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四季随笔-the private papers of henry ryecroft(英文版)-第29部分

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 does not believe。 The hypocrite may have; most likely has; (for he is a man of brains;) a conscious rule of life; but it is never that of the person to whom his hypocrisy is directed。 Tartufe incarnates him once for all。 Tartufe is by conviction an atheist and a sensualist; he despises all who regard life from the contrasted point of view。 But among Englishmen such an attitude of mind has always been extremely rare; to presume it in our typical money…maker who has edifying sentiments on his lips is to fall into a grotesque error of judgment。 No doubt that error is mitted by the ordinary foreign journalist; a man who knows less than little of English civilization。 More enlightened critics; if they use the word at all; do so carelessly; when speaking with more precision; they call the English 〃pharisaic〃……and e nearer the truth。
Our vice is self…righteousness。 We are essentially an Old Testament people; Christianity has never entered into our soul we see ourselves as the Chosen; and by no effort of spiritual aspiration can attain unto humility。 In this there is nothing hypocritic。 The blatant upstart who builds a church; lays out his money in that way not merely to win social consideration; in his curious little soul he believes (so far as he can believe anything) that what he has done is pleasing to God and beneficial to mankind。 He may have lied and cheated for every sovereign he possesses; he may have polluted his life with uncleanness; he may have perpetrated many kinds of cruelty and baseness……but all these things has he done against his conscience; and; as soon as the opportunity es; he will make atonement for them in the way suggested by such faith as he has; the way approved by public opinion。 His religion; strictly defined; is AN INERADICABLE BELIEF IN HIS OWN RELIGIOUSNESS。 As an Englishman; he holds as birthright the true Piety; the true Morals。 That he has 〃gone wrong〃 is; alas; undeniable; but never……even when leering most satirically……did he deny his creed。 When; at public dinners and elsewhere; he tuned his voice to the note of edification; this man did not utter the lie of the hypocrite he MEANT EVERY WORD HE SAID。 Uttering high sentiments; he spoke; not as an individual; but as an Englishman; and most thoroughly did he believe that all who heard him owed in their hearts allegiance to the same faith。 He is; if you like; a Pharisee……but do not misunderstand; his Pharisaism has nothing personal。 That would be quite another kind of man; existing; to be sure; in England; but not as a national type。 No; he is a Pharisee in the minor degree with regard to those of his countrymen who differ from him in dogma; he is Pharisee absolute with regard to the foreigner。 And there he stands; representing an Empire。
The word hypocrisy is perhaps most of all applied to our behaviour in matters of sexual morality; and here with specially flagrant misuse。 Multitudes of Englishmen have thrown aside the national religious dogma; but very few indeed have abandoned the conviction that the rules of morality publicly upheld in England are the best known in the world。 Any one interested in doing so can but too easily demonstrate that English social life is no purer than that of most other countries。 Scandals of peculiar grossness; at no long intervals; give rich opportunity to the scoffer。 The streets of our great towns nightly present an exhibition the like of which cannot be seen elsewhere in the world。 Despite all this; your average Englishman takes for granted his country's moral superiority; and loses no chance of proclaiming it at the expense of other peoples。 To call him hypocrite; is simply not to know the man。 He may; for his own part; be gross…minded and lax of life; that has nothing to do with the matter; HE BELIEVES IN VIRTUE。 Tell him that English morality is mere lip…service; and he will blaze with as honest anger as man ever felt。 He is a monument of self…righteousness; again not personal but national。
I make use of the present tense; but am I speaking truly of present England? Such powerful agencies of change have been at work during the last thirty years; and it is difficult; nay impossible; to ascertain in what degree they have affected the national character; thus far。 One notes the obvious: decline of conventional religion; free discussion of the old moral standards; therewith; a growth of materialism which favours every anarchic tendency。 Is it to be feared that self…righteousness may be degenerating into the darker vice of true hypocrisy? For the English to lose belief in themselves……not merely in their potential goodness; but in their pre…eminence as examples and agents of good……would mean as hopeless a national corruption as any recorded in history。 To doubt their genuine worship; in the past; of a very high (though not; of course; the highest) ethical ideal; is impossible for any one born and bred in England; no less impossible to deny that those who are rightly deemed 〃best〃 among us; the men and women of gentle or humble birth who are not infected by the evils of the new spirit; still lead; in a very true sense; 〃honest; sober; and godly〃 lives。 Such folk; one knows; were never in a majority; but of old they had a power which made them veritable representatives of the English ETHOS。 If they thought highly of themselves; why; the fact justified them; if they spoke; at times; as Pharisees; it was a fault of temper which carried with it no grave condemnation。 Hypocrisy was; of all forms of baseness; that which they most abhorred。 So is it still with their descendants。 Whether these continue to speak among us with authority; no man can certainly say。 If their power is lost; and those who talk of English hypocrisy no longer use the word amiss; we shall soon know it。
It is time that we gave a second thought to Puritanism。 In the heyday of release from forms which had lost their meaning; it was natural to look back on that period of our history with eyes that saw in it nothing but fanatical excess; we approved the picturesque phrase which showed the English mind going into prison and having the key turned upon it。 Now; when the peril of emancipation bees as manifest as was the hardship of restraint; we shall do well to remember all the good that lay in that stern Puritan discipline; how it renewed the spiritual vitality of our race; and made for the civic freedom which is our highest national privilege。 An age of intellectual glory is wont to be paid for in the general decline of that which follows。 Imagine England under Stuart rule; with no faith but the Protestantism of the Tudor。 Imagine (not to think of worse) English literature represented by Cowley; and the name of Milton unknown。 The Puritan came as the physician; he brought his tonic at the moment when lassitude and supineness would naturally have followed upon a supreme display of racial vitality。 Regret; if you will; that England turned for her religion to the books of Israel; this suddenly revealed sympathy of our race with a fierce Oriental theocracy is perhaps not difficult to explain; but one cannot help wishing that its piety had taken another form; later; there had to e the 〃exodus from Houndsditch;〃 with how much conflict and misery! Such; however; was the price of the soul's health; we must accept the fact; and be content to see its better meaning。 Health; of course; in speaking of mankind; is always a relative term。 From the point of view of a conceivable civilization; Puritan England was lamentably ailing; but we must always ask; not how much better off a people might be; but how much worse。 Of all theological systems; the most convincing is Manicheism; which; of course; under another name; was held by the Puritans themselves。 What we call Restoration morality……the morality; that is to say; of a king and court……might well have bee that of the nation at large under a Stuart dynasty safe from religious revolution。
The political services of Puritanism were inestimable; they will be more feelingly remembered when England has once more to face the danger of political tyranny。 I am thinking now of its effects upon social life。 To it we owe the characteristic which; in some other countries; is expressed by the term English prudery; the accusation implied being part of the general charge of hypocrisy。 It is said by observers among ourselves that the prudish habit of mind is dying out; and this is looked upon as a satisfactory thing; as a sign of healthy emancipation。 If by prude be meant a secretly vicious person who affects an excessive decorum; by all means let the prude disappear; even at the cost of some shamelessness。 If; on the other hand; a prude is one who; living a decent life; cultivates; either by bent or principle; a somewhat extreme delicacy of thought and speech with regard to elementary facts of human nature; then I say that this is most emphatically a fault in the right direction; and I have no desire to see its prevalence diminish。 On the whole; it is the latter meaning which certain foreigners have in mind when they speak of English prudery……at all events; as exhibited by women; it being; not so much an imputation on chastity; as a charge of conceited foolishness。 An English woman who typifies the begueule may be spotless as snow; but she is presumed to have snow's other quality; and at the same time to be a thoroughly absurd and intolerable creature。 Well; here is the point of difference。 Fastidiousness of speech is not a direct oute of Puritanism; as our literature sufficiently proves; it is a refinement of civilization following upon absorption into the national life of all the best things which Puritanism had to teach。 We who know English women by the experience of a lifetime are well aware that their careful choice of language betokens; far more often than not; a corresponding delicacy of mind。 Landor saw it as a ridiculous trait that English people were so mealy…mouthed in speaking of their bodies; De Quincey; taking him to task for this remark; declared it a proof of blunted sensibility due to long residence in Italy; and; whether the particular explanation held good or not; as regards the question at issue; De Quincey was perfectly right。 It is very good to be mealy…mouthed with respect to everything that reminds us of the animal in man。 Verbal delicacy in itself will not prove an advanced civilization; but civilization; as it advances; assuredly tends that way。
All through the morning; the air was held in an ominous stillness。 Sitting over my books; I seemed to feel the silence; when I turned my look to the window; I saw nothing but the broad; grey sky; a featureless expanse; cold; melancholy。 Later; just as I was bestirring myself to go out for an afternoon walk; something white fell softly across my vision。 A few minutes more; and all was hidden with a descending veil of silent snow。
It is a disappointment。 Yesterday I half believed that the winter drew to its end; the breath of the hills was soft; spaces of limpid azure shone amid slow…drifting clouds; and seemed the promise of spring。 Idle by the fireside; in the gathering dusk; I began to long for the days of light and warmth。 My fancy wandered; leading me far and wide in a dream of summer England。 。 。 。
This is the valley of the Blythe。 The stream ripples and glances o
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