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Her threat reached its mark。 He didn't move a muscle。

Silence hung heavy in the air。 Even the rain had eased to a gentle
patter on the roof。 The storm was ending。 But what was she to do now? As
the gravity of her predicament settled in; a fit of trembling shook her
with such force that the poker waved precariously。

Appearing to sense her terror; the man rose slowly; palms open and out
from his sides。 〃Take it easy。 I won't hurt you。〃

〃You already have。〃 She raised the poker higher。

〃Put that thing down;〃 he ordered; but gently; all anger gone now。
〃You're apt to hurt yourself〃

She shook her head and held the poker at the ready。

〃Look。〃 He sighed; running his fingers through the damp hair that had
fallen across his forehead。 〃Let me turn on a light。 At least then I can
see what manner of woman has the upper hand on me。〃

She eased up on her stance。 Light would help her; too。

He crossed to the nearest lamp and turned it on。 It bathed the room a
warm yellow。 〃That's better;〃 he said and turned to face her。

Anne took a good look at her would…be assailant。 He was tall and rugged;
thinner than she had first suspected; though the breadth of his chest
and shoulders spoke of strength。 His sweater was black; his jeans faded;
though darkened by rain at the hem; where they fell over sodden brown
leather boots。

She had expected a dark and glowering face。 What she saw were features
that were strong but kind; skin that was clear and only faintly tanned;
hair that was thick and blond; turning silver; in damp waves。

There was an underlying gentleness。 But his lips were stern; his cheeks
lean; his jaw set。 And eyes that were silvery hazel stare ' (I at her
without a blink。

〃If you've finished;〃 he said with a mocking twitch of his lips; 〃would
you please put down that poker? You can see I'm not a thug;〃 She lifted
the weapon higher。 〃How about a rapist?〃 She wasn't being deceived by a
sweet…talking; good…looking man。

A muscle flexed in his jaw。 〃I'm no rapist。 I wouldn't have forced you
into anything。 Especially once I saw that wedding band。 I don't fool
around with married women。〃

Tears threatened again。 How bittersweet that the symbol of a marriage
that had ended should save her from the unspeakable。 So she had Jeff to
thank still。

〃Who are you?〃 she asked in a quavering voice。

〃You really don't know? e on; you're holding all the cards。 You can

Her voice came stronger。 〃Who are you?〃

Still he persisted。 〃It was Lennie; wasn't it? He's been trying to set
me up with a woman for weeks now!〃 His frustration sounded sincere。

〃Who are you?〃

With a sigh of defeat; he thrust a hand in his pocket。 〃Mitch。〃

But she knew that already。 〃Where are you from?〃

〃New York。〃

〃You just drove up from there?〃

〃Yes。 I; 〃Why?

He shot her a surprised look。 〃Why what? Why did I just drive up; or why
am I here?〃

〃Both。〃 As Anne's pulse steadied; she lowered the poker。

〃I just got here because I had a late meeting this afternoon and
couldn't leave the city until it was done。 I'm here because I need a
week's rest; free of all human contact。 All human contact。〃

〃Why are you here?〃

〃I just told you。〃

〃But; why here; in this house?〃 She was beginning to think straight。 He
didn't look like a thug。 And he could have taken advantage of her when
he was on top; but he hadn't。

He rubbed the back of his neck; much as she had when she'd first
arrived。 〃I e here often。 And I'm sure I booked the weekend with

So he did know the realtor。 He deserved credit for that。

She relaxed her grip on the poker。 〃It looks like good old Miles made
mistake。〃 Thinking about it; she frowned。 Her eyes fell。 Absently she
ran faintly shaky finger over the lip he had bruised。

In a single deft move; he had the poker out of her hands before she knew
he was there。 In that instant; terror returned。 She had been duped。

〃All right; ma'am。 Now you answer my questions;〃 he ordered。

When she tried to step back; he grabbed her shoulders and held her in
place。 The discrepancy of their heights appalled her。 Even accounting
for the fact that she had no shoes on; Mitch was nearly a foot taller。

〃Who are you?〃 he asked with an air of mand; even subtle threat。

She began to tremble again。 〃Anne。〃

〃From 。。。 ?)

〃New York。〃

〃So〃…a smile touched his mouth but went no further…〃we're of the same


Her sharp gaze and clipped response erased his smile。 〃When did you

She resented his questions。 She had a rental agreement。 This was her
place。 〃I don't see that this…〃

Hard fingers dug into her upper arms; stopping short of a shake。 〃When
did you get here?〃

〃Early this evening。〃

〃Why are you here? Both versions。〃

He had relaxed his grip on her shoulders; but she wanted out all the
way。 〃Can I sit down? My legs are wobbly。〃

He held his hands out to the sides for an instant; then dropped them。
The right went to his waist; the left to his pocket。 〃Be my guest。 Sit。〃

She retreated to the wing…back chair and watched him add logs to the
fire。 He used his right hand。 His left remained in his pocket。 It struck
her that he avoided using it。

He approached her again; tall and imposing。 〃Why did you e?〃

She tipped her chin in defiance of his stance。 〃I'm here on vacation。 I
arranged it with Mr。 Cooper and prepaid for the week。〃

〃You have proof?〃

〃Of course。〃

〃Let me see。〃

She scowled。 〃Why should I show you anything? You're the one who barged
in here uninvited。〃

He leaned forward; resting his hand on the arm of her chair; bringing
his lips infuriatingly close to her ear。 〃Get it;〃 he demanded under his
breath; then slowly straightened to let her pass。

Moments later she reappeared to find him studying the fire。 He took the
paper she offered and skimmed it。

〃Looks authentic enough;〃 he conceded。 With a muttered; 〃That fool;〃 he
turned back to the fire。

〃Where's your proof?〃 she challenged。

He …clenched his jaw。 〃You'll have to take my word for it。〃

〃No; thanks。 I want proof。 Or you can just take your things and leave。 I
didn't drive all the way up here to share a cabin with a man I don't

His mouth thinned to a grimace。 〃Looks like you're stuck with me; lady。〃

She was suddenly angry。 〃No way! I came up here to be alone; and that's
what I plan to be。 If there was a telephone; I'd call the local police
to get you out; but there isn't one; and I don't relish the thought of
driving out in this weather。 So I'm asking you to leave like a
gentleman。〃 He stared at the fire。 〃Who said that I was a gentleman?〃

〃I'll give you the benefit of the doubt。 Now; do you leave; or do I。。
Her voice trailed off。 There was no alternative。

And; damn it; he knew it。 Slowly; he turned toward her。 〃Or do you

Frustrated by the situation; infuriated by his calm; she gave in to the
need to shout。 Loudly。 〃Look 。。。 Mitch 。。。 I don't know who's to blame
for this fiasco; but I'd like you to leave。 It's been a long day and I'm
tired。 There's obviously been a misunderstanding; but I have every
intention of spending the week here; and I'm paying for that time right
now。 So; do you go?〃

His expression was unchanged。 〃Tonight? No。〃

〃What do you mean; no? You have no right to be here。〃

His voice was suddenly as loud as hers。 〃I have every right to be here;
but that's between Miles Cooper and myself。 Let's get one thing

His eyes darkened to a charcoal green。 〃I don't want you here any more
than you want me here; but for tonight; at least; we're stuck with each
other。 We'll work something out in the morning。〃

〃But you can't stay here tonight。〃

〃Why not?〃

〃Because I'm here!〃

〃So?〃 His eyes were hazel again; calmer; strong。

A flush warmed her cheeks。 〃I thought I'd made it clear that I wasn't
part of a conspiracy。 Well; let me take it one step further。〃 Her
breathing faltered; but she let loose with what she'd been trying to
tell the whole world for weeks。 〃I'm not interested in you; or any other
man。 Can you understand that?〃

〃I hear you。 I'm not sure I believe you。〃 Audacious eyes fell from her
face to her neck to her breasts。 Mockery faded when he looked at her
wedding band。 Frowning; he drew himself up straight。 〃I think I've had
it。 Good night。〃 As he brushed past her; she grabbed his arm in alarm。

〃Where are you going?〃

〃To bed。〃 His words were blunt; his tone chilled。

〃Oh; no; you're not。〃

He arched a brow。 〃Are you going to stop me?〃 Slowly he looked down at
the white…knuckled hand on his arm。

She released him fast。 〃But you can't stay here!〃 He continued on toward
his bags。 Unable to think of a better course; she followed。 〃I said; you
can't stay! There must be some place in the village。〃

Piling luggage under his right arm; he headed wordlessly for the stairs。
Abruptly; he stopped; turning his head only enough to call over his
shoulder; 〃I assume you're sleeping down here?〃

She had no power; no power at all。 〃Yes; but you have to leave。〃

He turned to face her。 His smile was polite; his eyes frosty; his voice
cool。 〃I will in good time。〃 Taking the stairs two at a time; an
astounding feat; given his bulky burden; he disappeared into the attic;
leaving her at a total loss for words。

Anne didn't budge。 Her arms hung limp at her sides; her bare feet were
flat on the floor; her eyes were glued to the attic door; which closed
with a resounding bang。 Even the faint sounds from within…the scrape of
a chair leg; the creak of the mattress under one bag; the thud of
another on the floor; the jangle of metal hangers on a wooden rod…failed
to move her。

A crick in her neck finally brought her back to reality。 Hands bracing
her lower back; she rolled her head in a circular motion in an attempt
to release tension。

Bizarre。 Bizarre situation。 A real…life drama in place of a fictional
one; discarded now on the floor by the fire。 But there wasn't a thing
she could do。 She could agonize over it for hours; but that fact
wouldn't change。

Retreating to her bedroom; she closed the door tightly and propped a
chair against the knob the way her heroine had done in Chapter Six; or
thereabouts。 Quickly; she slipped into a long flannel nightgown; pulled
her hair from its knot; and took refuge under the bed's heavy quilts。

Despite the chair at the door; she wasn't frightened。 Not really。
Mitch's story irritated her; but it was believable enough。 Or; rather;
he was believable。 There was something about him…his intelligent manner
of speech; his clean appearance; his refined air…that spoke of breeding。
Granted; he'd been pretty crude at the start。 But even that could be
explained away。 He seemed neither malicious nor vengeful; only angry at
the rental agent's error。

What to do? She had no choice but to sleep on the matter。 e morning;
a solution would be found。 It would have to be found。 This was her week。
She wasn't sharing it。

But sleep eluded her。 She cursed the two cups of coffee that she'd had;
the unfinished paperback; the creaking that came from the room above
her。 She finally fell into a restless sleep; only to be awaken at
intervals by the creak of that bed。 It was nearly dawn whe
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