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brilliance; my experience; or my expertise in the field!〃

〃Depends on what field you're referring to;〃 he drawled。 〃In the field
of passion…〃

〃That wasn't the one I was talking about; and you know it。 Why do you
twist my words; Ross? Do you like upsetting me?〃

He was suddenly sober。 〃No。 I'm trying to good you into facing your
feelings。 I love you; Chloe。 I want to have you near me; so I
manipulated your cooperation。 You may not be ready to admit that you
need me as much as I need you; but I have no pride。 I need you; and I'm
not giving you up。 Not yet; at any rate。〃

Chloe listened sadly。 He sounded honest and sincere。 Maybe he did need
her。 But what about her needs? 〃You're rushing me; Ross。 I don't know
whether I'm ing or going。 Please; give me time?〃

〃You have till Wednesday。 I've made arrangements for you to take the
nine…fifty train from Providence。〃

〃The train? I'd rather drive。 It's more convenient。〃

〃I don't want you driving into the city。 Leave your car in Providence。
Your ticket will be held there for you and I'll be at the station


〃It's settled。〃

Her lips turned down。 〃That's what I like about you。 You're so
democratic。〃 He said a gentle 〃I love you; too;〃 before hanging up。

Ross was indeed waiting at the station when her train pulled in。 She had
barely stepped onto the platform when he was beside her。 He took her bag
and her arm in one smooth move。 〃Have a good trip?〃 he asked; glancing
down as he guided her along。

〃It was fine。〃 And she had to admit that there was something fine about
being met like this; something that went beyond mere convenience。 New
York was New York; always a little intimidating。 Ross's protectiveness
felt good; though she wasn't about to tell him that。 〃Where are we
going?〃 she asked when he hustled her to a cab; then gave the driver the
same Park Avenue address to which she had sent her check。

〃I thought you'd like to see Hansen's corporate headquarters。 The team
working on the Rye Beach plex won't be meeting until tomorrow; but
you might feel more fortable seeing the layout before you get bogged
down in work。 I have things to take care of while we're there。〃

Indeed; he seemed all business。 There was no wele kiss; no hug; not
even in the privacy of the cab; and she wasn't plaining。 She had felt
a jolt seeing him back at the train; and felt tingles even now。 She
needed all the time she could get to regain full control。

The Hansen Corporation was every bit as impressive as she had known it
would be。 Ross Stephenson wasn't one to do things halfway。 As she toured
offices that consumed three full floors; no one she saw was idle。

Her guide was one of the vice presidents; a soft…spoken man whom she
instantly liked。 Ross himself had disappeared with a soft apology
shortly after they arrived。 She saw nothing of him until late afternoon;
when he materialized in the drafting room; where she was admiring the
architect's plans for a museum and theater plex in Des Moines。

〃What do you think?〃

Delight lit her face。 〃It's wonderful; Ross。 You have a brilliant
architect。 From the looks of the plans; this museum will be a drawing
card for all of Iowa。〃

His smile held satisfaction。 〃That's what we're hoping。 Any

She grinned。 〃You mean; will I now go on and pick the thing to bits on
the geological score?〃

〃Something like that。〃

〃I have no way of knowing about this particular project。 Looking at the
designs; I can mention potential sources of worry…drain pipes; for
instance…but unless I know something about the land there; I can't offer
constructive criticism。〃

When Ross put his lips by her ear; she realized that it was the nearest
he'd e since she arrived。 The warmth of his skin by her cheek sent a
tingle through her。 〃Thank God for that;〃 he said in a stage whisper;
though they were alone in the room。 He straightened。 〃The day's pretty
much over。 Let's get going。〃

Chloe gathered her things。 It had been an unexpectedly pleasant and
interesting afternoon。 If each of her days here were like it; she might
survive after all。

But something hung heavy in a half…hidden corner of her mind。 It had New
Orleans written all over it。 After New York; there would be Rhode
Island; then Alabama。 Should she do New Orleans after that? Would it
solve anything? Would it change her feelings for Ross?

No doubt; she did love him。 Walking down a long corridor with him now;
she felt like a princess。 He ruled the place; but he was gentle and
caring。 He loved her。 Was she worthy of that?

They were silent during the cab ride to Ross's brownstone。 〃You'll be
staying here;〃 he told her calmly; breaking what was almost a truce。

〃Ohhhh; no;〃 she balked; but followed him out of the cab。 〃I'll go to a
hotel。 The city is frill of them。 You can go inside and make a call to
book the room that should have been booked on Monday。〃

Ross led her up the front stairs to the tall oak door; turned the key in
the lock; and let them in。 Once inside the gracious hall; he took her
coat。 〃There are three floors here。 I sleep on the second。 You can have
the third all to yourself。 I'm not suggesting that you sleep with me;
only that you stay here。 It'll be more convenient。〃

Chloe recalled what he had said on the phone about needing her near him。
Separate bedrooms? On separate floors?

Remembering Rye Beach and feeling suddenly lighter; she said; 〃Okay。
I'll take the penthouse。〃 She had taken the penthouse in Rye Beach; too。
They shared that past; and a grin of remembrance now。

〃e;〃 he said warmly。 〃I'll show you around。〃

From first to second to third floor they went; examining furniture;
artwork; and memorabilia from his travels。 No room in the house would
have won a designer's award; yet every room had a warmth that reached
out to Chloe and made her feel at home。

Ross; too; made her feel at home。 He put no pressure on her; so she put
none on herself They ate at a nearby restaurant; then returned for a
quiet evening of reading。 When Chloe excused herself shortly after
eleven; he bid her good night with a noticeable lack of lechery。

〃You'll find an extra blanket in the closet。 If you want more towels
check the cupboard in the bathroom。〃 He looked up from his papers; but
didn't rise。

〃I'll be fine。〃 She smiled。 〃Good night。〃

〃Good night。 Sleep well。〃

One glance back as she left the room told her that he had returned to
his papers。 She took the stairs slowly; one flight to the next。 This was
a side of Ross she had never seen。 In the past their relationship had
been shaped by physical attraction。 Now Ross seemed either immune; or
holding his interest in check。

Whichever; she was grateful。 Living with him; working with him could
have been a nightmare。 As it was; she was aware of the fact that he
would be sleeping one short flight away。 More than once that night she
held her breath; hearing a sound; wondering if he was making the climb。

Her bedroom door remained closed; and when she fell asleep; she slept

It was good。 Thursday and Friday were packed with work; long hours spent
huddled with the masterminds of the Rye Beach plex。 They were
amenable to her suggestions; often mildly questioning; sometimes
strongly doubting; but always ready to listen。 Ross was absent during
most of the work; dropping in to check on the progress; but otherwise
yielding to the men beneath him。

Chloe asked him about it Friday evening。 〃I thought you'd be more
fortable if I kept my distance at the office;〃 he said。

〃But aren't you concerned about the project? For all you know the
revised plans may be unacceptable to you personally。〃

〃I doubt that;〃 he replied; smiling fortably。 〃I trust you。 And I
trust the men you're working with。 They know what I want。〃 He paused;
eyes changing; voice lowering。 〃So do you。〃

Her throat grew tight。 It was the first thing he had done that was at
all suggestive。 For that reason; she indulged him the lapse。 And because
the lapse was brief; she let him bribe her to stay in New York until
Sunday with a pair of choice tickets to the Big Apple's newest hit

〃How did you ever get seats?〃 she asked in excitement; reaching for the
telltale envelope。 Ross only raised it much higher; out of reach。 〃I
have ways。〃 He laughed。 〃You haven't seen it; have you?〃

〃You know I haven't! It only opened last week; and you've known every
one of my ings and goings since then。〃

He smiled smugly and changed the subject; but Chloe easily acclimated
herself to a Sunday return to Rhode Island。 When he announced that he
had work to do at the office on Saturday morning; she binged on Fifth
Avenue; treating herself to a new dress; shoes; and a purse。 Again;
though; there was that dark tugging at the back of her mind。 The outfit
was for New Orleans。 If she went; she wanted her parents to be proud。 If
she went。

Saturday afternoon was something else。 Had she planned a few hours in
the city; they couldn't have been as exciting as the ones Ross planned。
From museum to park to ice cream parlor and back; it was a dream time。
He was intellectually stimulating and wonderfully adventurous;
even…tempered to a fault。

He appeared to be surviving abstinence with no problem but a tic in his
jaw。 She noticed it when they were the closest…standing side by side
before a Calder mobile at the Guggenheim; walking hip to hip through the
squeeze of the crowd at Rockefeller Center; sitting knee to knee at a
small table in a quiet restaurant。

At least; she wanted to think the tic was from that。 She wanted to think
he was feeling the strain; because she certainly was。 His hands…off
policy made working easier; but it did nothing for the desire she felt。
It grew through all of Saturday; all of Saturday evening; all of
Saturday night。 By the time they returned from the theater in the early
hours of Sunday morning it was near to bursting。

She took his lead and put it on ice。 In the living room for a nightcap;
their conversation was as soft and pleasing as the entire four…day
stretch had been。 She felt happy。 Then she went upstairs; alone; to the
bedroom that had been lonely all week; and the ice melted。 She dozed and
woke; shifting in bed with little hope of relief from frustration。 She
tried to think of other things; but Ross kept her restless and aching。
It was dawn when she finally crept from bed and went to the window。

The city was rising。 The deep purples and blues of night were beginning
to fade to lighter hues。 The tallest of the skyscrapers to the east wore
the first pink traces of the sun on its uppermost windows。 It was lovely
and peaceful。 Only the dull ache inside her marred it。

〃I couldn't sleep;〃 came a voice at the door。 She turned to find Ross
standing there。 Standing tall; his features hidden in the shadows; he
wore a robe that wrapped at the waist and hung to his knees。 The unruly
rumpling of his hair gave truth to his words。 〃How 'bout you?〃

Her throat was tight。 〃The same。〃

She watched him slowly approach。 Each step brought him closer to the
window; until his features were clear in it。 Though his eyes reflected
her own torment; he touched her cheek with a tenderness that made her
want to we
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