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charmingly ancient house。 〃Any luck?〃 she asked when he reached the car。

〃There's good news and bad news。〃 He was leaning down to talk through
the window again。

〃Give me the good news first;〃 Chloe said。 She needed that; needed it

He grinned。 〃The good news is that you have the penthouse。〃

She looked up the inn's facade to the very top; the third floor。
Assuming the attic was clean and had a bed; it would do。 〃The penthouse
is fine。〃 She scrunched up her face。 〃What's the bad news?〃

He opened the door with a flourish。 〃The bad news is that no one serves
food at this hour。 The night manager here says we can raid his
refrigerator; though。〃 He paused; staring down at her for a minute
before offering his hand to help her out。 〃The service won't be fancy。
We'll be on our own。〃 The warning note in his voice jarred her。 He was
remembering the old Chloe。 That Chloe had been spoiled。 She hadn't known
how to cook; having had everything done for her for the entire eighteen
years of her life。 But her lifestyle had changed drastically since then。

She rose from the car。 〃That's fine。 I think we can manage。〃 Oh; yes;
she could certainly manage to put together a meal。 She was actually a
fine cook now。 But it occurred to her that she and Ross would be alone。
She wasn't so sure about managing that。

A frown creased her brow as she entered the inn with Ross by her side。
He left his overnight case at the front desk with the night manager; who
cheerfully directed them into the kitchen; a decidedly old room into
which every modern convenience had been crammed。 Chloe made herself at
home。 Only after she had placed a crock of steaming beef stew; put
together from leftovers; and a half…loaf of what appeared to be
home…baked bread on the table did she realize that she had done all the
work。 But it had kept her mind occupied。 Ross had been in and out of the
room as she worked; finally settling down on a tall stool by a
butcher…block counter to watch。

His presence didn't upset her now as much as it had earlier。 She had
gotten over the shock; she guessed。 Still; she felt vaguely shy when
they were actually ready to eat。

〃Uh; is there anything else you want?〃 She skimmed the simple place
settings; the two large bowls filled with stew。 〃A drink?〃

He made no move to help himself For old times' sake; so the liberated
woman told herself; she indulged him。

〃Milk would be fine。〃

He waited while she searched for glasses and filled two。 She sat down
opposite him。 Once several mouthfuls of the thick stew had warmed her
stomach; she put her spoon down。 Something stuck in her craw。

〃I'm not unhappy;〃 she stated; so softly and apparently unexpectedly
that Ross looked perplexed。 〃You thought I looked unhappy。 I'm not。〃

He went back to eating; but slowly; thoughtfully。 〃No; I suppose you're
not; not right now;〃 he finally said。 〃But earlier; there was a look in
your eyes。 It es and goes。 There it is again。〃

The sound of his voice had been enough to spark memories。 With a barely
perceptible shake of her head; she chased them off again。 〃I do love
what I'm doing;〃 she said。

〃Tell me about it。 How did you get started?〃

〃You heard the bare outline tonight。〃

〃The bare outline。 Now I'd like to hear more。〃 His pause was pregnant
with unspoken thoughts。 〃Why geology?〃

She shrugged。 〃Why not?〃

He didn't pull any punches。 〃Because it's one of the last fields that
someone raised in the style of conspicuous consumption would choose。〃

〃Maybe that's why I chose it。〃

〃Ah。〃 He smiled。 〃You were rebelling。〃

〃Not entirely…〃


She looked away。 〃You're perceptive。 But only half right。〃

〃Go on。〃

Chloe tucked a long strand of dark hair behind her ear。 〃It was actually
a simultaneous discovery@scape and excitement。 At that period of my
life; I needed something that was a total change from everything I'd
known before。 I spent some time in Newport with friends and fell in love
with the ocean there。〃

〃You found solace?〃 he asked gently。

She admitted it with a small tilt of her head。 〃I spent a lot of time on
the beach and happened to befriend an old man who felt very strongly
about environmental considerations。 He affected me deeply。〃 The memory
of Hector Wallaby brought a sad smile to her lips。

〃He's dead?〃

〃Yes。 I miss him。 He never knew it; but in spirit at least; he was the
founding father of ESE; Inc。〃

〃Were you in college during the time you knew him?〃

Chloe sat straighter。 〃Uh; no。 I 。。。 my freshman year was postponed。〃

〃So you started college late and have still done all this?〃

The pliment gave her a boost。 She smiled。 〃Once I decided to go into
geology I was in a rush。〃

Ross smiled back。 Firm lips framed the whitest of teeth; mesmerizing her
for the split second until he said; 〃You worked for Conam Petroleum?〃

〃Yes。 Do you know the pany?〃

He shook his head。 〃Only by reputation。〃 He looked at her sideways;
skeptical now。 〃I'd have thought that if environmental concerns were
your focus; the oil panies would be your archenemies。〃

She blushed。 He made nothing easy; that was for sure。 But if he wanted
to be honest; she could be honest right back。 〃I needed the money;〃 she
said and braced herself for the response that was sure to e。

And she wasn't let down。 Ross's eyes widened; then narrowed。 〃You needed
the money?〃 He frowned。 〃Did I miss something here? I was given to think
James Macdaniel was…is…mne of the wealthiest men in New Orleans。〃

〃He is。〃

〃Then; why 。。。 ?〃

〃Among other things;〃 she began in self…defense; 〃it was a matter of
pride。 I wanted to start my own consulting firm and didn't want to ask
my father for money。〃 Ross should know how much she had changed。 He
should know that she was her own woman now。

But his take on the situation was different from hers。 〃So you sold out
to the powers that be for the amount of time it took you to gather the
resources to mount a systematic campaign against those same powers?〃

Chloe reacted quickly and vehemently。 〃That's not true。 Not true at all。
The work I did for the oil panies involved identifying the most
likely spots for oil deposits。 Wherever possible; environmental
considerations were put first。 And you're a fine one to talk about
selling out。 I had the impression; when I saw you last; that you were
against everything the establishment had to offer。〃

Ross leaned back in his chair。 〃You drew your own conclusions; Chloe。
Appearances can be misleading。〃 His tone was low; his voice and eyes

Chloe was stunned。 She stood up and cried; 〃It was all a charade; then?

The clothes; the beard; even the Peace Corps?〃 She turned away;
disillusioned and heartsick。 Head bowed; she grappled with the idea of
an attraction based on a lie。

Ross materialized before her。 〃Did it matter so much?〃 he asked softly。

When she neither answered nor looked up; he put a finger under her chin
and forced it up。 Her eyes were dry; but she knew they held pain。 She
couldn't hide that; couldn't even try。

〃Did it?〃 he asked。

Chloe felt a well of emotion; emotion that had lain dormant for years。
Ross was so close that the warmth of his body was an intoxicant。 She
used the power of that to speak。 〃Yes。 It mattered more than you can

〃But why? The physical attraction between us had nothing to do with
outer trappings。 As I recall; we shed our clothes pretty fast。〃 Chloe
tried to pull away; he held her chin。 〃Don't run from it。 There was
something between us that you can't deny。 Are you telling me you made
love to an image?〃 His tone was suddenly cooler。 〃Was it an experiment
for you? Was I a tool in your rebellion?〃 His fingers tightened on her
jaw。 Reflexively; she held his wrist。

〃No。 That wasn't it at all。〃 She was hurt that he would suggest it。 〃All
you seem to think about is the physical act。 Yes; there was a physical
attraction。 With and without clothes。 But for me; at least; there was
more involved。 There had to be。〃 Her voice rose。 〃I was a virgin; for
God's sake。〃

Ross must have felt her hurt; because he relaxed his grip。 He moved his
fingers back to her ear; pushing them through the long strands of her
hair with infinite gentleness。

〃I know that;〃 he whispered。 His eyes held the same tenderness they had
on that night; when he had first introduced her to the art of love。
Then; the world had been hers on a string。 It certainly wasn't now;
still her heart pounded in her chest the very same way。 Now; as then;
she was being held by the most appealing man she had ever known。 He was
a leader; a freethinker。 He was boldly gentle; gently bold。 He had
confidence without arrogance; success without acclaim。 He was a man who
didn't mince words。 She felt an instinctive respect for him。

Much of this same appeal had beckoned to her on that night。 Other
details might be forgotten; but not Ross and the force that bound them。
It was an unfathomable force; but frightfully powerful。 Eleven years
ago; it had driven the fact of her innocence from her mind。 Now it
obliterated all remembrance of what had happened so soon after that
night to irrevocably change Chloe's life and outlook。

As Ross's large hands framed her face; she felt a special warmth steal
through her; awakening senses from hibernation like the ing of
spring。 Her cheeks flushed with the heat。 Her lips parted。 She was
entranced all over again。

He moved closer; his face lowering。 When she closed her eyes it was to
savor the feather touch of his mouth on hers。 It seemed she had waited
forever to know its sweetness again。 And guilt? Guilt was light…years
away; beyond a far horizon she hoped never to reach。 It had been
pervasive over the years; but was out of place now。 She wanted more of
Ross; if only to keep the past safely blotted from her mind。

Opening her eyes; she found Ross's hot above her。 His breath was
unsteady; but he waited。 She sensed he was giving her a chance to turn
and run; but that was the last thing she wanted to do。

She met his kiss with an eagerness she hadn't known for eleven years。
All the power of her femininity that had been stored up and denied now
burst forth。 Ross's lips were firm and knowing in response to her
passion; dominating then submitting; teasing then yielding。 They
explored the ripe curve of her mouth with a thoroughness surpassed only
when his tongue entered the act。 And Chloe opened herself more with each
darting flicker; with each exchange of breath。

She had e alive and was aflame。 At some point her arms found his neck
and coiled beyond; drawing her slender body firmly against his longer;
harder one。 His hands played over her back; caressing every inch from
hip to neck with the devastating touch of those long fingers。
And she was caught in the web they spun; neither able nor willing to
move away。

Everything about Ross was utterly male; from the musky scent of his skin
to the trim tapering of the hair at the top of his collar; to the lean
line of his torso and the corded steel of his thighs。 It was as though
Chloe was innocent again; as though this was that first ecstatic night
relived。 She was intoxicated。

When he groaned and crushed her to him; she understood the feeling。 It
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