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快捷操作: 按键盘上方向键 ← 或 → 可快速上下翻页 按键盘上的 Enter 键可回到本书目录页 按键盘上方向键 ↑ 可回到本页顶部! 如果本书没有阅读完,想下次继续接着阅读,可使用上方 "收藏到我的浏览器" 功能 和 "加入书签" 功能!

                    #0046  // CChildFrame diagnostics 


                    #0048  #ifdef _DEBUG 

                    #0049  void CChildFrame::AssertValid() const 

                    #0050  { 

                    #0051          CMDIChildWnd::AssertValid(); 

                    #0052  } 


                    #0054  void CChildFrame::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const 

                    #0055  { 

                    #0056          CMDIChildWnd::Dump(dc); 

                    #0057  } 


                    #0059  #endif //_DEBUG 


                    #0061  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

                    #0062  // CChildFrame message handlers 


                    #0064  BOOL CChildFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT /* lpcs */; 

                                                                   CCreateContext* pContext) 

                    #0065  { 

                    #0066          return m_wndSplitter。Create(this; 

                    #0067                  2; 2;       // TODO: adjust the number of rows; columns 

                    #0068                  CSize(10; 10);  // TODO: adjust the minimum pane size 

                    #0069                  pContext); 

                    #0070  } 


                    #0001  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

                    #0002  // class CStroke 

                    #0003  // 

                    #0004  // A stroke is a series of connected points in the scribble drawing。 


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#0005  // A scribble document may have multiple strokes。 


#0007  class CStroke : public CObject 

#0008  { 

#0009  public: 

#0010          CStroke(UINT nPenWidth); 


#0012  protected: 

#0013          CStroke(); 

#0014          DECLARE_SERIAL(CStroke) 


#0016  // Attributes 

#0017  protected: 

#0018          UINT    m_nPenWidth;   // one pen width applies to entire stroke 

#0019  public: 

#0020          CArray  m_pointArray;   // series of connected points 

#0021          CRect   m_rectBounding;  // smallest rect that surrounds all 

#0022                                      // of the points in the stroke 

#0023                                      // measured in MM_LOENGLISH units 

#0024                                      // (0。01 inches; with Y…axis inverted) 

#0025  public: 

#0026          CRect& GetBoundingRect() { return m_rectBounding; } 


#0028  // Operations 

#0029  public: 

#0030          BOOL DrawStroke(CDC* pDC); 

#0031          void FinishStroke(); 


#0033  public: 

#0034          virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar); 

#0035  }; 


#0037  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 


#0039  class CScribbleDoc : public CDocument 

#0040  { 

#0041  protected: // create from serialization only 

#0042          CScribbleDoc(); 

#0043          DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CScribbleDoc) 


#0045  // Attributes 

#0046  protected: 

#0047          // The document keeps track of the current pen width on 

#0048          // behalf of all views。 We'd like the user interface of 

#0049          // Scribble to be such that if the user chooses the Draw 

#0050          // Thick Line mand; it will apply to all views; not just 


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                   #0051          // the view that currently has the focus。 


                   #0053          UINT     m_nPenWidth;        // current user…selected pen width 

                   #0054          BOOL     m_bThickPen;        // TRUE if current pen is thick 

                   #0055          UINT     m_nThinWidth; 

                   #0056          UINT     m_nThickWidth; 

                   #0057          CPen     m_penCur;           // pen created according to 

                   #0058                                         // user…selected pen style (width) 

                   #0059  public: 

                   #0060          CTypedPtrList     m_strokeList; 

                   #0061          CPen*           GetCurrentPen() { return &m_penCur; } 


                   #0063  protected: 

                   #0064          CSize           m_sizeDoc; 

                   #0065  public: 

                   #0066          CSize GetDocSize() { return m_sizeDoc; } 


                   #0068  // Operations 

                   #0069  public: 

                   #0070          CStroke* NewStroke(); 


                   #0072  // Overrides 

                   #0073          // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides 

                   #0074          //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CScribbleDoc) 

                   #0075          public: 

                   #0076          virtual BOOL OnNewDocument(); 

                   #0077          virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar); 

                   #0078          virtual BOOL OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName); 

                   #0079          virtual void DeleteContents(); 

                   #0080          //}}AFX_VIRTUAL 


                   #0082  // Implementation 

                   #0083  protected: 

                   #0084          void ReplacePen(); 


                   #0086  public: 

                   #0087          virtual ~CScribbleDoc(); 

                   #0088  #ifdef _DEBUG 

                   #0089          virtual void AssertValid() const; 

                   #0090          virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; 

                   #0091  #endif 


                   #0093  protected: 

                   #0094          void            InitDocument(); 


                   #0096  // Generated message map functions 


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#0097  protected: 

#0098          //{{AFX_MSG(CScribbleDoc) 

#0099          afx_msg void OnEditClearAll(); 

#0100          afx_msg void OnPenThickOrThin(); 

#0101          afx_msg void OnUpdateEditClearAll(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); 

#0102          afx_msg void OnUpdatePenThickOrThin(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); 

#0103          afx_msg void OnPenWidths(); 

#0104          //}}AFX_MSG 

#0105          DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() 

#0106  }; 


#0001  #include 〃stdafx。h〃 

#0002  #include 〃Scribble。h〃 


#0004  #include 〃ScribDoc。h〃 

#0005  #include 〃PenDlg。h〃 


#0007  #ifdef _DEBUG 

#0008  #define new DEBUG_NEW 

#0009  #undef THIS_FILE 

#0010  static char THIS_FILE'' = __FILE__; 

#0011  #endif 


#0013  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

#0014  // CScribbleDoc 


#0016  IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScribbleDoc; CDocument) 


#0018  BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScribbleDoc; CDocument) 

#0019          //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScribbleDoc) 

#0020          ON_MAND(ID_EDIT_CLEAR_ALL; OnEditClearAll) 

#0021          ON_MAND(ID_PEN_THICK_OR_THIN; OnPenThickOrThin) 

#0022          ON_UPDATE_MAND_UI(ID_EDIT_CLEAR_ALL; OnUpdateEditClearAll) 

#0023          ON_UPDATE_MAND_UI(ID_PEN_THICK_OR_THIN; OnUpdatePenThickOrThin) 

#0024          ON_MAND(ID_PEN_WIDTHS; OnPenWidths) 

#0025          //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 



#0028  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

#0029  // CScribbleDoc construction/destruction 


#0031  CScribbleDoc::CScribbleDoc() 

#0032  { 


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                   #0033          // TODO: add one…time construction code here 


                   #0035  } 


                   #0037  CScribbleDoc::~CScribbleDoc() 

                   #0038  { 

                   #0039  } 


                   #0041  BOOL CScribbleDoc::OnNewDocument() 

                   #0042  { 

                   #0043          if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument()) 

                   #0044                  return FALSE; 

                   #0045          InitDocument(); 

                   #0046          return TRUE; 

                   #0047  } 


                   #0049  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

                   #0050  // CScribbleDoc serialization 


                   #0052  void CScribbleDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar) 

                   #0053  { 

                   #0054          if (ar。IsStoring()) 

                   #0055          { 

                   #0056                  ar 》 m_sizeDoc; 

                   #0061          } 

                   #0062          m_strokeList。Serialize(ar); 

                   #0063  } 


                   #0065  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

                   #0066  // CScribbleDoc diagnostics 


                   #0068  #ifdef _DEBUG 

                   #0069  void CScribbleDoc::AssertValid() const 

                   #0070  { 

                   #0071          CDocument::AssertValid(); 

                   #0072  } 


                   #0074  void CScribbleDoc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const 

                   #0075  { 

                   #0076          CDocument::Dump(dc); 

                   #0077  } 

                   #0078  #endif //_DEBUG 


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#0080  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

#0081  // CScribbleDoc mands 


#0083  BOOL CScribbleDoc::OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName) 

#0084  { 

#0085          if (!CDocument::OnO
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