lead a simple life now。 I am foolish察an old man in love察a dreamer who dreams of nothing but reading to Allie and holding her whenever I can。 I am a sinner with many faults and a man who believes in magic察but I am too old to change and too old to care。

When I finally reach her room my body is weak。 My legs wobble察my eyes are blurred。 I struggle with the knob and in the end it takes two hands and three truckloads of effort。 The door opens and light from the hallway spills in察illuminating the bed where she sleeps。

She is lying with the covers halfway up。 After a moment I see her roll to one side察and her noises bring back memories of happier times。 She looks small in her bed。

I do not move察on this our anniversary察for almost a minute察and I long to tell her how I feel察but I stay quiet so I won't wake her。 Besides察it is written on the slip of paper that I will slide under her pillow。 It says


                                        Love察in these last and tender hours

                                        is sensitive and very pure

                                        e morning light with soft´lit powers 

                                        to awaken love that's ever sure。

I think I hear someone ing察so I enter her room and close the door behind me。 Blackness descends and I cross her floor from memory and reach the window。 I open the curtains察and the moon stares back察large and full察the guardian of the evening。 Though I know I should not察I sit on her bed while I slip the note beneath her pillow。 Then I reach across and gently touch her face。 I stroke her hair察and I feel wonder察like a poser first discovering the works of Mozart。 She stirs and opens her eyes and I suddenly regret my foolishness察for I know she will begin to cry and scream察for this is what she always does。 But I feel an urge to attempt the impossible and lean towards her察our faces drawing closer。

     When her lips meet mine察I feel a tingling I have never felt before察in all our years together察but I do not pull back。 And suddenly a miracle察for I feel her mouth open and I discover a forgotten paradise察unchanged all this time察ageless like the stars。 I feel the warmth of her body and allow myself to slip away察as I did so many years ago。 I close my eyes and bee a mighty ship in churning waters察strong and fearless察and she is my sails。 I gently trace the outline of her cheek察then take her hand in mine。 I kiss her lips察her cheeks察and listen as she takes a breath。 She murmurs softly察 Oh察Noah 。 。 。 I've missed you。; Another miracle!the greatest of all  and there's no way I can stop the tears as we begin to slip towards heaven itself。 For at that moment察the world is full of wonder as I feel her fingers reach for the buttons on my shirt and slowly察ever so slowly察she begins to undo them one by one。


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     ppppppppppppppp井 幡 拷 圻 恬 宀
卦指朕村 貧匯匈 指欺競何 0 0
酔楯荷恬: 梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈 梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈 梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何!
梁椣戻幣 梁心弌傍議揖扮窟燕得胎傍竃徭失議心隈才凪万弌誌育断蛍輌臆惨軼僑〃燕慕得珊辛參資誼持蛍才将刮襲潜範寔亟圻幹慕得 瓜寡追葎娼得辛參資誼寄楚署衛、持蛍才将刮襲潜