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〃Excuse me for interrupting; Mr。 Stephenson。〃 She leaned toward the
mike; looking at Ross for the first time entirely in the context of the
present。 〃I would like to respond to the gentleman。〃 Her expression
brooked no argument。 She was determined。 Ross straightened and backed
off; seeming bemused。

She looked back at the man in the audience。 〃First things first; Mr。…〃

〃…Younger;〃 he supplied; dropping the r at the end of his name in true
New England form。 〃…Mr。 Younger。 I have a bachelor of science in geology
from Williams College in Williamstown; Massachusetts; and a master's in
geology from Boston College。 I spent three years working for Conarn
Petroleum; performing geological studies on oil deposits in the Gulf of
Mexico。 I was then able to co…found Earth Science Education; Inc。; the
consulting firm that was contacted by Senator Wolschinski to study the
pros and cons of the Rye Beach Resort and Condominium plex。〃 Holding
the man's gaze steadily; she pushed on。 〃I have control over neither my
age nor my looks。 And I never worked for Senator Wolschinski prior to
the day he retained my services for this project。〃 She tipped up her
chin a hair。 〃Have you any other questions?〃

Again a collective murmur went through the crowd。 Just as the man
shrugged and stepped back; Chloe saw the hand on the podium lift。 Ross
pressed his chin with his thumb; looking satisfied; respectful。

He wasn't the only one she had impressed。 A different voice rose from
the audience。 〃The taxpayers' money has been well spent for a change。
Thank you; Ms。 Macdaniel!〃

Chloe directed a full smile across the ocean of heads as she leaned
toward the microphone a final time。 〃It's been my honor。 If my effort
here has helped to preserve the natural bounty of your state; then we've
all benefited。 Thank you。〃

It was the perfect time to make a gracious; if not sweeping exit。 With
Ross still standing aside in deference to the crowd applauding its
appreciation of her; she should have quit while she was ahead。 Her
mistake was in looking back at him。

His smile was devastating。 Chloe felt her chest tighten; as she was
caught in the throes of memory again。 She was suddenly immobilized;
suspended in a matrix of desire and guilt that canceled out the years
that had e between; until there was only yesterday; Ross; Crystal;
and the toss of a coin。

When a last…minute surge brought members of the audience to the stage; a
shaken Chloe returned to the present。 She had to concentrate again;
listening to questions; offering answers。 She stood at one side of the
stage with her followers; Ross stood at the other side with his。 She
gained strength with each new question; so that when the last of the
locals left; she felt more herself…felt more herself; that is; until she
realized that she and Ross were alone。

He showed no sign of sharing either her awkwardness or her apprehension。
Rather; he smiled at her; looking older and wiser perhaps; but no less
alive。 The air between them hummed; just as it had eleven years before。

Looking at him; Chloe grappled with a world of inner demons; but the
past was better left alone。 She was determined to make this reunion as
brief as possible。

〃How are you; Chloe?〃 he asked; crossing the stage to where she stood。

He was that much taller than she was。 She had to tip up her head。 〃Fine。
And you?〃

〃Not bad。 You're looking well。〃 He gave her a warm once…over。 〃Very
different。〃 Humor tugged at the corners of his lips。

〃So are you。〃 Even in spite of an inner trembling; she could appreciate
the humor。 〃When I last saw you; you were distinctly antiestablishment。
This is a switch。〃

His stance was a casual one; the hand in his pocket not only emphasizing
the solid wall of his chest but pulling the fabric of his trousers
across his thigh in a way that showed the strength of seemingly endless

〃Not entirely。 It's just that now I save my jeans for free…time wear and
my boots for cold weather。〃

So he; too; remembered what he had worn that night。 〃And the peasant
shirt?〃 she asked softly。

He laughed。 〃The peasant shirt was replaced for a while by a dashiki;
but I'm afraid the modern me is addicted to ordinary sports shirts and

〃Conventional;〃 she murmured with a faltering smile; teasing him as much
as she dared。 It was hard to remain indifferent to this man。 She felt
the strain。

〃Sadly so;〃 he agreed without any sadness。 〃But look at you。 You've done
a turnaround。 Last time I saw you; your hair was curled; you wore
makeup; higher heels; and more daring clothes。 You also talked New
Orleans。 Where'd the accent go?〃

Chloe drew in a long breath。 〃It faded。 I've lived up north for too
long。 Time does different things to each of us; I guess。〃

〃It's for the better。 You look beautiful。 Unhappy; but beautiful。〃

His candor made her balk。 Seeing him was painful enough。 Talking more
with him could be a total trauma。

She glanced at the auditorium clock。 〃My Lord; it's nearly twelve。 I
have to run。〃 Straightening the shoulder strap of her pocketbook and
hugging the large folder to her breast; she went to the stage steps。
Ross followed。 Under the guise of worry at the lateness of the hour; she
quickened her step。 He kept stride easily。

:〃You're not driving back tonight; are you?〃


〃All the way to 。。。 ?〃

〃Little pton。〃

〃That has to be a good two… to three…hour drive。 Wouldn't you do better
to get an early start in the morning?〃

〃Can't do。 I have an early appointment in the morning。〃 Her voice
sounded breathy。 It was the rush; she told herself。

For long moments; Ross said nothing。 They reached the front door。 He
held it; she passed through。 In silence they crossed the lawn that
separated the high school from the parking lot。

〃I admire you; Chloe;〃 he said; sounding sincere。 〃Your work is
interesting。 You obviously enjoy it。〃

〃I do;〃 she agreed。 Relieved to be at her car; she fished in her purse
for her keys。 The sooner she was back at that work; back in the security
of her seafront home; the sooner she could turn the past off again。
Slipping in behind the wheel; she rolled her window down to let in the
cool night air。 With escape imminent; she grew bolder; looking up at
Ross as he leaned over with his fingers curved on the lowered window。
How handsome he was; she mused。 She had been powerfully attracted to him
then; she still was。 〃It was nice seeing you; Ross。〃

〃You won't change your mind and stay over? I'm at the Wayward Sailor; an
inn just down the road。 I'm sure they have another vacancy; since the
height of the season is past。 We could grab a snack somewhere and talk。〃

Chloe would have liked nothing better。 She knew nothing about the Ross
Stephenson who was a successful businessman。 Instinct told her that time
spent with him would be interesting。 It would also be downright
dangerous; even devastating。

She sighed。 〃That would be nice; but I have to get back。 I feel wide
awake for driving。 I'd just as soon put the miles behind me。 Besides; I
have that appointment。〃

Ross considered that for a minute; then held up his hands。 In gracious
defeat; he stepped back。 She put the key in the ignition; pumped the gas
pedal; turned the key。 There was a click; but nothing happened。 She
repeated the sequence。 It always worked。 Granted; her small blue pact
had seen better days; but it had always started for her…until; she
realized as she turned the key a third time; this afternoon。 She had
heard the same click then; had run back into the house and brought Lee
out to help。 They had figured the engine was flooded; had waited and
won。 The car had started。 But Murphy's Law said that it wasn't going to
start now。

〃Trouble?〃 Ross bent in at the window again。

〃Battery; I think。〃

He opened the door。 〃Let me try。〃

She slid out。 With an ease that belied his awesome length; he folded
himself behind the wheel。 The front seat was already back to allow for
the length of Chloe's own long legs; and even then he gave a
good…natured grimace。 She had to smile。 Getting in was apparently the
easy part。 Maneuvering now that he was there was the challenge。

But he managed。 When he tried the ignition; though; he had no better
luck than Chloe。 He listened to that impotent click once; twice; three
times。 Then he hoisted himself out of the car and looked under the hood。

〃You're right;〃 he said; straightening。 〃It's the battery。〃 He slammed
the hood shut and brushed his palms against one another。 〃It looks like
you'll have to stay。 I don't see how you'll get someone to e out at
this hour。〃

She reached for her bag。 〃I have triple…A。〃

〃Chloe。〃 He sighed softly。 〃This isn't a bustling metropolis。 By the

〃Do you have jumper cables?〃

〃No。〃 He patted his pockets。 〃Not anywhere close by。〃

〃In your car?〃

〃It's a rental。〃

Her gaze fell to the pavement。 She could rant and rave all she wanted;
but it seemed she had little choice。 〃I suppose Lee could change that
early appointment for me;〃 she murmured quietly; then looked up。 〃And
you think your inn would have a room?〃

His gaze was steady。 〃I'm sure it would。〃

Not one to belabor a no…win situation; Chloe sighed。 〃Lead on; Ross。
Lead on。〃

Ross led her to a late…model rental car roomy enough for both pairs of
long legs to stretch fortably。 Vibes were something else。 Chloe
sensed that no space would be large enough for the ones that circuited
back and forth during the short drive to the inn。

〃You flew in just for tonight's meeting?〃 she asked; seeking to ease the
silence。 It was awkward; given the intimacy they had once shared。

〃That's right;〃 he answered; paying close attention to roads that were
now dark and deserted。 〃From?〃

〃New York。〃

〃Do you live there?〃


It was an odd answer。 When he failed to elaborate; Chloe tried again。
〃Have you had to e here often?〃

〃More often than I'd anticipated。 This project has created something of
a stir。〃 If the glance he shot her was accusatory; she accepted it as
fair game and took no offense。 She believed in her cause。

〃From what Felix Hart implied; you move around a lot;〃 she said。

〃I always did。〃

It was a direct reference to the past。 Then; he had been in the Peace
Corps on leave for Thanksgiving; the world traveler ing stateside for
a visit。 There had been an air of excitement about him。

He still had it。 His profile was strong; lean; preoccupied in ways that
suggested big business in far places。 She looked away; focusing on the
view outside her window; trying to ignore a silence that she could feel
and taste。 She was relieved when the Wayward Sailor came into view。

Ross turned to her as soon as the car stopped。 His features had
softened。 His tone was solicitous。 〃Why don't you wait here? I'll make
the arrangements and find out where we can get a bite to eat。 You are
hungry; aren't you?〃

She smiled awkwardly。 〃I haven't had anything since lunch。〃

〃No wonder you're pale。〃 He touched her cheek。 〃Stay put。 I'll be right

She sat quietly; trying to think of anything but Ross。 Just when she was
on the verge of declaring defeat; he loped back down the steps of the
charmingly ancient house。 〃Any luck?〃 sh
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