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proposing to use a parcel of land that is presently underused。 The
resort will attract guests who will patronize local businesses。 Food
outlets; entertainment houses; restaurants; real estate
establishments…all stand to gain from the Rye Beach plex。 The
condominium plex will bring untold tax revenue both to state and
local purses。 Given the easy access to this area by the federal highway
system; the condominium units will be in high demand year round。〃

Chloe found herself listening closely; wondering how this could be the
same man who had once chosen to live on a munal farm in Kentucky。
That free…spirited Ross was a far cry from this entrepreneurial one。
Trying to reconcile the two was impossible。

Howard leaned close。 〃He's a powerful speaker。 What do you think?

Will he have them sold before we even present our side?〃

She answered without taking her eyes from Ross。 〃Lord; I hope not。 I
often work with groups of shoreline residents。 They feel strongly about
the land; which is their finest resource。 I'll be appealing for the
preservation of that resource。〃

〃You're a powerful speaker yourself; Chloe。 I heard you address that
group on Martha's Vineyard on the subject of natural erosion patterns。
You had them eating out of the palm of your hand。〃

Chloe gave a crooked smile。 〃Many of the issues are the same here。

Let's hope they buy it; too。〃

Ross finished his formal presentation and opened the floor for
questions。 A podium and microphone had been set up in the center aisle
of the auditorium。 One by one; those residents e
forward。 Most asked about specifics; all of which Chloe noted on her
pad: the price range of the condominiums and the subsequent tax revenue;
the time projection for the erection of the units; the capacity of the
resort plex; and a listing of its self…contained facilities。 At
length; Felix Hart stood and joined Ross at center stage。

〃I'm afraid we have to move on now;〃 he apologized; eyeing the large
clock on the front face of the balcony。 〃There's still another side to
consider。 Thank you; Mr。 Stephenson。 You've been very direct and a great
help。 Perhaps we'll have time for more questions later。〃

Chloe watched with growing excitement as Ross returned to his seat and
that excitement; for the moment; had nothing to do with him。 She liked
talking to groups like this; and did it often。 Though she loved the
scientific end of her job…the sample…taking and analysis; the puter
work; the intricate calculations of ground position; weather…related
ponents; time predictions…she found the presentation of her findings
to be heady。

Felix Hart made the introduction。 〃I have the delightful task now of
giving you Ms。 Chloe Macdaniel。 Ms。 Macdaniel has been retained by the
county to study our coast with an eye toward the environmental impact of
the Rye Beach Resort and Condominium plex as proposed by the Hansen
Corporation。 She has already spent a good deal of time on the project。
Ms。 Macdaniel?〃

After lifting a neat folder from the floor beneath her chair; Chloe rose
to her full five…foot…eight…inch height and approached the podium。 Her
appearance was understated; she worked at that。 Still; the curiosity of
the crowd yielded to a murmur of appreciation when she stepped forward。
Tall and willowy; dark haired and light plected; she was the image of
grace。 Her dress was of a soft and simple white eyelet fabric; lined
through the bodice and skirt; the sleeves hanging free and loose to her
elbows。 A wide sash of contrasting aqua enhanced both the slimness of
her waist and the porcelain of her skin。

Her voice was steady and well…modulated。 〃Thank you; Mr。 Hart; for your
kind introduction。 Let me say how pleased I was to have been approached
by your representatives last spring。 Not only do I have a professional
interest in your coastline; but I have an emotional involvement with the
entire New England coast; since it's my home of choice。 In keeping with
this; let me begin by saying that I am not opposed to the Rye Beach
Resort and Condominium plex per se。 What Mr。 Stephenson has outlined
for you sounds like a project that could benefit this area。 But I
question the ecological wisdom of the plan as it stands。 The thought of
a beachfront condominium may appeal to the romantic in us all; but this
plan isn't environmentally wise。〃

As she proceeded to explain the core results of her tests; she was
oblivious to all else but her work。 The most powerful tool she had was
genuine concern。 〃In terms of storm surge alone; the Hansen proposal is
risky;〃 she argued; pointing to the carefully calculated figures now
projected on a slide screen。 〃Once every six or seven years you folks
get a storm strong enough to do significant damage to structures built
so close to the beach。 If the entire plex were to be moved back an
additional two hundred feet; the risk would be lessened。〃

Again she explained her theory in detail; using statistics where
applicable。 By the time she finished and opened the floor to questions;
she felt that her arguments had been well received。 She answered the
questions posed with the same patience and care; the same genuine
concern for the environment。

〃Great presentation;〃 Howard said when she returned to her seat。

She smiled modestly。 〃I only hope I've acplished our objective。 What
happens now?〃

〃You endure brief speeches by Brad and myself。 Try to stay awake。〃

She gave an of…course…l…will chuckle; but with her own job done; her
mind wandered。 While Felix introduced Bradbury Huff; she glanced at
Ross。 Folded fortably into his seat; he appeared to be listening
intently to his advocate; the state representative。

The years had been kind to Ross。 While his dark brown hair had a touch
of gray at the sideburns; it fell over his forehead with vibrance and
class。 There was strength in his unhearded jaw; which flexed as he
listened。 The crow's feet at the corners of his eyes were etched into a
light tan that spoke of a life of sun and smiles。 He was perfectly at
ease; maddeningly confident; and devastatingly handsome。

He blinked once; turned his head; and met her gaze and; in that instant;
time stopped。 In the next; it reversed; speeding Chloe back over the
years to the first time she'd seen him。 It had been a beautiful
Thanksgiving night in New Orleans; the moment as clear to her as if it
had been yesterday。 She had been with Crystal then。 Crystal。 She still
missed her sister with the kind of pain that ate at a person from the
inside out。

Howard covered her tight fist with his hand。 〃Are you all right?〃 He
followed her line of sight。 〃You can talk with him later…〃

〃No;〃 she interrupted; 〃no need。〃 Embarrassed; she leaned toward Howard。
〃I'm sorry。 There are 。。。 memories。〃

〃There must be;〃 he noted softly。 〃And from the looks of you; they're
pretty awful。〃

It was a minute before she said; 〃Not all。〃

〃You're white as a sheet。 Can I get you some water or something?〃

〃No。 I'm fine。〃 At his quirked brow she added; 〃Really;〃 before glancing
at the podium。 〃Is Huff almost done?〃

〃He'd better be。 I'm next。 Take notes for me; will you? I have a
tendency to forget what I say from one minute to the next。〃


〃Hmmm; I could use some of that; too。 Supper was very early。 It's nearly

At least he'd had supper。 She hadn't eaten a thing。 〃How much longer do
you think this will last?〃 She still had to make the return trip to
Little pton that night。

Howard checked his watch。 〃I have no idea。 But I have to be out of here
by ten…thirty to make it to Manchester for the eleven o'clock news。
They're doing a live interview。 I hope good old Brad speeds it up。〃

He got his wish within minutes。 As Chloe sat back; the long…winded state
representative transferred the podium to 〃my illustrious colleague in
the New Hampshire state government;〃 and Howard took the reins。

Chloe did take notes。 It was the one way she could keep her thoughts in
the present and her eyes away from Ross。 Once upon a time; he had played
a cataclysmic role in her life。 So much had happened since that night。

When Howard finished delivering a poignant plea for the preservation of
the coast; the croents that had
less to do with scientific matters; than practical ones。 They wanted to
know things like how increased tax revenues would be used to benefit
local residents; and who would pay for the added police and fire
coverage that would be necessary; given the proportions of the Rye Beach

It was closer to ten…forty before Howard was allowed to leave the
microphone。 To Chloe; with a frantic look at the time; he said; 〃Thanks
again; Chloe。 Think you can cover for me here a few minutes longer?〃

〃Sure thing; if I can ansy field is geology; not

〃Don't underestimate yourself。 Why not change your mind and spend the
night? There are a number of nice inns close by。 It'll be a long drive
back to Rhode Island alone。〃

She was touched by his worry; but confident。 〃I'll be fine。 Driving
relaxes me。 I have plenty of unwinding to do。〃 A movement in the corner
of her eye reminded her of the source of her tension。 She ignored the
tall figure who approached for all she was worth。 〃Go on now; Senator。
You'll be late。〃

Howard's expression was wry。 〃I already am。 Take care。〃 He shot a glance
at Ross。 〃Let me know what happens。〃

Chloe found no humor in his double meaning; particularly with Ross
suddenly at her side。 〃I think they'd like to ask us a few more
questions;〃 he said and she suddenly wished Howard had stayed; if only
to serve as a buffer。 She was on her own now。

With a forced smile; she stood。 〃Fine;〃 was all she was able to murmur
as she walked to the podium。

Luck  the audience came quickly;
reimmersing her into the world of coastal geology。 She parried the
onslaught with ease; rising to meet the challenge in spite of an unease
in the pit of her stomach。 It was only when a question was directed at
Ross that she let herself look at him again。 The breadth of his
shoulders was more marked now that his jacket was open and pulled back
by the hand in his trousers' pocket。 His other hand rested on the
podium; fingers long and straight; tanned; relaxed。

Several questions later; a gruff…looking local came forward。 〃I have a
question for Ms。 Macdaniel;〃 he said in a forceful voice。 It brought her
mind back; along with a certain wariness。 〃Yes?〃

He stared straight at her。 〃I want to know what makes you qualified to
be a consultant。 You look awful young and awful pretty。〃 His words took
on a faint sneer。 〃What's with you and Wolschinski? Are you a regular on
his payroll?〃

A murmur of dismay passed through the audience。 It was small solace for
the shock Chloe felt。 In the past she'd had to defend her qualifications
on occasion; but never in the wake of such a crude insinuation。

Poise and professionalism were called for; and she mustered them up。 But
when she opened her mouth to speak; Ross beat her to the mike。

〃I believe;〃 he said in a hard voice; 〃that your question has no

〃Excuse me for interrupting; Mr。 Stephenson。〃 She leaned toward the
mike; looking at Ross for the first time entirely in the context of the
present。 〃I would 
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