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She was distracted as the evening waned; unaware of looks of concern
sent her way。 When Lee said; 〃I'm takin' off now; Chloe;〃 she was
startled。 Her head came up。 Unsure; she straightened。

〃I'm sorry;〃 she apologized softly。 〃I'm afraid I haven't been much
help。 We haven't even gone over those things we should have。〃

〃No problem。〃 He smiled。 〃We'll do it tomorrow。〃 Taking his cue from the
disquieted look in her eyes; he turned to Ross。 〃Are you staying here



They spoke at the same time。 Chloe hurried on。 〃No; Ross。 You can't stay
here。〃 She was determined。 〃There's one bedroom and one bed; and I need

〃Why don't you stay with me; friend?〃 Lee offered…and for the second
time that evening; Chloe could have disowned him。 She wanted Ross to
leave。 Out of sight was out of mind。 Lee's offer only plicated

Naturally; Ross accepted the invitation。 〃No imposition?〃

〃No imposition。 The sofa in the living room opens into a bed。 The back
door will be open。 Chloe will point you in the right direction。〃 Before
she could protest; Lee reached the door。 〃Good night; folks。〃 He
grinned; letting himself out with a flourish。

With a steadying breath; Chloe settled deeper into her high…backed
chair; tucked her feet under her; forced her fingers to relax against
the broad wicker arms; and looked across the room at Ross。

He spoke softly。 〃You really do look like a princess in that chair。
Those peacock markings could as easily be a crown of gold as a swirl of
wicker。 Are you fortable?〃 His eyes were gleaming; mocking。

〃No;〃 she answered honestly。 〃You know I'm not。〃

His grin held no apology。 〃That's a shame。 I don't want you to be
miserable through the entire weekend。〃

〃You can't stay all weekend!〃

〃Why not? I have a place to sleep。 That Lee's a good guy。〃

〃Too good!〃 she grumbled。 〃I thought I could trust him。〃

Ross sat forward; elbows on his thighs; fingers steepled。 〃That's what
puzzles me。 I'm sure you can trust him; but I can't figure out for the
life of me why。〃

Chloe instantly came to Lee's defense。 〃He's been a true friend to me。〃

〃Why only a true friend? Why not a lover?〃

〃Lee doesn't want that from a woman。〃

〃You mean; he prefers…〃

〃No。 No; Ross。 Don't twist things。〃 Beneath his stare; her own insides
twisted。 〃Lee was married once。 He has two children。 He and his wife
divorced five years ago。 She lives in St。 Louis。〃

〃Ah。 Once burned 。。。 okay; I'll accept that。〃

〃How kind;〃 she murmured; but she was annoyed enough to see an opening
and take it。 〃What about you? In the eleven years since I knew you when;
what have you done along similar lines? Should I assume you've developed
odd preferences?〃

The instant she said it; she knew it was a mistake。 Good humor faded
fast from Ross's face。 When he stood and approached her; she struggled
to avoid cringing into the chair。 There was a hard look to him。

〃Would that make you trust me more?〃 he murmured。 He towered above her
for a minute; then bent over。 His hands covered hers on the arms of the
chair。 His face was too near。 〃Sorry to disappoint you; but my
preferences are still for the opposite sex。〃 His lips moved closer。
Chloe looked down to escape them; but his long body filled her view。
Everywhere she moved her eyes; she saw him; one point more alarming than
the next。 If it wasn't the vee of his chest; with its wisps of dark hair
edging alongside the tab of his collar; it was the breadth of his
shoulders or the lean tapering of his middle or the casual set of his
hips。 Those hips told their own story。 She tore her gaze away;
pletely convinced of his preference。

He grinned。 〃Any further questions?〃

The slight shake of her head was enough to bring his lips into contact
with her cheek; and Chloe was suddenly conflicted。 Pull away。 Move
closer。 Keep your eyes shut。 Look at him。 Look at him。 Look at him。

She looked。 His eyes held gentleness now。 And the same desire she felt。
So close。 So far away。 〃Kiss me。 Don't。

He did。 Very; very lightly。 A ghost of a touch with shuddering
intensity。 Chloe's eyes were shut; her lips parted。 To taste him once
more  。。。 When he kissed her again; his tenderness incited her need。 She
moved closer; clung to him with her own lips; drank in the tang of his
mouth; so moist and strong yet soft。 His tongue touched hers briefly
before he raised his head。

〃Definitely my preference。〃 He spoke thickly; his breathing uneven。

Chloe was momentarily disoriented。 It was a minute before reality
returned。 Then she was appalled。 〃What am I doing?〃 she asked; not
realizing she'd spoken aloud。 〃What am I doing?〃

〃Letting yourself live;〃 came the husky but gentle declaration。

Burying her face in her hands; she struggled to understand what had just
happened。 She couldn't face him; much less herself。 Easier to hide
behind the cascade of hair that fell forward; shielding her from the

Lost in silent self…reproach Chloe was unaware that he had moved away
and returned to the sofa。 He was waiting; listening; when she finally
raised her head。

〃Why are you doing this to me?〃 she pleaded softly。 〃Why can't you just
leave me alone?〃

He frowned。 〃Funny; I've asked myself the same question a dozen times in
the last two weeks。〃 He studied his knuckles; seeming to struggle。 〃It's
like for the first time in years; I care。〃

〃What do you mean?〃 she asked falteringly。

〃You asked me what I've done with myself during the past years。〃 He gave
a snort of disgust。 〃I haven't been quite as noble as you。 There have
been women over the years。〃

She had assumed that; and felt no resentment。 There was a certain solace
in the knowledge that when all was said and done; he was still attracted
to her。 After all; he was magnificent。 More than one of those women must
have tried to tie him down。

〃Didn't you find anyone special?〃 she asked quietly。

Ross ore than others。 But; no; there
was no one special。 No one who meant enough to tempt me to change my
lifestyle。 I'm on the road all the time。 I do own an old brownstone in
Manhattan; but I doubt if I spend a total of three months a year there。
Hotel rooms; friends' apartments; rented suites…that's been home for the
past few years。〃

〃It served your purpose。〃

〃Yes。〃 The amber eyes that held hers pierced her heart。 They said much
more; all of it silent; all of it mind bending。 In the insanity of a
fleeting instant; she wanted 。。。 she wanted 。。。 What did she want?

Ross sighed。 〃I am a successful businessman。〃 It was a statement of
fact; devoid of arrogance。 〃But that's not enough。〃

She followed his thoughts。 〃I can't help you; Ross。〃

〃Can't? 〃

〃Won't。 If you're looking for a wife and a family; a home in the
country; maybe a few dogs and horses; even sheep; you'll have to look
elsewhere。 I can't be anything but this。〃

His gaze sharpened。 〃Did I mention those things? Or are they what you
wanted once? Haven't you ever wished for a husband who loves you;
children; pets; friends; property? What do you want from life?〃

〃What I have right now。 I don't want to look back; and I won't look
ahead。 I like this life。 I'm content。〃

〃Are you?〃 he challenged。 〃Don't you ever stop to wonder what it might
have been like…〃

〃No;〃 Chloe said with force and pushed herself out of the chair。 〃I
didn't ask you to e here; Ross。 I didn't ask you to stay。 As of right
now〃…she pointed at the floor for emphasis…〃I don't care what you do;
but don't expect to change the way I see the world and my life。 I've
done just fine on my own for the past eleven years。 I plan to do it a
while longer。〃 Her hand was shaking。 She jammed it into the back pocket
of her jeans。 〃I'm going to bed。 Let yourself out。〃 With a whirl that
sent her hair flaring out behind; she strode from the room; ran up the
stairs to her room; and firmly closed the door。

Trembling uncontrollably; she collapsed onto the bed and stared at the
ceiling。 Her ragged breathing was the only sound that broke the night's
quiet…that; and the opening and closing of the front door when Ross left
the house。

For what seemed like hours she agonized; locked in silent battle with a
horde of private ghosts。 If only she had never seen Ross again。 To be
free; once more; of this gnawing at mind and body。

But she had seen him again and; if he stuck to his plan; would see more
of him before he left。 There was only one solution; as she saw it。
Indifference。 What man would put up with that for long? Indifference。 It
would turn him off; wouldn't it? Surely then he would leave her in

She awoke the next morning on an optimistic note; showered; dressed; and
sailed downstairs for breakfast。 It was with momentary dismay that she
found her kitchen in use…until she recalled the night's resolve; tilted
up her chin; and advanced。

〃Ah;〃 she said as she helped herself to a cup of the coffee he had
brewed; 〃 you've made yourself at home。〃

His grin was as bright as the morning sun that slanted across the porch
beyond the screen。 〃It's a luxury。 I'm enjoying it。 It's not every day
that I get to putter around a cozy kitchen; much less wait on a

〃Flattery will get you nowhere。〃 She hoped; prayed it was so。 By way of
diversion; she eyed the stove。 〃Bacon; eggs; home fries? You're going to
eat all that?〃

〃With your help。〃

〃Ohhhh; no。 After a breakfast like that I'd barely be able to keep my
eyes open。 I have too many things to do…〃

〃…for which you need energy。 And; anyway;〃 he called over his shoulder
as he turned the bacon; 〃if you don't eat breakfasts like this; why such
a full stock of goodies? Lee's refrigerator was bare。〃

〃So that's it; huh?〃 she asked; eyes narrowing。 〃You're starved and my
old buddy Lee couldn't help you out?〃 She chuckled。 〃Lee eats out。 A


〃Do you see him here now?〃 she shot back。

〃haven't seen him today; period。 He's not upstairs; is he?〃

Shaking her head; she turned toward the large bay window; whose broad
seat was her favorite perch。 〃That doesn't deserve an answer。〃

Sipping her coffee; she spoke absently。 〃As for the state of my ice box;
I eat in。 A lot。 Eggs make terrific dinner omelets; bacon a great BLT;
and potatoes are most definitely to be baked; then scooped; mashed with
a little Parmesan cheese and cream; restuffed; dotted with butter; and
broiled until delicately browned on top。〃

The silence that followed her recitation was enough to get her to look
back。 Ross's expression was one of amused astonishment。 〃You must have
memorized the cookbook。〃

〃No。 I just happen to like my potatoes that way; and I do it a lot。〃

Ross leaned back against the counter; arms folded across his chest。
〃Would you make them like that for me some time…maybe with a few lamb
chops; some fresh broccoli; a little wine?〃

He looked dangerous; newly showered and wearing jeans and a black
turtleneck sweater。 But Chloe had taken a vow of indifference。 He's just
a friend; she told herself; no different from Lee。 Calmly enough; she
said; 〃I make a meal of the potatoes。 If you'd like to do up the rest;
be my guest。〃 She settled on the window seat and looked out at the
beach。 〃It's another beautiful day。〃

〃Uh…huh。〃 His v
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